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Akai Professional MPC1000
Akai Professional MPC1000

Séquenceur Sampleur de la marque Akai Professional appartenant à la série MPC

FP User FP User
Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Akai took features from the MPC2000xl, and a few from the MPC4000 and made it compact. I like the fact that the 16 levels button is still there. It takes a little getting used to since you have to press the mode button then the pad with the corresponding function you want.

Price paid



Very easy. If you already know MPC's, this will be a piece of cake. Also not a bad piece for people just getting started. What I would have changed interface-wise is the usb connection. It would be nice to keep the usb connection and be able to go back to the main screen.

Never had a problem, throw it in the bag and head to the studio.


Just as good as my trusty 2000xl, just portable.


I love MPC's, especially this one. Portable, and powerful. I've heard a few guys dismiss the 1000 and say it's not a piece of gear to take seriously. To me that says you don't know how to use it. If space is an issue but you want something you can get some work done with, if you can't get the 2000xl, grab a 1000.

Originally posted on
Posted by: Stoutamire ( 8-, 2005)