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< Tous les avis Akai Professional MPC Renaissance
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Akai Professional MPC Renaissance
Akai Professional MPC Renaissance

Contrôleur à pads MIDI de la marque Akai Professional appartenant à la série MPC

JimboSpins JimboSpins

« Best MPC out »

Publié le 25/10/12 à 22:02
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The MPC Renaissance is a production hardware system that can also act as a audio interface. It comes loaded with over 6GB of sounds and it does support VST plug-ins. The Renaissance is better than just the original MPC line. I have been using MPC’s for over 10 years for many different applications and they have finally come out with one that has everything that I have been looking for. The Renaissance is geared more to work with your software set up then the previous MPC’s are.

The Renaissance has 16 MPC pads (we all know how good they are) and all of them are back lit, it also has 16 Q-Link controls. All of the basic MPC functions from previous models have are still here like, Swing, and all of the transport controls. The Renaissance gives you 8 banks, and each bank has 16 pads.

This MPC has an audio interface that connects to your computer Mac or PC through USB. It even has an option for “vintage mode”, which will allow you to simulate the older MPC’s. The size of the Renaissance reminds me more of the size of the MPC 2500 but it is a lot better than the 2500 and has more options and features.

The Renaissance is like taking all of the previous MPC products and putting them into one unit and adding better computer and VST support that he other MPC’s just didn’t have in the past. It has a 64 track sequencer and a few thousand stock presets. The MIDI is 2 in and 4 out, with 2 XLR in and 1 RCS stereo. The MPC Renaissance is not easy to understand especially if you are not use to the workflow of the older MPC’s. It will take some time for you to get the hang of it, but once you do you will be amazed with the things you can do. It does come with a manual which can be difficult to learn from. I suggest learning from the MPC forums. You will learn a lot more there and it is easy to understand when someone is explaining how to do it rather than fishing through a manual to figure something out.