Mpc 60 + atc 1
- 6 réponses
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gorgone 75
je viens tout juste de faire l'acquisition d'une mpc 60 malheuresement j'ai un gros pb avec la getion du midi :
J'ai voulu faire marcher mon atc 1 sur le sequenceur de la machine j'ai donc brancher le midi out de l'atc sur le midi in de la mpc et inversement.
Mais voila rien y fait aucun son ne sort et de plus l'atc ne semble même pas recevoir le signal quand je tappe sur les pad.
J'ai eu beau me coltiner le manuel je n'y comprend rien.
Alors à tous les mpcistes sortez moi de cette merde je vous en supplie avant que je fasse une nervous breakdown .
Bien à vous
gorgone 75
Citation : 1. plug the 'midi out [A]' (note that the 60, 60II, and 3000 have 4 midi outs 'a,b,c,d' you can use any/all of them for different devices) to 'midi in' on your korg and plug 'midi out' from the korg to the mpc's 'midi in' - in this configuration you will be able to use the keys on the korg to enter (play) notes on the keys of the korg to be sequenced on the mpc
2. go to the 'main screen' on your mpc, select the track you wish to use, move curser down once to where it says 'Chn:OFF-(off)', turn the value knob up 1 click it will say '1A' (turn once more and it will say '2A', etc) you can then move the curser to the right one space so that the 'A' is hilighted; turn the knob to select which midi output you want to use (a,b,c,d). in this case 'A'
-the number referrs to which midi channel (1-16) you mant to transmit on.
3. move the curser to 'type' (while still in 'mainscreen') right below where it says 'track data'. this lets you choose between 'midi and 'drum'. you want to select 'midi', otherwise you will hear drum sounds when you play keys that share a midi note# with the pad that you assigned a drum to.
- let me explain: pads on the mpc = midi note #s
keys on the korg = midi note #s
if pad and key share midi note # you will hear drum assigned to that pad.
**if you select track tyoe 'drum' you will be able to trigger the korg from the mpc's pads**
.......and that's it! you should now be able to sequence the korg on the mpc. hope this is helpful to you, let me know how it goes
gorgone 75
gorgone 75
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