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Universal Audio UAD-1
Universal Audio UAD-1

Module/Carte de traitement à DSP de la marque Universal Audio appartenant à la série UAD-1

3 ème carte installée!

  • 54 réponses
  • 8 participants
  • 4 155 vues
Sujet de la discussion 3 ème carte installée!
Voilà, j'ai installé ma troisième carte uad-1 et bien que celle-ci soit autorisée, j'ai des projets sous Cubase, qui deviennent complètement inaudibles (craquements ralentissements ). Quand je regarde le vue mètre CPU de la carte, je suis seulement à 40 pourcents d'usage!!? Problème de BIOS?
merci d'avance les gars...

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Citation :
Mais genre ça veut dire qu'en cas de multi cpu, un cpu gere par exemple le bus ultra ata et un autre le controleur usb ?

Ca me parait pas impossible, je crois que sur ma workstation au boulot (bi xeon HT -> reconnu comme 4 cpu) les IRQ sont attribues par CPU, mais je sais pas si c'est specifique a linux. En SMP, tu as souvent ce qu'on appelle "processor affinitiy", qui permet d'allouer certaines ressources a certains processeurs. Par exemple, en musique, ou les softs sont naturellement multi threads, surtout dans le cas de plusieurs plug in en meme temps, vaut mieux qu'un thread donne reste sur un CPU donne en general; je sais pas si tu peux le controller a partir du programme, par contre, je sais pas comment ca marche en fait. Pour les IRQ, c'est pareil, je pense: tu peux dire par exemple que lorsque la carte son lance une interruption (par exemple pour vider le contenu de ses buffers dans la memoire principale), c'est au cpu 1 de gerer ca.

J'ai ca comme doc dans mes sources linux:

Most (all) Intel-MP compliant SMP boards have the so-called 'IO-APIC',
which is an enhanced interrupt controller, it enables us to route
hardware interrupts to multiple CPUs, or to CPU groups.

Linux supports all variants of compliant SMP boards, including ones with
multiple IO-APICs. (multiple IO-APICs are used in high-end servers to
distribute IRQ load further).

There are (a few) known breakages in certain older boards, which bugs are
usually worked around by the kernel. If your MP-compliant SMP board does
not boot Linux, then consult the linux-smp mailing list archives first.

If your box boots fine with enabled IO-APIC IRQs, then your
/proc/interrupts will look like this one:

hell:~> cat /proc/interrupts
0: 1360293 IO-APIC-edge timer
1: 4 IO-APIC-edge keyboard
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
13: 1 XT-PIC fpu
14: 1448 IO-APIC-edge ide0
16: 28232 IO-APIC-level Intel EtherExpress Pro 10/100 Ethernet
17: 51304 IO-APIC-level eth0
NMI: 0
ERR: 0

some interrupts are still listed as 'XT PIC', but this is not a problem,
none of those IRQ sources is performance-critical.

in the unlikely case that your board does not create a working mp-table,
you can use the pirq= boot parameter to 'hand-construct' IRQ entries. This
is nontrivial though and cannot be automated. One sample /etc/lilo.conf


the actual numbers depend on your system, on your PCI cards and on their
PCI slot position. Usually PCI slots are 'daisy chained' before they are
connected to the PCI chipset IRQ routing facility (the incoming PIRQ1-4

,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-.
PIRQ4 ----| |-. ,-| |-. ,-| |-. ,-| |--------| |
|S| \ / |S| \ / |S| \ / |S| |S|
PIRQ3 ----|l|-. `/---|l|-. `/---|l|-. `/---|l|--------|l|
|o| \/ |o| \/ |o| \/ |o| |o|
PIRQ2 ----|t|-./`----|t|-./`----|t|-./`----|t|--------|t|
|1| /\ |2| /\ |3| /\ |4| |5|
PIRQ1 ----| |- `----| |- `----| |- `----| |--------| |
`-' `-' `-' `-' `-'

every PCI card emits a PCI IRQ, which can be INTA,INTB,INTC,INTD:

