Que vaudra-t-elle dans 20 ans?
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Citation : Paul Bigsby was not the first man to make a solidbody guitar. Rickenbacker introduced a Spanish-neck version of its style B Bakelite guitar in 1936. While this instrument had small, hollow chambers to reduce weight, it functioned essentially as a solidbody guitar. Slingerland had a wood solidbody Songster model in its catalog in the late ’30s. The prototype Rickenbacker Frying Pan made in 1932 had a round neck with functional frets. The fact that there is wear on the fingerboard of the guitar indicates somebody was well aware that it could be played Spanish-style as well as being used as a steel. Bigsby, however, built the first modern-looking solidbody guitar used onstage by a major performer when he built Merle Travis’ Bigsby guitar, circa 1947. Merle had sketched a pattern and had Bigsby produce the instrument. This guitar was seen by numerous other performers as well as by makers such as Leo Fender.
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Citation : By George Gruhn
Mais de nombreux autres créateurs de grattes peuvent revendiquer le statut de "luthier de la première solid-body", car c'était dans l'air du temps et tout le monde s'y mettait, mais on a fixé Rickenbacker comme premier car c'est cette compagnie qui la première a mis à la disposition du public une solid body.
sinon on dirais plutot un banjo electrifié quand même
allais je
greg lefonctionnaire
Je suis Charlie
greg lefonctionnaire
Je suis Charlie
.::. maladiction ! .::. Nouvelle chanson : "Est-ce?". Prise 'live' avec un harmo rajouté. Bibi à la guitare/chant, avis bienvenus!
Ce qu'on sait peu, c'est que Joe était gaucher...
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