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Arturia CS-80V
Arturia CS-80V

Cs80v 1.5

  • 1 réponse
  • 2 participants
  • 472 vues
  • 1 follower
Sujet de la discussion Cs80v 1.5
La 1.5 est arrivée, elle est dispo sur le site en anglais, et elle me parait assez
violente. :8)

Citation :
New features:
Two new oscillators have been built:
One perfectly reproduces the unique CS-80 saw-tooth waveform, showing the typical 30s pulse at the top of the curve (responsible for an edgy sound).
The other one is based on a new triangle algorithm with improved Pulse Width Modulation (an Arturia exclusive).
A new "Settings" window has been added, offering the possibility to tune each voice independently as on the original where 8 electronic cards could be set separately. A global tuning control is also now available.

The Ring Modulator has been rebuilt, in order to perfectly reproduce the behaviour and the sonority of the original.
The algorithm of the chorus was totally revised and much improved, and the original presets were redesigned.
The ribbon controller does not change the pitch when the notes are releasing! It is active only on the active note, again as the original functioned.

Bug fixes:
Bugs were fixed on the routing of the effects, on the expression pedal and on the modulation Matrix.