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Spectrasonics Omnisphere
Spectrasonics Omnisphere

installation Omnisphère 1 sur macOS Sierra 10.12.4

  • 3 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 2 666 vues
Sujet de la discussion installation Omnisphère 1 sur macOS Sierra 10.12.4
j'ai tenté d'installer Omnisphère sur mon nouvel iMac avec macOS Sierra 10.12.4.

Le CD 1 échoue au démarrage de l'installation.

question > est-il compatible tout simplement avec Sierra ?

La Flemme est l'avenir de l'Homme

Citation de F :
j'ai tenté d'installer Omnisphère sur mon nouvel iMac avec macOS Sierra 10.12.4.

Le CD 1 échoue au démarrage de l'installation.

question > est-il compatible tout simplement avec Sierra ?

Non ....

"Switched on bach"

réponse du support tech Spectrasonics pour les intéressés comme moi

You’ll need to copy the STEAM folder (this is where the instrument samples are located) from your Windows computer to the system drive of your Mac computer. Here’s how to do so:

1.) Install Omnisphere 1 onto your windows computer if you haven’t already (You may need this updated installer if it’s windows vista, 7, 8, or 10).

2.) Next, navigate to this location to find the STEAM folder on your windows computer:


ProgramData is normally a hidden folder. To "Show Hidden Files" go to Start Menu/Control Panel/Appearance And Personalization/Folder Options/View tab. Select the "Show Hidden Files and Folders" option and hit "Apply”.

3.) Copy the STEAM folder from your Windows computer to this location on your Mac:

Macintosh HD/ Users/ <Your Username>/ Library/ Application Support/ Spectrasonics

In Mac OS X 10.7.x and above, the Library folder in each User folder is now hidden. To find the Users/ Library folder go to the Finder and click the Go menu while holding the Option key. Library will appear in the menu while the Option key is held and you can select it at that point.

If you don't have a “Spectrasonics" folder in Application Support on your new computer, go ahead and create the Spectrasonics folder in that location before copying the STEAM folder inside it.

4.) Lastly, download and install the latest updates from your user account. It’s important to run the updates after it has fully copied over.

Note: Even if you have installed your STEAM folder on a secondary or external drive, always choose the System Drive as the destination for the update. The installer will use the alias or shortcut to point to the STEAM Folder.

Hope this helps!

La Flemme est l'avenir de l'Homme

important : bien installer le fichier Updater installer de votre version windows avant d'installer le cd 1

ce fichier est disponible sur le site Spectrasonics

La Flemme est l'avenir de l'Homme