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Waldorf MicroWave
Waldorf MicroWave

Os 2.0

  • 55 réponses
  • 14 participants
  • 4 840 vues
Sujet de la discussion Os 2.0
Il y aurait t'il pas qqu'un qui aurait l'os qui traine sur son DD ?


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Qu'apporte cette v2
Uniformite culturelle = manipulation des masses

Citation : MicroWave Firmware 2.0 Release

Here is an overview of the most important new features of
the MicroWave 2.0 Firmware Release:

- More than 25, mostly algorithmic Wavetables
have been added
. In addition to that, the MicroWave now
supports up to 24 user-programmable algorithmic Wavetables,
so called UPAWs.

- 6 new Voice Allocation Modes have been added, including
Mono Retrigger and Single Trigger modes.

- Fingered Portamento and Glissando is now available in all
Voice Allocation Modes.

- New sound parameters: Oscillator and noise levels are now
indepently modulatable, LFOs now have Sample & Hold function,
LFO 2 can now generate a phase-shifted output of LFO 1 and
Midi Clock rate now usable as modulation source.

- New SysEx Functions such as Store, Compare and Recall Functions
for Multi and Sound programs
. Button and Dial commands have
been added to allow complete remote control. Realtime Tuning
and Velocity table edit is now supported too.

- Many minor improvements, such as automatic conversion of Program,
Wavetable, Wave, Tuning table and Velocity table numbers when
copying complete memory to or from card.



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Petit sondage pour que je fasse des eproms ou pas, et que je puisse preparer en conséquence ...

Je propose pour ceux qui serait interressé, qu'ils me le fassent savoir, des eproms pour vos waldorf !!!

- Waldorf Microwave OS 2.0 - 2 EPROMS au prix modique de 30€

Citation : MicroWave Firmware 2.0 Release

Here is an overview of the most important new features of
the MicroWave 2.0 Firmware Release:

- More than 25, mostly algorithmic Wavetables
have been added. In addition to that, the MicroWave now
supports up to 24 user-programmable algorithmic Wavetables,
so called UPAWs.

- 6 new Voice Allocation Modes have been added, including
Mono Retrigger and Single Trigger modes.

- Fingered Portamento and Glissando is now available in all
Voice Allocation Modes.

- New sound parameters: Oscillator and noise levels are now
indepently modulatable, LFOs now have Sample & Hold function,
LFO 2 can now generate a phase-shifted output of LFO 1 and
Midi Clock rate now usable as modulation source.

- New SysEx Functions such as Store, Compare and Recall Functions
for Multi and Sound programs. Button and Dial commands have
been added to allow complete remote control. Realtime Tuning
and Velocity table edit is now supported too.

- Many minor improvements, such as automatic conversion of Program,
Wavetable, Wave, Tuning table and Velocity table numbers when
copying complete memory to or from card.

- Waldorf Pulse / Pulse plus OS 2.01 - 1 EPROM au prix modique de 15€

Citation : Thu Sep 4 06:35:41 1997 Stefan Stenzel

* Version 2.01
- nasty bug with poor button performance in 2.00 fixed

Tue Aug 12 09:31:39 1997

* Version 2.00
- Polyphonic support added, documentation comes extra
- Controller Dump from Panel
- Timeout for Tune Function works now
- Some Factory sounds changed
- Bugfixes:
- Program Change
- strange Notes when receiving CC on other channel (Pulse+ only)
- Missing Notes
- Panic <Mode-down> sends correct messages via MIDI

********************* Changes in Version 1.42 *******************************

- some minor bugfixes
- Autotune function faster and with timeout
- Panic function now sends All-Note-Off and Reset-All-Controllers messages.
- Improved factory test routines

What is new in Version 1.40 compared to versions 1.00 thru 1.30 ?

- some minor bugfixes

- Improved Program selection
While holding down the <Program Up> button, pressing the <Program down>
button will increase the program number in steps of ten. Same applies for
decreasing the program number by first pressing <Program down> button.

- Panic function handling
Panic function will now be executed by pressing and holding <Mode> button
and then pressing <Program down> button.

