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réactions à la news Je m'appelle DeepMind12

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Sujet de la discussion Je m'appelle DeepMind12
Après une bonne dose de waouh, quelques aperçu des fonctions disponibles, Behringer dévoile aujourd’hui le nom de son synthétiseur analogique.

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tu as raison,

Mon propos n'a de sens que si on nous endort sur deepmind et qu'on a pas de nouvelles d'ici plusieurs semaines, sur les specs, sur le prix



[ Dernière édition du message le 03/08/2016 à 18:45:00 ]

Je comprends aussi votre point de vue, mais force est que Behringer c'est surtout autre chose que des synthés, en tout cas à ce jour ;);)
"So some of you might have voted for my band Vile Electrodes to play with The Orb and Happy Mondays. Thanks again. I'm also lucky enough to have a Behringer DeepMind 12 in my studio right now, and I know it's proving to be a popular (and possibly contentious) issue so I thought I'd write some of my first impressions down for those of you that are interested...

(This is all my own opinion. Other people may think different things!)

So the basic oscillators sound pretty huge to me for a polysynth (at least the ones i've got - mainly Junos/Korgs) DCO1 - Very buzzy sawtooth, more hollow (but still quite buzzy) square. DCO2 - hollow, but with tricks up it's sleeve! (more another time). With a bit of work, and using the amazing unison detuning and drifting abilities onboard, there were some very Oberheim-like sounds coming out. And I made a pretty good swirly string machine sound too, using the PMW, LFOs and onboard chorus and delays.

It's worth noting that I'm quite a synth purist and in isolation I wouldn't think these sounds were REAL OBXA or Solina strings. These oscillators are not going to sound like those of a vintage Model D. But then I don't think it's aimed at that. It's a polysynth, for playing chords and creating harmonic complexity using the keyboard as well as the sound creation tools. I think it does this REALLY well.

My point is that Junos tend to be good at making Juno sounds, and the fact that this can sound like a Juno, AND sound like an OB8 and an RS09 is a good thing. It's not a one-trick pony. Neither does it sound like a VA. To me, all the VA's i've played have had elements to the sound I don't like - artifacts, aliasing, a harshness, or whatever, I'm not an expert. That's why I tend not to use them. This SOUNDS analogue to me. it is also a LOT of fun, because the interface is very intuitive and quick to navigate. I've got no manual, but I don't need one, because it's all quite common sense.

About the effects. Some people have commented on how the onboard effects may well hide the inadequacies of the basic sounds. I've had several synths that do that, and it's true that it's much easier to stick some FX on a synth rather than get the sound right to begin with. As i've just said above, the basic sound is quite impressive, so I don't think that's the case, but the extra thing here is that these effects are VERY high quality algorithms and you can actually sculpt them to quite some degree, so they become PART of the sound rather than the froth on the top - this is the same thing that the DSI Pro2 (and I believe the Prophet 6) do with the onboard delays, and it really adds something. There is a total bypass if you don't want them.

In summary, there are people that will hate this synth because it ISN'T a Jupiter 8 or a Memorymoog (or an OB6 for that matter) and of course because of the brand. I was a bit of a doubter myself until I played it, and the joy is in being able to programme and play it. I've found it very inspiring. This is a completely new polysynth, NOT a remake or remodel, despite its Juno tracksuit.

I'm supposed to be mixing our new album, but I've been creating sounds and writing new songs on it all day. THAT's what it's like. THAT's what you need to know."
Citation :
meurtrière c'est encore une gentille oubliette :ptdr:

Tant que la meurtrière c est pas toi. sous la.neige ca fait shinning ....ce qui est une bonne inspiration pour composer certes
Citation de LN77 :
Citation :
meurtrière c'est encore une gentille oubliette :ptdr:

Tant que la meurtrière c est pas toi. sous la.neige ca fait shinning ....ce qui est une bonne inspiration pour composer certes

Ca c'est une phrase typique de quelqu'un qui n'y habite pas, lorsque l'on sait que pour aller acheter un pain il faut facilement 1 heure en été ça va, mais en hiver ....... icon_facepalm.gif
:-DOn échange nos habitations une semaine si tu veux. Ca me fera une residence isolée tranquillou et toi tu découvriras que le centre ville de marseille c est deja en soit de la musique industrielle/concrete....
Marseille ?
C'est pas devenus le Farwest de la France ? :-D
Oui soyons précis ne perdons pas le nord...
Ben en fait non contrairement a ce que peuvent montrer les medias c est plutôt tranquille au final....j ai un peu du mal a sampler les bruits de kalash y a une mauvaise reverbe dans ma rue :-D
Mais bon un western ca vaut bien un thriller fleur...

@tomma242 (un rapport avec front242?) :
Tu citais qui en anglais?
Citation :
@tomma242 (un rapport avec front242?) :
Tu citais qui en anglais?

Vile electrodes visiblement, un des Woaw artistes sur les trailers.