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MOTU Digital Performer 10
MOTU Digital Performer 10

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque MOTU appartenant à la série Digital Performer

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Sujet DP 10.1 est en ligne

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Sujet de la discussion DP 10.1 est en ligne
New features introduced in version 10.1
Clips in tracks
• You can now put clips in tracks so they play at the desired time without having to queue them manually in the Clips window.
• Edit clips in tracks with all of the same methods you're accustomed to when editing soundbites: split, trim, drag and drop, edge edit, copy/paste and more.
• Drag the trailing edge of a clip right to reveal additional repeats of the clip's looped section.
• Drag the leading edge of a clip left to either a) make space for grace notes, fills and other pre-loop content (if the clip start point is set prior to the loop start), or b) reveal additional loop iterations, similar to dragging
the right edge (if the clip start is within the loop range).
• Double-click a clip to open it in the clip editor.
• Use the new Pack command to move selected data out of a track and into a new clip at the same time
within the track.
• Use Unpack to delete a clip and place its contents at the same time within the track.
Capture played clips to tracks
• You can record the clips you trigger in the Clips window into tracks for later playback, recreating your performance.
Record MIDI into a track clip
• When recording into a MIDI track, you now have the option to record the MIDI data into a new clip within the track.
• A new preference (MIDI Options > Record MIDI in Tracks as Clips) allows you to disable this and go back to traditional MIDI recording where the events go directly into the track.
Record in the clips window
• You can now record directly into an empty slot in the Clips window.
• In Clip Record mode (option/alt-click the main record button), you can record directly into an existing clip
or an empty slot in the Clips Window.
• If you are capturing clip playback to tracks, any new clips you record into the Clips window can additionally
be captured into tracks as you record them.
Memory Cycle and Auto Record strips in SE and GE's
• Memory Cycle points are no longer small icons in the time ruler. Instead, they appear in a new strip and colored bar.
• Same for Auto Record Punch-in/out. It's now a strip with a colored bar.
Enhanced zooming gestures
• Zoom with the two-finger pinch gesture on your track pad.
• Pinch to zoom in the pitch ruler.
• Hold option (alt on Windows) to zoom with the mouse wheel. Mouse Wheel now makes the Song Pane
• To zoom pitches in the grid, use control + alt + mouse wheel.
Enhanced piano roll marquee (arrow tool)
• Midi piano roll marquee now selects notes when overlapping any part of the note, not just the head.
Automatically zoom MIDI notes
• You can now set individual MIDI tracks to zoom pitch automatically in the sequence editor so all notes are visible.
Larger MIDI data icons
• MIDI note velocity, controller, pitch bend and other data types are now larger and easier to click on in the MIDI editor and the Sequence editor.
• Note velocities now appear with a trailing line corresponding to the note duration.
Velocity tool
• Edit note velocities directly in the piano roll with the new velocity tool. The velocity tool also provides an easier way to edit velocities in the continuous data editor, modifying any number of notes at once with a single gesture.
Hand tool
• Scroll precisely and intuitively with the new Hand tool.
Retrospective MIDI Record
• Digital Performer is always capturing MIDI input, even when the main transport is not recording.
• This happens during normal playback and even when the main transport is completely stopped.
• This is extremely useful if you forgot to press the master Record button before playing...or if you prefer to
improvise freely, on the fly.
• To insert captured material into a track, record-enable the track or open the MIDI Editor or Drum Editor,
then choose Region menu > Retrospective MIDI Record.
• If the material was captured while the transport was rolling, it is placed in the track at the time it was
• If the material was captured while the transport was stopped, simply place the playback wiper at the
desired location in the track, and it will be inserted there.
• To insert the material in the Clips window, right-click on any cell and choose Retrospective Record from
the menu.
• If the cell was empty, the captured material is inserted into a new clip.
• If the cell already had a clip in it, the new material is merged into the existing clip.
Bounce to Disk enhancements
• You can now choose to bounce in real time or faster than real time (with the Offline bounce option).
• The new "Bounce Includes Audio Patch Thru" option allows you to include monitored inputs (from VI's or
live external sources, for example) while bouncing, either in real-time or offline.
• You can now bounce multiple files (stems) in a single operation.
• You can now choose to bounce tracks, outputs or both during a single bounce operation.
• When bouncing tracks, you have the option of matching the channel format of the track or the track's
output (for example, a mono track assigned to a stereo output).
Interpolate chased automation events when editing
• Added a preference in the Event Chasing window to interpolate automation events at edit boundaries, thereby preserving the surrounding automation curves. (This preference is enabled by default.)
• When enabled, copying track data selections will interpolate ramp-style automation events at the selection boundaries and include them when pasting, merging, splicing, or shifting the clipboard data.
• Additionally, DP will interpolate automation events at the paste/merge/splice/shift destination boundaries.
• This new preference improves on and replaces a similar feature that was previously enabled and disabled
by turning Smart Selections on and off.
Performance Optimizations
• Improved drawing speed when using marquee selection in the MIDI editor.
• Improved speed when cutting / deleting selected events.
• Improved speed of sequence editor updates when the selection changes.
• Improved speed and responsiveness when dragging soundbites in the sequence editor.
• Improved scrolling efficiency in the Tracks Overview.
• Make pitch scrolling much faster in the MIDI Editor, Sequence Editor, and Clip Editor.
• Don't redraw the entire track grid when "deselect all" is called and only a small number of pixels need to
• Improved the speed of Clips window selection changes during marquee mouse tracking.
• Made horizontal scrolling more usable in large projects by avoiding computations for strips that aren't even
• Don't redraw the cursor info panel's layout each time the mouse moves - it's too slow to do it that
frequently. Only update the information it's displaying. This should fix the sluggish response when dragging

