Roger Linn Design LinnDrum II Nouvelles fraiches du 20 septembre
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Et voila, çà a l'air intéressant tout ça...
Normalement l'échelle de la petite est bonne a coup de transparence dans photoshop j'ai rassemblé les deux photos du site.
hairy pattern
quand a l avant gout de la linndrum sur le mopho terrible et annonce d apres moi la drum de la decennie
moi qui attend avec impatiente de voire cette machine, ben je suis decu par le nouveau designe!
j'aime pas du tout la remonter devant! c plus du compact et pratique ca!
c'est moche! lol
PK crew( à l'abandon) / Mixcloud / 3'ks
En vrai t'es Eddie Barclay avoue :oops2:
Et c'est clair qu'au point de vu design, le must serait vraiment une inspiration du "second design" parce-que le troisième niveau mobilité
On essaye que ça soit ok pour le 3ème quart de 2009 mais on prend notre temps on veut à tout prix qu'elle soit parfaite !
héhé, soyez patient, je pense qu'on peut faire confiance, mieux vaut une machine en retard qu'une déception !
Je pense pas qu'on sera déçu !
C'est vrai que je préférais le deuxième design sinon, il était vraiment super classe. ça à vraiment l'air énorme maintenant.
hairy pattern
-= Biosynth sur Bandcamp =- -= Biosynth sur Soundcloud =-
Update - July 9, 2009:
We’re still hard at work but regrettably won't be able to meet our earlier estimate of a 3rd-quarter 2009 ship date. The recent changes in the economy have caused us to rethink our design, which had become too expensive. One problem is that Dave’s customers and my customers had different views of what the product should be, so we had been working on a more elaborate design that we thought would please them both. Then the economy tanked. Oops. The other issue is that Dave and his team have been having such success with their analog synths that they’ve been spreading themselves pretty thin trying to work on both projects.
So given these circumstances, we’d prefer not to state another release date estimate at this time, but when we do we promise to post it here along with any other information we’re able to release. Also, given that Dave and his team have their hands pretty full and that a beat-oriented product is more of a Roger product anyway, we’ll probably be selling it through Roger Linn Design instead of from both companies as we had previously considered.
I’d personally love to tell everybody all the details of the product design, features and price as we did with our initial designs of the product, but there’s that pesky problem of keeping the information from our competitors. So we need to keep tight-lipped for now and regrettably can’t answer any questions. Thanks also to those who have kindly asked to place advance orders. However, we don’t feel it’s right to accept orders until we are able to release the price or more information about the product.
And now I must get back to work.
- Roger[ Dernière édition du message le 13/08/2009 à 20:42:15 ]
Après ça retarde encore du coup !
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