INTD--| |
INTA--| |

These INTA-D PCI IRQs are always 'local to the card', their real meaning
depends on which slot they are in. If you look at the daisy chaining diagram,
a card in slot4, issuing INTA IRQ, it will end up as a signal on PIRQ2 of
the PCI chipset. Most cards issue INTA, this creates optimal distribution
between the PIRQ lines. (distributing IRQ sources properly is not a
necessity, PCI IRQs can be shared at will, but it's a good for performance
to have non shared interrupts). Slot5 should be used for videocards, they
do not use interrupts normally, thus they are not daisy chained either.

so if you have your SCSI card (IRQ11) in Slot1, Tulip card (IRQ9) in
Slot2, then you'll have to specify this pirq= line:


the following script tries to figure out such a default pirq= line from
your PCI configuration:

echo -n pirq=; echo `scanpci | grep T_L | cut -c56-` | sed 's/ /,/g'

note that this script wont work if you have skipped a few slots or if your
board does not do default daisy-chaining. (or the IO-APIC has the PIRQ pins
connected in some strange way). E.g. if in the above case you have your SCSI
card (IRQ11) in Slot3, and have Slot1 empty:


[value '0' is a generic 'placeholder', reserved for empty (or non-IRQ emitting)

generally, it's always possible to find out the correct pirq= settings, just
permute all IRQ numbers properly ... it will take some time though. An
'incorrect' pirq line will cause the booting process to hang, or a device
won't function properly (if it's inserted as eg. a module).

If you have 2 PCI buses, then you can use up to 8 pirq values. Although such
boards tend to have a good configuration.

Be prepared that it might happen that you need some strange pirq line:


use smart try-and-err techniques to find out the correct pirq line ...

good luck and mail to or if you have any problems that are not covered
by this document.

-- mingo

J'ai aussi trouve ca:

SMP IRQ Affinity


Whenever a piece of hardware, such as disk controller or ethernet card,
needs attention from the CPU, it throws an interrupt. The interrupt tells
the CPU that something has happened and that the CPU should drop what
it's doing to handle the event. In order to prevent mutliple devices from
sending the same interrupts, the IRQ system was established where each device
in a computer system is assigned its own special IRQ so that its interrupts
are unique.

Starting with the 2.4 kernel, Linux has gained the ability to assign certain
IRQs to specific processors (or groups of processors). This is known
as SMP IRQ affinity, and it allows you control how your system will respond
to various hardware events. It allows you to restrict or repartition
the work load that you server must do so that it can more efficiently do
it's job.

Obviously, in order for this to work, you will need a system that has more
than one processor (SMP). You will also need to be running a 2.4 or higher

Some brief and very bare information on SMP IRQ affinity is provided in
the kernel source tree of the 2.4 kernel in the file:


How to use it:

SMP affinity is controlled by manipulating files in the /proc/irq/ directory.
In /proc/irq/ are directories that correspond to the IRQs present on your
system (not all IRQs may be available). In each of these directories is
the "smp_affinity" file, and this is where we will work our magic.

The first order of business is to figure out what IRQ a device is using.
This information is available in the /proc/interrupts file. Here's a sample:

[root@archimedes /proc]# cat /proc/interrupts
0: 4865302 5084964 4917705 5017077 IO-APIC-edge timer
1: 132 108 159 113 IO-APIC-edge keyboard
2: 0 0 0 0 XT-PIC cascade
8: 0 1 0 0 IO-APIC-edge rtc
10: 0 0 0 0 IO-APIC-level usb-ohci
14: 0 0 1 1 IO-APIC-edge ide0
24: 87298 86066 86012 86626 IO-APIC-level aic7xxx
31: 93707 106211 107988 93329 IO-APIC-level eth0
NMI: 0 0 0 0
LOC: 19883500 19883555 19883441 19883424
ERR: 0
MIS: 0

As you can see, this is a 4 processor machine. The first column (unlabelled)
lists the IRQs used on the system. The rows with letters (ie, "NMI", "LOC")
are parts of other drivers used on the system and aren't really accessible
to us, so we'll just ignore them.

The second through fifth columns (labelled CPU0-CPU3) show the number of times
the corresponding process has handled an interrupt from that particular IRQ.
For example, all of the CPUs have handled roughly the same number of interrupts
for IRQ 24 (around 86,000 with CPU0 handling a little over 87,000).

