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Akai Professional MPC1000
Akai Professional MPC1000

Séquenceur Sampleur de la marque Akai Professional appartenant à la série MPC

Mode song

  • 4 réponses
  • 5 participants
  • 925 vues
Sujet de la discussion Mode song
Est-ce qu'on peut enregistrer les track mute en mode song ? sinon comment l'utilisez vous ?
J'ai posé la question ya pas longtemp et apparement c impossible, c'est domage car ça aurait été beaucoup plus intuitif pour une compo en live par exemple!
si c'est possible, mais je sais pas commen faire
Avez vous un os jj ou akai? Car avec jj l'enregistrement des track mute est possible.

Avec l'os akai ça serait aussi possible apparemment :

Citation de AKAI :

Version: 2.13
Date: 1/21/2010
New features/Changes:
1. Additional support for manufacturing.
Version: 2.12
Date: 8/5/2008
New features/Changes:
2. Chop Shop Update: Added the ability to load and save Chop Shop 2.0 files.
3. added the ability to AUTO detect split points for Chop Shop.
4. Added ability to loop patched phrases
5. Added the ability to record Track Mute Events
6. Added ability to load MPC5000 .all files.
Bug fixes:
1. Fixed issue where large hard drives are not formatted properly in the MPC 1000
2. fixed "Directory Error" when overwriting files on 80 gig drive.
3. Fixed issue where Attack and decay settings would produce sonic anomalies
4. Fixed issue where a "Directory Error" would occasionally occur when replacing
project on hd after reboot
5. Fixed issue where FX2 Delay Tempo Sync was not following sequence BPM.
6. Fixed issue where Overdub and record led did not work when recording after sequence
7. Fixed issue where Note Repeat did not work for internal sounds when played from a
midi controller
8. Fixed issue where the sequence name doesn't appear on MAIN screen after Load
Folder is executed.
9. When a track is muted the pads are no longer muted.
10. Increased Metronome Volume.
11. Fixed issue where there were erratic tempo changes after converting song to sequence.
12. Fixed issue where 'play start' started the sequence at 'loop first bar', not beginning of
13. Fixed issue where Tap Tempo via footswitch wouldn't work
14. Fixed issue where Note Repeat would play other than selected sound in trim mode
15. Fixed issue in Sample Trim Mode - plays random audio when end is set shorter than
loop point.
16. Fixed issue where 'pgm' could not be set to 'off' from startup

17. Fixed issue where Note Repeat/Tap Tempo did not work in TRIM mode