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Behringer UB-Xa

  • 608 réponses
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Sujet de la discussion Behringer UB-Xa
And the next...



"Dear all,

As many of you know, synths have been my passion for the past 40 years. Sometime ago I have set the goal for Behringer to bring back some of the loved analog synth jewels from the past.

Please allow me to share some thoughts with you and apologies if this is a longer thread.

Does this make any commercial sense?
Every company has to earn money in order to survive, and so do we. However, since we are privately owned, we don’t really care about the next quarter’s result or "shareholder value" since it is our philosophy to reinvest everything we earn.
This gives us the tremendous freedom to work on projects that can only be described as “labor of love” as they might not yield any financial gains. This is why we embark on these synth projects; some of them might not sell in high quantities and frankly to us it doesn’t really matter.
Many of our competitors spend all of their effort on marketing to make you believe in analog synth emulation simply because it’s much easier and cheaper to assemble a DSP chip on a PCB board rather than building products with thousands of analog components and deal with the manufacturing complexity plus expensive manual calibration processes.

However we at Behringer and Midas believe in the passion to revive these analog jewels and the fun these projects create for our team - which to us is worth everything.

Why we believe in analog?
We at Behringer do not believe in “virtual analog”, VST’s or other creative names for digital sound emulations as we are of the firm opinion that you cannot replicate true analog sound through digital technology, and there are many technical reasons for this. To be very clear, this doesn’t mean digital synths or VST’s can't sound great, but it is just something we don’t believe in.

Our passion and emotions are with true analog synths and our goal is to bring back the authentic sound of original designs from the period of the 60’s to the 80’s. In order to achieve the exact same sound, we will use the same circuitry and where possible the same components, however we will apply modern manufacturing technologies to make these instruments affordable, mass producible and reliable for the long-term use.
In many cases we will also remanufacture obsolete components if we feel they are relevant to the sound. In short we will not spare any effort in order to capture the spirit of these synths as it is all about authenticity.

Why do we make this announcement?
For the first time in our 30 year history, we have decided to completely open up our company and share every step of the development process with you so you can ask questions while we will be seeking your opinions.
In fact we want you to participate in this end-to-end process so we can learn from you, but also for you to fully understand how such a synth is developed and manufactured.

What is the UB-Xa synthesizer?
Over the past years we have done a lot of research both on forums but also through interviews with professional musicians in order to understand what the most sought after synths and drum machines are, but also what people feel the sound signatures of these synths are and why people feel so strongly about them.

When it comes to poly-synths the overwhelming request is a rebirth of the Oberheim OB-Xa.

Today I officially announce that we have decided that we will develop and produce an authentic OB-Xa clone which we call the UB-Xa. As you can imagine, this is a very complex and time-consuming project and at this stage we won’t be able to tell you when the instrument will be available in the market or what it will cost.

Since this is more a labor of love than a commercially viable project, our engineers can’t work fulltime on this synth and will use some of their free time, hence the project will likely take more than 12 months.
Most importantly, our goal is to make it an absolute authentic sounding instrument and offer it at a truly affordable price - but you know this already.

Because of its high complexity, we have assigned this project to our most experienced team which is the Midas team in Manchester, UK. These synth nuts and super-smart engineers - under the leadership of Pete and Rob - were also the ones who developed the successful DeepMind12.

So what’s next?
In around one week from now, Pete and Rob will post our first video and share some thoughts with you. Our intention is to not only post videos on a regular basis but also write articles and publish them on our social media pages so you can follow this project.
Now that we have decided on the project, next is the discussion around the basic concept, the feature set and also the building blocks including potential component choices. In the near future we will be able to show you the first “bread boards” of the sound engine and hopefully let you hear some sound samples.
Next will be PCB and mechanical designs, followed by hand- and tool made samples. And then of course we will be sharing the exciting mass production where we will be showing the production setup and testing plus quality control processes. And if you’re not yet bored by then, we can also show you the packaging and shipping process.

The team in Manchester and I are very excited about this project and we hope that many of you will chime in and participate.

And one more thing - once we’re nearing shipping, we will be raffling off some free units among you as a token of appreciation.

May the fun begin


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Citation de ipm

j'en sais fichtrement rien

Bon tempi... icon_volatilize.gif

S'il n'y a pas de solution, c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème.

Hors sujet :
Citation :
Je ne comprends pas : pour le VC 340, si on excepte le fait qu'il y a 1 octave en moins et que la couleur du bois est un peu plus rouge (comme sur le Deepmind), il me semble que le design est quasi identique non ?

Tu trouves vraiment qu'ils se ressemblent ?? C'est pas le tout la couleur...

Oui, effectivement il manque les deux trous pour mettre le porte-partition. Mais de toute façon aujourd'hui plus personne ne joue avec une partition... icon_mrgreen.gif

S'il n'y a pas de solution, c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème.

C'est vrai que la question du clavier est importante, j'espère que l'expérience du Deep Mind va permettre à Behringer de nous proposer un produit mieux finalisé. L'excellent Sledge 2 montre qu'on peut avoir un très bon clavier pour pas si cher. C'est une question de cahier des charges et là j'aimerais bien que Behringer nous en dise un peu plus sur le positionnement de ce produit : logiquement il devrait se positionner un peu au-dessus du deep mind 12 (prix à sa sortie). Alors 1200 euros? 1300 max ? Ce qui devrait le placer un peu en-dessous du System 8 ou du Prologue 8. Avec une polyphonie convenable et une bonne qualité de fabrication, un accès bien conçu à l'intérieur du synthé, cet UB-Xa devrait très bien se vendre. D'autant qu'il s'agira souvent d'un deuxième ou 3em synthé pour bcp d'entre nous (voir plus). Là encore c'est le son qui sera le juge de paix !

Old School et Electronica

Deux filles Arc en Ciel

[ Dernière édition du message le 16/01/2019 à 10:55:02 ]

Citation de gouji :
Hors sujet :
Citation :
Je ne comprends pas : pour le VC 340, si on excepte le fait qu'il y a 1 octave en moins et que la couleur du bois est un peu plus rouge (comme sur le Deepmind), il me semble que le design est quasi identique non ?

Tu trouves vraiment qu'ils se ressemblent ?? C'est pas le tout la couleur...

De même que pour l'OB/UB-XA, en effet le VC340 est moins large que le VP330. A part ça et les différences que j'ai mentionnées (octave, flancs), les boutons sont rigoureusement les mêmes et placés au même endroit, non ?

Quand je crée, ce n'est pas moi qui vais vers la toile, c'est la toile qui vient vers moi.

[ Dernière édition du message le 16/01/2019 à 13:53:36 ]

Tiens, il y a un Switch en plus entre les potards sur le panneau à coté du clavier du VC...

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




Citation de erewhon :
Tiens, il y a un Switch en plus entre les potards sur le panneau à coté du clavier du VC...
Logique, c'est pour la transposition...

Quand je crée, ce n'est pas moi qui vais vers la toile, c'est la toile qui vient vers moi.


franchement ca le fait ce modele... on connait l'implémentation midi? ca pourrait remplacer mon boutique VP03

Lennon, je parle du design global de l'instrument, pas uniquement de l'implantation et du nombre de boutons/potards présents (qui effectivement, pour le coup, sont quasi identiques) ;)

[ Dernière édition du message le 16/01/2019 à 15:03:33 ]

Citation de gouji :
Lennon, je parle du design global de l'instrument, pas uniquement de l'implantation et du nombre de boutons/potards présents (qui effectivement, pour le coup, sont quasi identiques) ;)

Le design global est quasi identique...;)