the wiper and when scrolling vertically in the sequence editor, as well as an issue where the counter would
stop updating while moving the mouse cursor in a window with lots of data.
• Improved responsiveness of clicking on menus, especially on 4K displays.
• Small optimization in the track selector command handler.
• Fixed a few places where the sequence editor was being redrawn unnecessarily.
• Added a number of miscellaneous UI-efficiency improvements.
• Speed up for SE views densely populated with soundbites.
• Fixed a bug where DP would become unresponsive when the sequence editor had a huge number of
automation points to draw.
• Made automation point drawing much faster.
• Fixed a bug where the graphic editors would redraw twice when changing the time zoom via a command
(would redraw once at the old level and again at the new level).
• Improved the speed of changing the MIDI Editor's master track.
• Improved continuous data editing efficiency in the MIDI Editor by not redrawing the note grid for selection
changes that don't involve notes.
• Added some optimizations for continuous data mouse tracking operations.
• Fixed a bug where the entire Tracks Overview would redraw when scrolling if the scrolled viewport edges
mapped to fractional device pixels. This can happen when the UI scale factor is not an integer; a padding
region is redrawn around the viewport in this case.
• Dramatically improved drawing speed when dragging the scroll bar to the right while lots of velocity icons
are showing.
• Improved the speed of opening selected tracks in the MIDI Editor.
• Improved the speed of changing track visibility in the Clips Window track selector when there are lots of
tracks in the sequence.
Additional enhancements
• All MOTU-supplied plugins and data bundles are now contained within Digital Performer's application bundle, so new versions of DP won't overwrite earlier versions' plugins. Digital Performer still looks for and loads third-party plugins from the same locations as before.
• Update "saving old file in new format" warning dialog to include the minor version number instead of just "DP 10".
• When reading or writing key bindings, bindings involving the delete key are only forcibly considered non- custom if they have no modifiers. Bindings to delete and any combination of modifiers are treated just like any other binding. This means that customers' custom key bindings involving the delete key will no longer disappear when they get a new version of DP.
• Added new document templates and removed the old ones.
• Auto grid snapping is now a global preference, so if you don’t want to use it, you only have to disable it
once, ever.
• Added a "Clippings" preference section to the preferences window with an option controlling whether bus
bundles are remapped when importing track data clippings.
• Save the value of View > "Show Only The Active Edit Type" in a preference so it doesn't get lost every time
you quit DP.
• Removed "Show Active Layer Only" from the sequence editor's mini-menu because it now lives in the
View menu.
• Added a preference to draw rectangular MIDI notes for improved speed and better visual alignment of the
start time.
• Change the default preference value of "Create new bus bundles when importing track data clippings" to
• Input quantize settings are now saved as a preference, so they persist after quitting and reopening DP.
• Removed the 'Upgrading Command Bindings' preference panel section - the preference has had no effect
since 2010.
• Added a preference to enable or disable note velocity duration bars in the MIDI editor continuous data
• Added a new preference for audio audition volume. It's in the audio options pref section.
• Updated the track type-specific default color preferences so they aren't all set to the same color. Also
change the default preference for "Assign new tracks..." to "to the same color / use different colors for
different track types."
• Added a new preference in the Automation Setup window to "send default volume and pan to MIDI
destinations when playback starts". When enabled, MIDI tracks that do not have volume / pan events in the track (and are not controlled by a VCA track with volume automation) will send their current channel strip volume and pan values to their MIDI destinations when starting playback. The preference defaults to "off," which should prevent an issue where VI tracks that had been mixed in the plugin GUI have their volume and pan paremeters reset to the Mixing Board state when starting playback.
• Allow users to change the scrolling speed in Preferences -> Scrolling and Zooming.

