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Roland Jupiter-80
Roland Jupiter-80

Clavier synthétiseur numérique de la marque Roland appartenant à la série Jupiter

AlanForPresident AlanForPresident

« o my.. »

Publié le 29/06/12 à 09:25
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The roland Jupiter 80 is a very expensive digital synth, I do not own this, a local producer has one of these and I get the chance from time to time to go to his production lab and mess with his equipment and I have even wrote songs there. After using the Roland Jupiter 80 I really don’t see why they had to make it so expensive, it is a great keyboard without a doubt, and its probably one of the best ones that I have seen from Roland ever, but the price just makes it impossible for the average person to obtain one of these. Also, all the times I have went to guitar center I have never even seen this board on display. The only way I heard about it is because the local producer has it here in town.


Its not the easiest keyboard to get used to, everything with it is complex and indepth. I am not sure if I would want to go through all of those options and menu’s if I had the board here at my house.


The best part about the roland Jupiter 80 is the sounds, thre are so many different sounds that come on it and so many of them are so good . I cant believe how good some of the rhods sound and the basses and the strings are perfect to me. I havent heard strings on any other keyboard sound as good as the did on the Jupiter 80. The strings alone made me want to sell some of my gear so I could afford to get the Jupiter 80. All of the sounds are really thick and full,.


Another Great thing about the Jupiter 80 is the size of the screen is a good size and it’s a color screen. Not all one screen color like the a lot of other boards. It has different colors for different options and it’s a touch screen. I didn’t even know it was a touch screen untill it was pointed out to me. This is a great board and I think any musician would love to have this, but can we really afford it? If you can it’s a no brainer buy it now.