Le NTS2 ? Il me fait très envie, mais je ne sais pas à quel point il est "raccordable" à un synthé analo en standalone.
Normalement, il doit pouvoir injecter des formes d'ondes (LFO, enveloppes, trig, générateurs CV et OSC), ca me semble un bon compagnon mais je dois aussi analyser le truc
sinon j'ai contacté ELTA. Avant de faire une calibration, je préfère avoir leur avis. Wait and see.
Yes, there is a problem. And it's a new one, it's only just appeared now. Two other people have had it. I think it might be a sensor chip error.
Firstly, try the calibration on page 20. Trying to customize the MPR121 driver element (don't forget to save your settings)
Secondly, I've marked your email as "keyword replacement". I will look into this issue and we will fix it in a while.