Well we’re still waiting on a PCB but production has started. I know it’s been a painful wait for a release date. It’s impossible to give one until we get that final PCB. But I can say that if we dont release Zoia in 2018 I will punch myself in the face."
J'ai peur pour lui .
We showcased the Zoia at Namm last year thinking it’d be ready last spring, and we were very wrong. It will be at Namm again this year and we wont have a release date. All we can say now is, we’ll release it when it’s ready. We can also say we are crazy lucky to have @truecuckoo as one of our beta testers.
Il parle de PureData (semblable à Max/MSP, c'est de la programmation graphique musicale modulaire) dans une vidéo, qqun sait si c'est PureData qui tourne derrière ? Avec genre des modules LV2 ?