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Akai Professional MPC1000
Akai Professional MPC1000

Séquenceur Sampleur de la marque Akai Professional appartenant à la série MPC

FP User FP User
Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
If you using this with a PC then you shouldn't have any problems. I use Soundforge to edit the samples and then copy and paste right onto the card with a card reader. Much easier and quicker than using the intergrated USB option

Price paid



This one is going to take you some time to get used to, but after 2 weeks of laying down tracks, you can have it on lock without even looking.

This unit looks like plastic on the computer but its seriously made out of solid steel. Unit has some weight on it for being so small


This mug bumps hard. What you sample in is exactly what comes out, with a little AKAI MPC sweetness!


Wouldn't do without it!

Originally posted on
Posted by: Smoothbassman (January 2-, 2005)