Axl was super stoked on this record. Almost as stoked as he is on this Mike McGill skateboard. In fact, he plans on ripping it up in his drained pool while he listens to this album and rides this board.
To Axl, this record is like a Vacation in Hawaii doing nothing but sippin' fruity drinks and feelin' fine with the wife. It's good, but he'd rather be backstage at the Whiskey wrecking groupie tang with Slash and Izzy.
Axl felt this record was just very average. Instead of giving this too much of his precious time, he'd rather just go sit in his limo and think about who in the band he's going to fire next.
This record wasn't very good, and made Axl feel as shitty as he does when the pigs fuck with him.
Axl was so disgusted by this record, he took it out to his backyard and drove his dune buggy over it. You know you're rich when you own one of those things.