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Tangible Instruments Arpeggio
Tangible Instruments Arpeggio

Séquenceur hardware de la marque Tangible Instruments

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réactions à la news Arpeggio, arpégiateur et séquenceur portable

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Sujet de la discussion Arpeggio, arpégiateur et séquenceur portable
Nouveau venu dans le monde des instruments électroniques, Tangible Instruments s’apprête à lancer un arpégiateur et séquenceur matériel.

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non, pas encore

Y'a qu'une piste ou plusieurs ?????? :oo::oo::oo::oo::oo:
Une seule.


Bonjour à tous,

Je recherche des gens qui ont participés comme moi à la campagne de crowfunding et cela fait depuis le mois d'avril que j'attends cet arpeggio.
Malheureusement voici le mail du porteur de projet, j'exige en tout cas un remboursement !
Voici le mail :
" This update is based on our response to recent comments on the previous update.
Last month we called, emailed, texted, and messaged our engineer on every platform. No response. He lives about 100 miles away, so traveling a couple of hours and showing up at his place was something that had to be planned. We took a day to drive there with the plan of going to his apartment, knocking on the door, and waiting for him as long as we needed to until he showed up.
We arrived, knocked and no one answered. Our timing was incredibly serendipitous though, because we waited for around an hour outside and he arrived in a moving truck. He got out, went inside, and we knocked again. No response. We rang the doorbell. No response. We then proceeded to hold the doorbell down until he answered the door.
He seemed perturbed that we showed up out of nowhere and seemed only to be concerned that we had held the doorbell down until he answered. We told him that we were there to retrieve the hardware prototype, CAD files for the board and enclosure, other company property, and the firmware. He gave us a computer (which is not working and he didn’t tell us that it wasn’t working or why) and told us that the hardware prototype and firmware was already in Los Angeles (where we live). We tried to get an explanation about what was going on and he spent 10 minutes insisting that he didn’t have time to talk about it now and would call us within the month and wanted us to leave.
We are angry, frustrated, and blocked until he returns the intellectual and physical property. This was Tuesday, Nov 1st. He wouldn’t give us a new address so we decided to give him a short time to call us like he said he would. He hasn’t so we’re brainstorming other ways of getting the resources back that we need to continue the project.
We have every intention of getting someone to finish the work. In order to do that, we need to get the CAD files for the board and enclosure, the hardware prototype, and the firmware. Otherwise we will have to start from scratch and that’s not in the budget. If we can’t get him to return these materials, we will have to issue refunds.
We have payed him more than anyone else in the project to take the instrument from a standalone arduino based prototype to a bluetooth enabled instrument with a sophisticated pcb design. We trusted him to finish this and now we’re struggling just to get the physical and intellectual property back so that we can find someone else to finish it.
We’re pissed. Personally, I’m especially pissed because I’ve been working on this project for 4 years now and started it alone. I poured all of the time and money I had into learning about electronics, building the original prototype, and designing Arpeggio before he was involved. It has been my dream to start an electronic instrument company and this was supposed to be phase 1, instrument 1. Please believe me when I say that I’m doing everything that I legally and practically can to continue this effort."

Ouch ça sent le roussi cette histoire ... Que le porteur du projet se soit apparemment fait endormir (si facilement :?!: ) est une chose étrange, mais nulle part apparaît dans le texte une quelconque allusion à un hypothétique remboursement des gens qui ont participé au crowfunding ... D'ailleurs à un moment il dit : "I poured all of the time and money I had " , j'ai bien peur que ce soit une façon de laisser sous entendre qu'il ne doit pas être à même de rembourser qui que ce soit :|

Cela dit il ne jette pas l'éponge pour autant puisque à la fin il prétend faire tout son possible pour mener à bien le projet malgré tout ...

Il doit avoir une page FB j'imagine, ou un blog dédié à l'Arpeggio où toi et d'autres participants mécontents peuvent peut-être vous unir et trouver le moyen de "juridiquement" faire quelque chose afin de revoir l'argent que vous lui avez envoyé :noidea: Je l'espère en tout cas. Bon courage.
Et malgré ça il n'a pas désactivé le lien de pré-commande...
Sur Kickstarter le mec m'a répondu :

Tangible Instruments dit :
Hi Florian,
As stated previously, we can't offer refunds at this time as all of our Kickstarter funds have been allocated for our manufacturing run. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and delays.

Je suis deg, 170 euros parti pour rien... J'aurai du m'acheter un volca sample à la place :D

Il y a beaucoup de projets kickstarter qui foirent je trouve quand même...les campagnes laissent entendre qu'il ne s'agit que de lancer la production, que tout le boulot en amont est déjà réalisé, et puis en fait c'est toujours plus compliqué que prévu (ce dont je ne doute pas), c'est pour ça que demander à des particuliers de soutenir un projet non finalisé est "délicat" :/

Je fais partie des baisés...