• Update the track type-specific default color preference so that they aren't all set to the same color. Also change the default preference for "Assign new tracks..." to "to the same color / use different colors for different track types."
• Removed the default MIDI command bindings.
• The Chunk List window now allows you to set a color for each chunk.
• Updated how Chunk colors are set by default.
• Reordered the Chunks window columns.
• Tweak the default document window cell focus ring color to be slightly more visible.
• Changed the color of muted midi notes to make it easier to see which are muted and which are not.
• The Tracks Overview and Sequence Editor windows will swap the background and data color of the clip
event currently shown in the clip editor to make it easier to discern at a glance which clip is being edited.
• Continuous data now correctly follows the color set in View > Colors > Set Continuous Data Color.
• Muted notes are now translucent.
• Now you can change CC and Midi data colors in the Legend window.
• New Default colors for CC and MIDI Data.
• Made the non-active automation data types transparent in line mode, making it easier to see and edit the
active data type.
• Allow changing track record enables while playing and recording without glitching.
• Modified the control panel buffer size popup menu to cause less of a disturbance in the audio system
(plug-in samples should no longer reload).
• Replaced the cycle/auto-record indicators in the Sequence Editor, MIDI editor, Tracks window and loop/clip
start indicators in the Clip Editor with lanes under the time ruler to more easily edit those parameters.
• When the transport record button is engaged, it will flash while no tracks are record-enabled and none are
capturing clip playback in the clips window.
The strip type popup menu at the bottom of the clip editor footer will automatically update itself after a new
data type is recorded into a clip. This should make it easier to verify that a new type was recorded if "Show
only active edit types" is enabled for the clip editor.
• Reduce time required to reset MAS when the user has specified a large number of buses.
• Added a way for bounce to disk to include audio patch-thru. The setting is in the bounce settings menu.
• Added a new kind of Snip "Snip And Adjust Note Duration".
• The I-Beam now allows multi track selection.
• Tweaked the auto grid to better support a wider variety of meters and meter changes.
• The Duplicate command now works with event ("object") selections in addition to time range selections.
This is good for quickly repeating soundbites and clips in the sequence editor.
• In the Sequence Editor, "Zoom To Selection" will now zoom so that the selected tracks fill the window. The
old behavior is available via a new command named "Zoom to Selected Time Range.”
• MIDI automation now snaps to high, low and zero position in its grid when you hold control while dragging.
• Added the ability to constrain to H or V scrolling by holding control. Also added a preference to invert this
so it is locked and hold control to unlock scrolling (Preferences > Scrolling and Zooming > Scrolling With
• Revamped the drag auto-scroll logic to make it more controllable when dragging past the edge of the
pane. It now scrolls slowly when you're just a little bit past the edge, and smoothly begins to go faster as you move farther past the edge. This change applies in the sequence editor, MIDI editor, clips window and tracks overview.
• Revamped list scrolling to make it more controllable
• Disabled the "Move controllers with notes" setting by default in the input quantize window.
• Using the "Zoom To Default Zoom" command in the clip editor will center the editor on the playable region
of the clip, as if it were the first time opening the clip for editing.
• Updated additional parts of the program to use the new smoother and more controllable autoscrolling
feature: scrub tool, velocity tool in continuous data editor, scissor tool, pencil tool, mute tool, drum reshape
tool, drum rhythm tool, median strip, marker strip, loop strip, sndbite drag out, MIDI editor selection.
• Made autoscroll speed more controllable when dragging wipers.
• Changed the "move controllers with notes" feature of the quantize effect to only insert events that were
synthesized on note boundaries if those events differ in value from the event of that type immediately preceding it. This should prevent an issue where one CC64 "pedal down" event becomes many CC64 "pedal down" events due to note boundary chasing.
• Made it so that when the clip editor opens an empty MIDI clip for the first time, it centers the pitch zoom around C3 in the same way as auto zoom does in the Sequence Editor.
• The clip editor now displays the snap info bar at the top, so you don't have to go all the way to the snap information window to change the grid settings.
• Made the clip editor grid settings unique per sequence rather than per clip. This way they are retained when switching the clip editor target (within the same sequence).
• Enabled vertical zoom for MIDI tracks in the clip editor.
• Added cursor info and event info bars to the clip editor.
Oui, du coup j'ai mis en ligne ce document pour ceux qui veulent le récupérer .

Il s'agit d'une update majeure; ce document comporte pas moins de 5 pages où sont listés surtout les bugs corrigés et nouveautés diverses dans cette version 10.1. _ C'est un beau cadeau de Nœl pour les utilisateurs de D.P. 10 _

C'est une impression mais l'Application de MOTU réagit incroyablement rapidement désormais .
Une précision: cette update écrase la version précédente de D.P. 10 _

[ Dernière édition du message le 12/12/2019 à 10:28:02 ]