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tempest TIPS

  • 16 réponses
  • 6 participants
  • 3 053 vues
Sujet de la discussion tempest TIPS
Vu sur dsi forum :

• If you half the tempo of your beat/project before you start recording anything you can achieve double the bars per beat

=> est ce que si on fait ca, on garde la meme resolution jusqu'a 1/32T ?
si c'est le cas ca veut dire qu'on peut créer des patterns de 16 mesures . WOUAOU !!:bravo2:

[ Dernière édition du message le 13/08/2016 à 09:34:31 ]

Mince . Dois je m'auto répondre ?? :-D
Pas le temps pour l'instant de le faire

Ca y est, j'ai peut-être enfin trouvé la réponse pour décaler une séquence.. Je l'ai cherché longtemps ce tips !
"Hold step in 16 time steps and press FF or Rewind to move that step forward/backwards by one quantize amount."
decaler une sequence entiere ?
on peut pas je crois .
par contre je ne connaissais pas , on peut decaler des steps avec les touches RW/FW, ca c'est top !

Sinon , j'ai testé l'histoire de la division du tempo . ca marche , et on peut conserver une quantization plutot fine en mode OFF . Super combine pour créer des sequences de 16 mesures , trop bien !
Et pour garder un clic qui n'est pas divisé, suffit de mettre la time signature sur 8/8 et le tour est joué.
par contre evidemment la fonction ROLL à 1/32 sera entendu a 1/16 du coup ...

[ Dernière édition du message le 24/08/2016 à 15:51:06 ]

raaa.. je vais test ce tip ce soir, j’espère qu'à défaut de pouvoir décaler la séquence complète, on peut le faire step by step. Ca serait pénible mais déjà un moindre mal. C'est quelque chose qui manque vraiment à cette machine je trouve. Combien de fois j'ai enregistré une séquence à la volée qui n'était pas calée sur le 1er temps d'une mesure..:??:

[ Dernière édition du message le 24/08/2016 à 16:53:14 ]

Non, ça décale uniquement la note appuyée...
Décalage de séquence entière - copyright Elektron?
oui c'est ca . c'est propre aux machines elektrons et c'est vrai que c'est tres pratique.
ca m'arrive egalement suvent de recaler le le temps 3,4,6 sur le 1er temps d'une sequence sur mon octatrack .
je le fait aussi sur des sequences de matempest grace a elle en samplant à la volée

En tout cas le résumé de YORGOS sur les TIPS de la tempest est assez riche , ya plein de trucs que je ne conaissais pas !!
l'histoire des 4 oscillateurs dont on peut regler en meme temps les pitchs, ca c'est bon aussi !!

[ Dernière édition du message le 25/08/2016 à 07:24:01 ]

Voici le post de YORGOS pioché du forum DSI avec tous les TIPS. Si il y en a qui capte pas bien l'anglais , je veux bien aider

Hold down "mod paths" when changing beats to retain beat FX settings.

• Shift+Mod Paths takes you to voice assign (16 Sounds/Sounds mode).

• Shift+Real Time FX playback for intensity or destination of the note FX values.

• Holding both shift buttons + Stop is the MIDI panic button.

• Holding both shift buttons + System button takes you to Tempest’s system root menu

• Hold down the Oscillator 'Select' button to edit all 4 oscillators at once. The Pitch encoder changes the pitch for all 4 oscillators and the OLED displays the values for each oscillator individually so you can edit them all together or one by one using the soft knobs.

• You can control the level of a single analog oscillator by turning the second oscillator to 'off'. When only 1 oscillator is used, the OSC 1/2 mix param acts as a level control.

• In 16 sounds, you can press shift and a pad to select that sound with out sound being triggered. good for going into 16 tuning mode live.

• Don't use the Save/Load button for loading individual sounds for pads.
When in 16 Sounds/ Pads mode, the upper two soft knobs let you load sounds for the pad you are playing easily. just keep hitting the pad as you turn the upper right soft knobs to hear each sound.