The sixth column lists whether or not the device driver associated with the
interrupt supports IO-APIC (see /usr/src/linux/Documentation/i386/IO-APIC.txt
for more information). The only reason to look at this value is that
SMP affinity will only work for IO-APIC enabled device drivers. For
example, we will not be able to change the affinity for the "cascade"
driver (IRQ 2) because it doesn't support IO-APIC.

Finally, the seventh and last column lists the driver or device that is
associated with the interrupt. In the above example, our ethernet card
(eth0) is using IRQ 31, and our SCSI controller (aic7xxx) is using IRQ 24.

The first and last columns are really the only ones we're interested in here.
For the rest of this example, I'm going to assume that we want to adjust
the SMP affinity for th SCSI controller (IRQ 24).

Now that we've got the IRQ, we can change the processor affinity. To
do this, we'll go into the /proc/irq/24/ directory, and see what the
affinity is currently set to:

[root@archimedes Documentation]# cat /proc/irq/24/smp_affinity

This is a bitmask that represents which processors any interrupts on IRQ
24 should be routed to. Each field in the bit mask corresponds to a processor.
The number held in the "smp_affinity" file is presented in hexadecimal format,
so in order to manipulate it properly we will need to convert our bit patterns
from binary to hex before setting them in the proc file.

Each of the "f"s above represents a group of 4 CPUs, with the rightmost
group being the least significant. For the purposes of our discussion,
we're going to limit ourselves to only the first 4 CPUs (although we can
address up to 32).

In short, this means you only have to worry about the rightmost "f" and you
can assume everything else is a "0" (ie, our bitmask is "0000000f").

"f" is the hexadecimal represenatation for the decimal number 15 (fifteen)
and the binary pattern of "1111". Each of the places in the binary pattern
corresponds to a CPU in the server, which means we can use the following
chart to represent the CPU bit patterns:

Binary Hex
CPU 0 0001 1
CPU 1 0010 2
CPU 2 0100 4
CPU 3 1000 8

By combining these bit patterns (basically, just adding the Hex values), we
can address more than one processor at a time. For example, if I wanted
to talk to both CPU0 and CPU2 at the same time, the result is:

Binary Hex
CPU 0 0001 1
+ CPU 2 0100 4
both 0101 5

If I want to address all four of the processors at once, then the result is:

Binary Hex
CPU 0 0001 1
CPU 1 0010 2
CPU 2 0100 4
+ CPU 3 1000 8
both 1111 f

(Remember that we use the letters "a" through "f" to represent the numbers
"10" to "15" in hex notation).

Given that, we now know that if we have a four processor system, we can
assign any of 15 different CPU combinations to an IRQ (it would be 16, but
it isn't legal to assign an IRQ affinity of "0" to any IRQ... if you try,
Linux will just ignore your attempt).

So. Now we get to the fun part. Remember in our /proc/interrupts listing
above that all four of our CPUs had handled the close to the same amount of
interrupts for our SCSI card? We now have the tools needed to limit managing
the SCSI card to just one processor and leave the other three free to
concentrate on doing other tasks. Let's assume that we want to dedicate
our first CPU (CPU0) to handling the SCSI controller interrupts. To do this,
we would simply run the following command:

[root@archimedes /proc]# echo 1 > /proc/irq/24/smp_affinity
[root@archimedes /proc]# cat /proc/irq/24/smp_affinity

Now, let's test it out and see what happens:

[root@archimedes /proc]# cd /tmp/
[root@archimedes /tmp]# tar -zcf test.tgz /usr/src/linux-2.4.2
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
[root@archimedes /tmp]# tar -zxf test.tgz && rm -rf usr/
[root@archimedes /tmp]# tar -zxf test.tgz && rm -rf usr/
[root@archimedes /tmp]# tar -zxf test.tgz && rm -rf usr/
[root@archimedes /tmp]# tar -zxf test.tgz && rm -rf usr/
[root@archimedes /tmp]# tar -zxf test.tgz && rm -rf usr/
[root@archimedes /tmp]# cat /proc/interrupts | grep 24:
24: 99719 86067 86012 86627 IO-APIC-level aic7xxx

Compare that to the previous run without having the IRQ bound to CPU0:

24: 87298 86066 86012 86626 IO-APIC-level aic7xxx

All of the interrupts from the disk controller are now handled exclusively
by the first CPU (CPU0), which means that our other 3 proccessors are free
to do other stuff now.

