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PreSonus Studio One 2 Professional
PreSonus Studio One 2 Professional

Sujet Studio One 2 v2.05 en ligne avec....enfin le manuel traduit en français, merci qui?

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Sujet de la discussion Studio One 2 v2.05 en ligne avec....enfin le manuel traduit en français, merci qui?
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Studio One 2 v2.05 vient tout juste d'arriver.
La grande nouvelle en plus des nombreuses améliorations et changements, c'est que PreSonus a su écouter notre appel et a enfin traduit le manuel dans la langue de molière.

Voici la liste (en anglais) des améliorations et des bugs qui sont résolus.
• Ampire™ XT amp models were reworked for better sound
• Any command can now be assigned to any MIDI CC message.
• Markers have a Stop flag that stops playback at the marker.
• Manual now available in German, Japanese, Spanish, and French
• Exchange and Sound Set Builder now supported in Artist version
• Audio-file resampling during playback now uses the audio cache, reducing CPU usage in some cases.
• Dithering is now applied to 24-bit audio files if the dithering option is on.
• Tracks can be resized horizontally in the arrangement
• Added two new track heights: Overview and Minimal (these make tracks very slender so you can see more tracks at once)
• Retains channel settings and automation when replacing an instrument in an Instrument track.
• Performance meter adds RAM usage display (in 32-bit version)
• Tape Style monitoring option (Options/Advanced/Devices) mutes playback on audio track
• Transform now always uses 32-bit floating-point math
• Now shows file size in Exchange-item previews
• Events with bend markers are bounced to a new file before editing in Melodyne
• You can right-click on an event to remove Melodyne
• If you close a song without saving, a list shows which files will be deleted
• Expand Folder command is now in contextual menu
• Tab to transients in Audio parts
• Next and Previous Track commands added to FaderPort (shift + left/right channel buttons)
• Save FX on/off state in FX Chains
• Product keys from user account are listed in the Activation window

The 2.0.5 update fixes the following issues:
• Event FX delay compensation fixed
• Had multiple crossfades when comping within the same time range
• Take selection did not respect event resize
• Folders for Universal Audio UAD plug-in preset-sorting was incorrect
• Problems with missing file dialog
• Wrong event size in Audio parts after changing tempo
• Split Events moved new event to back
• Event FX freeze moved the event out of an Audio part
• Keyboard shortcut for “Remove Track and Instrument” didn’t work
• Audition of moved notes in Editor was not using note velocity
• Layer change while recording created doubled events
• Crashed using audio interfaces with only a mono input (e.g., Apogee One)
• Event FX restore had wrong length
• FX channel was not mapped to bus when “Add Bus for selected channels” was used
• Stretch event state was not saved with Audio loop
• Problem with mute-automation writing on grouped tracks
• Controller recording with VST3 version of VSL plug-in could not be recorded on multiple channels
• Move to Cursor removed shared copy of Instrument part
• Bend marker did not hold position when it was moved toward its original position
• Invisible bend marker was used for Tab to Transients (not used now)
• Old loop range was not restored after auditioning range on a layer
• SFZ files were copied to media folder (now are not copied)
• IR Maker: Displayed wrong default IR Length
• Gate: Release time was not restored
• Impact: Sync mode and transpose issues
• There was no real-time Image Export in Project page
• Save was not enabled when volume was adjusted in Project page
• [Windows®] Sample-rate change was not working correctly for Focusrite Sapphire interfaces
• [Mac® OS X] Dynamics-processing graph had the wrong popup-menu placement on a second monitor screen
• [mac OS X] Some AU plug-in parameters could not be used with automation
• [mac OS X] 64-bit VST plug-ins made with JUCE had gray GUI (e.g., Blue Cat Audio or Cytomic Glue)
• [mac OS X] When restoring Transform event to original, AU plug-in settings were not restored

[ Dernière édition du message le 11/04/2012 à 20:42:31 ]

Dans Exchange il y a une extension en Beta, elle sert a faire de macro pour les taches repetitives.
Merci NatSpace :bravo:

[ Dernière édition du message le 25/06/2012 à 23:29:32 ]

slt, où peut-on trouver ce manuel de studio one en français ? Est-ce le manuel complet en français ou celui fourni lors de l'achat du logiciel ??
je cherche le manuel de référence de studio one pro 2 (en français si possible) car il ne figure pas sur le site!!

touche Alt-F1 dans S1 si tu parles du manuel (arrêté à la 2.6 si j'ai bonne mémoire).


[ Dernière édition du message le 25/01/2014 à 14:35:44 ]


merde, les mise a jours sont en anglais



non non (version officielle, je ne parle pas d'un truc de AIR ou autre ASSIGN), mais va dans le dossier "help" où tu l'as installé tout est là.