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Akai Professional MPC1000
Akai Professional MPC1000

Séquenceur Sampleur de la marque Akai Professional appartenant à la série MPC

FP User FP User
Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Give me a tilt screen next time....but if that's all your complaining about, than you have problems.

Price paid



Give it two weeks and you should know every bitton and function, be patient.

Built like a rock, seriously, it's rather heavy.


Perfect, by far the best drum/sequencer/sampler out today for $1000. Use it beside a computer and simply drag and drop samples from your pc/mac straight to the MPC---then, straight to a pad. It comes with alot of great drums and bass to get you started. I recommend collecting more drums. I just can't say enough. It has f/x that are built in to the MPC. No extra $$ for the basic f/x. If you sample and cut files on a computer and want that hands on perfection of the industry standard of hip hop hardware.....then go buy an MPC1000. -Shamus in N.C.


Everyday, I can't get enough.

Originally posted on
Posted by: Shamus (January 0-, 2005)