Sujet de la discussionPosté le 20/05/2011 à 06:55:59un nouvel os pour 2011
un nouvel os va arriver cette année!! info confirmée par joerg himself!
je vous met le petit entretient que leshrac a eu avec lui ( en anglais par contre..):
Jörg Schaaf wrote:As mentioned above - we will work on the Spectralis as soon as the ACC is finished. Beside the bug fixing we will add some nice features to the old chap
Leshrac wrote:
last "senseless" question ... is the accelerator "finished" when you ship it? so we can really expect a new OS for this year?
Jörg Schaaf wrote:Yes - you can expect a new firmware this year!! The assembling of the Accelerator starts next week. All parts are already produced, the circuit boards are assembled. The silk screening is done, even the cartons are ready for packaging. The firmware is almost finished now. We spent some extra days into the development of the Arpeggiator because we felt, that we should not publish the unit with that average standard Arpeggiator directions. The Arpeggiator is now a very special playground and kind of state of the art. It's a statement of a music machine lover
je pense que çà explique tout, elle lui prend toute son énergie et sa tune, si en plus ils font des enfants (çà coûte cher les enfants) ce sera définitivement rappé pour l'os.
Ne fallait-il pas sacrifier Dieu lui-même et, par cruauté vis-à-vis de soi-même, adorer la pierre, la bêtise, la lourdeur, le destin, le néant ? F. Nietzsche
[ Dernière édition du message le 27/01/2013 à 10:35:39 ]