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MOTU Digital Performer 4
MOTU Digital Performer 4

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque MOTU appartenant à la série Digital Performer

Sujet Je sais que c'est possible, mais.(il y a toujours un "mais")

  • 6 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 384 vues
  • 0 follower
Sujet de la discussion Je sais que c'est possible, mais.(il y a toujours un "mais")
Alors, voila:

j'ai lu la notice de digital performer 4.5 et apparement, il est possible de connecter un stand alone aux entrée de DP et d'enregistrer cette source...
la notice n'est pas trés claire...(globalement)
j'ai reussi à ce que mon synth stand alone (intakt, etc...) reconnaisse le controle midi ...
theoriquement, d'aprés ce que j'ai compris sur le manuel, je devrais avoir les sorties du stand alone qui devrait s'afficher dans dp...mais là, je bloque... :?!:

quelqu'1 sait il comment faire? :noidea:

Yo :up: la
Alors? :noidea:
Aller, je colle le texte du manuel:

Citation : Stand-alone Virtual Instruments

A stand-alone virtual instrument is one that runs as a separate application, side by side with Digital Performer (instead of as a plug-in running inside Digital Performer).

Digital Performer does not require any additional preparation for use with CoreMIDI-compatible virtual instruments. (CoreMIDI is the “under-the-hood” portion of Mac OS X that handles MIDI services for MIDI hardware and software.)

If a virtual instrument operates as a separate application, run it concurrently with Digital Performer, and any MIDI inputs and outputs that it publishes to CoreMIDI will appear in Digital Performer’s MIDI input and output menus. Similarly, the instrument's audio outputs will appear in the input menus of Digital Performer's audio tracks.

If the virtual instrument supports ReWire, then it uses the ReWire protocol to exchange MIDI and audio data with Digital Performer.

If the virtual instrument operates as a plug-in inside Digital Performer, open it as described in Virtual Instrument Plug-ins. When you open the plug-in, it’s MIDI inputs and outputs appear in Digital Performer’s MIDI I/O menus.

Interapplication MIDI

Most applications that share MIDI input and output with Digital Performer publish their own virtual MIDI inputs and outputs, which automatically appear in Digital Performer’s MIDI input and output menus. Most of the time, you can use the inputs and outputs provided by these other applications.

There may be times, however, when other applications require Digital Performer to publish inputs and outputs. Use the Interapplication MIDI window (Setup menu) to create them.

Click the Add buttons to create an input or output. To rename them, double-click the name. To remove an input or output, click it and click Delete.

Each input or output acts like a virtual MIDI cable, providing sixteen MIDI channels. Inputs appear by name in any menu in Digital Performer that displays MIDI inputs; outputs appear by name in any Digital Performer menu that displays MIDI outputs. For example, if you wish to send data from a Digital Performer MIDI track to another application, assign the track’s output to a Digital Performer MIDI output.

Digital Performer’s interapplication MIDI inputs and outputs are published to all MIDI applications that support the Mac OS’s built-in MIDI services. A Digital Performer output appears as an input in other applications; conversely, a Digital Performer input appears as an output to other applications.

alors des idées?
Désolé, j'ai beau essayer chez moi, pas moyen.
Pourtant le manuel a l'air de dire que c'est facile...

Ok, si j'ai bien compris, tu veux faire tournnée un synth?
Tu ouvre dp en premier
Fait une piste stereo, une mono, une midi et une master. (Pour avoir une de chaque sous la main...)

Puis tu ouvre ton Synth.
Deja la, du doit avoir les sorties de ton synth dans la liste du menu deroulant des entrées de l'audio de DP.
