Sujet de la discussionPosté le 28/04/2021 à 14:59:15Yamaha DX7 midi issues
Hi everyone,
I'll try to be quick and clear, I'm trying to send midi infos into my DX7. I'm trying to send it from ableton and a RME Fireface 400 sound card, cables have been checked and everything works percectly on other devices (elektron machinedrum, kenton pro solo to ms20, etc..). Everytime I go on FUNCTION and then press Button 8, I set SYS INFO AVAIL, i'm on Channel 1, and when I activate MIDI TRANSMIT? then the screen goes blank for 1,5sec and then back to MIDI TRANSMIT?
I can't ever get the "MIDI RECEIVED" screen.
It's a Yamaha DX7 model Mk1 in very good conditions...
Any help would be lovely
Nouvel·le AFfilié·e
Membre depuis 12 ans
2Posté le 28/04/2021 à 15:09:23
What EPROM version is your DX7? Press and hold FUNCTION and then 16 and 32. What does it say?
So what it is doing, when you hit "YES" in response to "MIDI TRANSMIT?", is doing a bulk dump (transmit). Basically sending all of the patches out over MIDI. What you experience is normal.
As long as you stick with MIDI CH 1 you *should* be OK (see below). You don't have to do anything special on the receive end, other than SYS INFO should be set to AVAIL, the MIDI CH should be 1 and the INTERNAL MEMORY PROTECT must be OFF. You can send the data to the DX7 at any time pretty much.
I know on some versions that the DX7 didn't implement the MIDI Channel # on both send and receive correctly and you might have an old firmware (EPROM) version. Here are some links:
Follow the 7 steps at the beginning for On the DX-7 at the reception side: because if you have the old EPROM chip, NOTE: Skipping Steps (6), (7) changes MlDl CH 1 to MlDl CH 2 at the receiver side (DX-7) and transmission/reception of voice data for all 32 voices cannot be effectuated. Yamaha, in their infinite wisdom, included the MIDI channel inside their bulk dumps.
If you want more help, there is a bigger group of English language DX7 folks at
Hi grantb5, thanks a lot for responding. I've tried what you sent me and apparently I still have the same issue.
Do you know what I am supposed to get when I go on button 14 for the check battery ? I get VOLT:2.7
I'll try to go on the bigger group you've been telling me about and check out if someone is able to help me....thank you very much anyway for the kind help !!!
Hi. 2.7v is fine. I think your problem is either cabling (perhaps the DX7 has a bad solder connection on the MIDI IN?) or user error. Seems like we've ruled the latter out and you are definitely using a good MIDI interface, so I don't know...