Ou alors il faut envoyer la sortie audio du Wavestate dans un suiveur d'enveloppe pour détourner la wavesequence en trig mais bon....
cela me semble assez délicat à gérer...
Berlin School Sounds For The Korg Wavestate Synthesizer
Sound designer Thomas Hammer of Waveformer has introduced the Berlin School and Ambient Construction Kit Vol 3, their 3rd Berlin School inspired Wavestate sound library.
They shared this extended video preview, which offers over an hour of audio demos, and showcases how the library goes beyond sounds to include powerful Performances that can create layered, interlocking sequences.
The sound library is designed with both the Wavestate hardware synthesizer and with the Wavestate Native software plug-in. It features 21 original Performances. All Performances contain four Layers with multiple Lanes of Wave Sequences, designed to be easy to tweak and reshape as you play them live.
Most of the Layers use Arpeggiators, which interact with the Wave Sequences to transform the rhythm, pitch, timbre and dynamics of the notes from the Arpeggiator. The individual Layers in a Performance are designed so they work well together and can also stand alone.
The accompanying user manual describes each Performance in detail, with a guide to both playing and twisting knobs. It also includes tips and tricks for the Wavestate and some insights into how the Performances were designed.
« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)
Membre depuis 8 ans
943Posté le 01/05/2023 à 20:56:15
Oui, ce type excelle dans ce style. Je lui ai acheté ses trois banques de sons et je ne m'en lasse pas.
J'ai parcouru l'après midi la n°3, c'est vraiment fou ce qu'il tire de la machine. Ce doit être un boulot de malade à programmer. Respect !
Par contre, il faut obligatoirement jouer sur un clavier maître d'au moins 5 octaves, c'est parfois splitté en 3 parties..