Finally, it should be pointed out that if you decide you no longer want
SMP affinity and would rather have the system revert back to the old set up,
then you can simply do:

[root@archimedes /tmp]# cat /proc/irq/prof_cpu_mask >/proc/irq/24/smp_affinity

This will reset the "smp_affinity" file to use all "f"s, and will return to
the load sharing arrangement that we saw earlier.

What can I use it for?

- "balance" out multiple NICs in a multi-processor machine. By tying a single
NIC to a single CPU, you should be able to scale the amount of traffic
your server can handle nicely.

- database servers (or servers with lots of disk storage) that also have
heavy network loads can dedicate a CPU to their disk controller and assign
another to deal with the NIC to help improve response times.

Can I do this with processes?

At this time, no.

Maintenant, a quel point ca s'adapte a windows, j'en sais rien. L'ACPI est pas mal bugge sur windows, et je crois que dependant des HAL que tu utilises, il y a des problemes avec l'APIC. Les joies habituelles de windows, quoi.
Heu... c'est bien mignon cette histoire de multi cpu, mais on s'éloigne un peu de problème :(((

Ben on t'a dit ce qu'il fallait essayer a priori. On attend des resultats si t'en as le courage. Une fois tes sauvegardes faites, ce que je te conseille, c'est de commencer par mettre d'abord une carte, puis 2, etc... dans ton PC, et a chaque checker dans ton BIOS que chacune est assigne a un IRQ different.
Bah vi surtout que tu as un irq partagé et un prioritaire, le 9, non utilisé.


Citation : Usually PCI slots are 'daisy chained'

Donc en fait plus la carte est positionnée vers le haut mieux c'est ?

Et si j'ai bien compris, dans le cas d'un multi proc c'est pas un soucis parce que l'ordre dans la chaine va définir l'attribution à un cpu. right ?

Sinon le truc qui a l'air méchant c'est que sous linux tu pourrais donc arribuer des irq à des cpu et donc gerer ultra bien ta machine.

Mais après est ce que du fait que windows n'est pas "temps réel" cela induit un fonctionnement tout autre dans la gestion des irq pour le multi proc.
Je viens de controller chaques cartes l'une après l'autre et toutes fonctionnent correctement...

pour recommencer dans de bonnes conditions, j'ai fais une image de mon dd puis j'ai reformater windows + réinstall.

Je vais suivre égallement à la lettre la procédure d'install des uad-1 + autorisation.

Dernière question:

Pour le bios, dois-je assigner l'IRQ 9 à tous les slots pci ou vont être installés les cartes uad-1??

Ben nan surtout pas !

On t'as bien expliqué qu'un irq ne devait pas etre partagé.
Bon, j'ai tout essayé mais rien à faire! impossible d'assigner des irq individuels à mes slots l'ai même apporté au magasin et l'informaticien m'a répondu qu'il n'en savait pas plus que moi au niveau du bios!
je suis désespéré... :(((

C'est quoi ton BIOS (AMI, phoenix, etc...) ?
American Megatrends Inc. V3.6, 23.03.2004
Version SMBIOS 2.3

Regarde si jamais les précédents posts, j'ai mis les infos nécessaires à mon problème...

Bon, visiblement, t'es baise...

En gros, si le HAL ACPI est choisi lorsque tu installes XP (Si tu sais pas ce que c'est, c'est que ca a ete fait par defaut, et c'est le hal ACPI qui est choisi par defaut), tu peux pas forcer IRQ et slot, meme a travers le BIOS, car windows ne prend pas compte du BIOS.

Citation :

Manually assigning IRQs to PCI slots in the system BIOS as a troubleshooting method may work on some non-ACPI systems that use a standard PC hardware abstraction layer (HAL), but these settings are ignored by Plug and Play in Windows if ACPI support is enabled. If you must manually assign IRQ addresses through the BIOS to a device on an ACPI motherboard, you must reinstall Windows to force the installation to use a Standard PC HAL.

Bon, c'est brutal comme solution, surtout qu'on est pas sur que le probleme vienne de la, mais si t'as pas l'once d'une autre solution, vu le temps que ca a deja pris, ca vaut le coup d'essayer (sur une partition de libre ou encore mieux sur un autre disque si tu peux).