Sujet de la discussionPosté le 25/03/2008 à 22:14:05Différences entre le Esq1 et le Sq80
Voila j'adore le son de ces synthés et je voulais connaitre la dif entre les 2 merci.
Posteur·euse AFfolé·e
Membre depuis 22 ans
2Posté le 17/12/2010 à 14:25:26
Le SQ80 a ces fonctions là en plus par rapport au ESQ-1 (je laisse le reste en anglais sorry). Contrairement à ce qui est écrit les "extra waves" sont présents dans l'ESQ mais tu dois les activer via un éditeur tel que soundriver (voir sujet :
Citation de sonicstate :
Polyphonic aftertouch keyboard (ESQ is only velocity sensitive).
3.5" DSDD floppy drive.
MIDI THRU socket.
Additional sampled waveforms
The ESQ-1 has a cartridge port to accomodate the optional sequencer memory upgrade - I assume that the SQ80 has this expansion as standard as there is no seq expansion socket on the rear.
Citation de sonicstate :
- One of the SQ-80's outs can also act as a headphone jack, which is missing from the ESQ-1. Also, there are a couple of parameters in the envelopes in the SQ-80 to give a pseudo-reverb effect.
All patches from the ESQ are 100% compatible with the SQ-80, but not all of the SQ-80's patches are compatible with the ESQ-1, if they use the extra waves in the SQ-80. With those extra waves, an SQ-80 can sound at times like a D-50, DX-7, or even PPG Wave-ish. Wider range of sounds, for sure.