• 1) Play beat
2) Tap roll to turn on
3) Hitting the same beat pad turns off roll but the light stays on
4) Now roll beat by pressing that beat pad instead of roll button.

• Press and hold the 16 sounds button, select a pad.This way the pad doesn't triggers.It's like the Hold Shift+ Pad fuction.

• If you half the tempo of your beat/project before you start recording anything you can achieve double the bars per beat.

• The mixer page can reveal the delay settings and the distortion/compression page with the Page up/ Page down buttons.

• While recording, hold a slider position and punch in and out with the playback button.

• If you keep the slider assigned to beat-roll held down on BEATS or MUTES screen and then, while still holding the slider, switch to the SOUNDS screen, take your finger off the slider and presto! The roll is latched! This might seem useless being the ROLL button latches, but you can cut a beat roll down even further with the sliders and create a nice 2/4 signature and latch it. Perfect for those tricky transitions.I've also found you can use a similar function in the TIME STEPS screen by holding down the SHIFT button. An option for "Loop Screen" will appear.

• Juan Solo's External Sequencing Setup:
1. Go into the system menu page System:MIDI Polyphonic Keyboard Play
2. Scroll down to #5 MIDI: Sequencer Out Channel,
set this to the midi channel that your external instrument is receiving on.
It has to be a unique channel, Tempest will not allow you to share channels you are already using for Tempest, and you will see a dim #(USED) message
3. Scroll to #6 MIDI:Sequencer Sound, choose a pad you want to use to sequence your external instrument.
4. Exit the System Menu
5. On the pad you chose to sequence your external instrument, set the amp envelope amount to 0, and the amp velocity to zero. If you do not set these to zero you will get a distorted clicking when external instrument is receiving notes.
6. Make sure the pad you chose is not muted
7. Make sure the mixer volume for this pad is set anything above zero
8. Make sure the volume in the feedback display is set to anything above zero
9. Set the envelope for this pad to ADSR, to record durations of held pads
Now you should be able to play your external gear in 16 tunings mode for that pad.
You can also record what you play into Tempest's sequencer, OR sequence in 16 steps mode.
For now the Tempest only sends pitch, velocity, and duration.

• Hold step in 16 time steps and press FF or Rewind to move that step forward/backwards by one quantize amount.

• Tempest’s Copy function now allows you to be selective about copying other elements associated with a Sound or a Beat by using the soft knobs.Also by holding copy and double tapping a pad swaps that sound between sound bank A/B

• Samples on OSC's 3-4 now organized into Categories and can be skipped by hitting Shift+softknob.

• You can start Tempest at any bar.Just hit the FF/RW buttons to take you to the desired bar then while holding the Stop button hit Play.

• How to avoid inconsistency on sounds by Yorgos Arabatzis:
1) Use Wave Reset
2) Mess around with various combinations on Delay parameters for Pitch,Filter,VCA or Aux envelopes.A setting of 1 will do the trick.Also play around with VCA attack time.
4) Using the self oscillating filter is unstable as Chris stated unless sound assigned to a voice.Try to use the waveforms of OSCs 1-4 instead if you don't assign a sound to a voice.
5) Assigning a sound to a voice can help also but produces a small click to the sound.
6) Take it easy on the Feedback.Settings beyond 80 create unstable environment.
7) Every tiny change you make in Tempest's envelopes counts so it's a mater of sweet spot in them.A spectrum analyzer can indicate these changes.

• Creating Custom Initialize Projects/Beats/Sounds
You can save your own Initialize templates by accessing Tempest system root menu and saving it there.
Holding both shift buttons + System button takes you to Tempest’s system root menu.
Citation de lbgo000 :
Décalage de séquence entière - copyright Elektron?

L'octatrack le fait mais aussi mon acidlab bassline 3, clone de tb 303... ça me semble qd même être le b.a.-ba du step séquenceur..:oops2:

[ Dernière édition du message le 25/08/2016 à 11:02:53 ]