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Publié le 03/01/10 à 09:01(contenu en anglais)
The Oberheim OB-8 is an analog synth in Oberheim's classic line of synthesizers. The keyboard of the synth spans about four and a half octaves, which is pretty big for a synth of this nature. The synth is polyphonic up to eight voices and has 1/4 inch connections (there is no MIDI).
While upon first glance the Oberheim OB-8 may appear a bit overwhelming for those new to synths, everything is broken up into neat sections. The main sections of parameters for the OB-8 are pretty universal and include oscillation, filter, envelope, and modulation. There are a ton of different parameters to work with under each of these sections, so you'll definitely be occupied for a long time trying to explore this synth. I've never seen the manual for this, but would recommend having it or some sort of instructions around if you are new to analog synthesizers.
The amount of different sounds that are possible with the Oberheim OB-8 is mind bending. I haven't even begun to explore everything that this synth has to offer, as I feel I have just scraped the surface. I can say that all of the tones that I have used on the OB-8 have a consistent level of quality and analog 'fatness' that makes for a great overall synth. You seriously have complete control over the sounds that you are making because of all the different parameters. All of the synth sounds on the OB-8 are valid and useful for the most part, but my favorite type of synth sound that this is capable of would have to be the bass sounds as they are just so round and fat sounding.
Even if you are not primarily a keyboard player like myself, you should know about the OB-8. It is just one of those instruments that should be universally recognized by us in the industry and as players. If you are an analog buff, this is one of the holy grails of analog synths and is one that should be tried out by every synth player sooner or later. The price of the OB-8 varies, but is about right for a classic synth like this. Overall, I would recommend the Oberheim OB-8 to anyone interested in analog synths...
Publié le 22/05/09 à 03:19(contenu en anglais)
This analog synth is arguably the best synth I've ever played in my life. More versatile than most synths of its ilk, it's got some of the richest tones that I've ever heard come out of an electronic instrument. It's an eight-voice polyphonic synthesizer with controllers for all effects, including pitch, modulation, sustain, vibrato, tremolo, and others. It originally didn't come with midi but some have been retrofitted to use MIDI. Since these are not made anymore, they're really expensive, and you're just as likely to find one with MIDI as without. The original synth was able to connect to other OB synths through the digital buss system that Oberheim developed. This technology also allows the synth to connect to drum machines and sequencers, though only with particular models which I have not come across.
The setup isn't too difficult, and the manual is clear enough on how to operate it. Since it's an older piece of gear, the technology isn't too complex, and most people should be able to figure it out. The editing and effects can take some time to be able to manipulate with ease, but with practice it becomes a more natural process.
The sounds of the OB-8 are some of the most useful synth sounds I've ever used or seen used on recordings. They are known for replicating actual instrument sounds as much as creating their own warm, powerful, unique textures. They are particularly effective for adding huge low end to recordings, as well as providing other subtle textures. They avoid the cheesy sounds that most digital synths and 80s synths tend to produce. Its certainly the most expressive synth I've played and there isn't a single sound that I don't like. In fact I really like most of them, a few of them are nice but nothing I would use regularly. That being said, I'm sure we'll find a use even for those at the studio in the near future.
I've only recently started using this synth but I'm pretty much obsessed with it. It's quite an impressive piece of gear. As someone who used to cringe at the mere mention of synthesizers, I can honestly say it's the real deal. It's definitely way out of the price range of most people, but it's definitely up there with any Oberheim synthesizer in my opinion. I can't speak for all of them, but the few that I've heard are pretty comparable to this one. I've tried other synths but none compare in my opinion (except for the OB-4 and some of the other Oberheims). I can't tell anybody to pay the ridiculous price that they are inevitably going to end up paying, but I will say that if you want one analog synth, save up and get this one. You'll be glad you did.12Gofrancky
Publié le 05/09/07 à 15:22Caractéristiques :
Polyphonie - 8 voix
Oscillateurs - 2 vco par "voice": saw, pulse, triangle
Mémoire - 120 programmes de pièce rapportée, 12 programmes fendus, et 12 doubles programmes ; entreposable sur cassette externe;
Décharge de données du MIDI SysEx(en data dump)
Filtre - 2 pole permutable ou 4 pole VCF en ADSR
LFO - Triangle, Square, Ramp, Samp+Hold
Clavier - 61 clefs (peut être dédoublé ou doublé) ; aucune vitesse ou aftertouch
Arpeg/Seq - arpeggiator de 8 notes avec la source extérieure de synchro
Commande - MIDI (canaux 1-9) supplémentaire comme modification
Date de sotie - 1983 - 1985
La configuration générale n'estpas trop mal, on est vraiment dans du Ober…Lire la suiteCaractéristiques :
Polyphonie - 8 voix
Oscillateurs - 2 vco par "voice": saw, pulse, triangle
Mémoire - 120 programmes de pièce rapportée, 12 programmes fendus, et 12 doubles programmes ; entreposable sur cassette externe;
Décharge de données du MIDI SysEx(en data dump)
Filtre - 2 pole permutable ou 4 pole VCF en ADSR
LFO - Triangle, Square, Ramp, Samp+Hold
Clavier - 61 clefs (peut être dédoublé ou doublé) ; aucune vitesse ou aftertouch
Arpeg/Seq - arpeggiator de 8 notes avec la source extérieure de synchro
Commande - MIDI (canaux 1-9) supplémentaire comme modification
Date de sotie - 1983 - 1985
La configuration générale n'estpas trop mal, on est vraiment dans du Oberheim...On s'y fait très rapidement.
L'OB-8 est totalement programmable et a des sons très chauds
L'édition des sons est très facile,je n'ai même quasiment jamais touché au manuel.
Les sons que l'on aubtient avec sont tout simplemements monstrueux,c'est une véritable merveille(a mon humble avis).On a ici le vrai son "Analogue" des années 80.
Chacune de ces voix est de-tunenable et donne donc ainsi un son très épais et "chaud".
J'addore son arpégiateur(8 notes.
Des tonnes de commandes et d'effets de modulation des LFO sont possibles.Enffet a l'infifni.
Le bouton page 2 sert a assigner tout entier toutes les commandes du panneau avant à un deuxième ensemble de paramètres.
je trouve l'aftertouch excellent et le touché pour la vélocité est "fantastique".
(Il n'y en a pas !!!)
J'aime tous les sons qui en sortent...sans distinction.
Je l'utilise depuis 7 ans j'en ai même 2 !!!
j'aime la Gueule qu'il a,mais par dessus tout les nappes qu'il produit.
A l'époque ou je l'ai eu c'était mon premier dans cette gamme,par la suite j'ai éssayé ces prédécésseurs,c'est a dire ;OB-1,OB-Xa,OB-X,mais aucuns d'entre eux ne m'a autant convaincu que lui!!!.
Son prix,à l' époque était un peut "salé",Mais je n'ai jamais regretté mon achat.Je le referais volontié,aujourd'hui....Lire moins71