- Higher oscillator frequencies
The highest frequency for OSC1 and 2 is now about 8.6 kHz, in old versions
it was only 6.5 kHz. The maximum frequency of OSC3 is about 4.3 kHz except
OSC2 is synced to OSC3, in this case it is about 3.6 kHz. Note that in old
systems, OSC3 frequency was always limited to max 3.2 kHz.

- Assign modes for the arpeggiator
Notes are played in the order they are played, up to ten notes are memorized.
In addition, the pattern will be repeated in the desired range of octaves :

[A.UP] Assign mode, octaves upwards
[A.dn] Assign mode, octaves downwards
[A.AL] Assign mode, octaves alternating

- LFO1 can be synced to MIDI clock
This is achieved by selecting one of three additional waveforms :

[tr.C] triangular wave, clocked
[SA.C] sawtooth wave, clocked
[PL.C] Pulse wave, clocked

Once a clocked waveform has been selected, the speed will be displayed
in musical terms, eg. [2b ] means a full LFO cycle needs two bars of a
4/4 time, [16_] stands for a dotted 16th note, [ 8 ] for an 1/8 note and
so on. If the arpeggiator is used, the LFO is synced to the internal clock,
except the arp itself is synced to incoming MIDI clocks.

Donc si vous êtes interressés faite le moi savoir, que je m'y colle ou pas !


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Et une eprom pour wam une et merci shamkara....
Uniformite culturelle = manipulation des masses
Et au fait c'est limite hs (enocre) mais je me lance dans la fabrication d'un programmeur complet pour microwave (cf projet midibox ily a juste la modulation des point d'envellope qui ne sera pas controlé par potar tout le rest y sera (meme env des waves...) va falloir que je rajoute des pots apres la mise a jour..

je commande les pieces dans la semaine et je vous tiens au courant des avancées..... la ou je serai limite c'est pour trouver tout les sys ex .... on verra bien..... je trouverai bien des infos manquantes sur le net...
Uniformite culturelle = manipulation des masses
les sysex du microwave OS 2.0 ! ;)

Tu prenait un controleur behringer ca serait moins compliqué à faire :mrg:


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Ouais mais berangere c'est
1 pas rackable
2 acces direct a tout en meme temps
3 c'est pas bleu...........

et le berangere n'envoi que des controller et pas des sysex (comme semble l'indiquer le forum a ce sujet..)
Uniformite culturelle = manipulation des masses
Merde j'arrive put etre un peu tard pour la ou les rom qui passe le microwave en version 2. mais au fait , comment peut on savoir quelle version on a?

merci d'avance... :up:
Tiens oui c'est vrai, c 'est quelle commande pour savoir quel version OS on posséde ?

Je parie que shamkara va me répondre dans l'heure (quoique non il est tard).

Le pire c'est que je le revend en fait, et on me demande de partout quelle version, je pense que c'est la 2 mais j'aurais aimé vérifier. C'est chiant je l'ai acheté 499 et je dois la vendre à 299 max. Je rale. Un gars grand seigneur m'a même dit "allez je te la prend pour 150 euros dernier prix... hum" il a du mal à partir, ça fait 3 annonces sur Ebay que je passe pour lui.
Salut a tous

je cherche aussi !

Pour ma part, j'ai tout ce qu'il faut pour programmer des eprom, ce n'est pas le probleme. Je cherche aussi l'OS 2.0 de MW1 si quelqu'un a les 2 fichiers en .bin ou .dat de l'eprom L et H en version 2.0, je serait tres content qu'il prenne contact avec moi. Ou trouver une personne qui accepterait de me les pretter le temps de la copie. (il faut bien s'entraider). Pour ma part je suis electronicien de metier donc des manips tres simple pour moi.

J'ai quand meme contacter le support waldorf pour savoir s'il y avait une possibilité legale de les obtenirs.

Je dispose des OS 1.25 et pour les microwace ascess programer 2.10 (si cela vous interresse)

voici la reponse

Sorry! After the insolvency of Waldorf in 2004 all spare parts for older machines were unfortunately sold or trashed. This includes also the Microwave OS 2 EPROM updates. We have no more spare parts in stock anymore. Thank you for understanding!

All the Best,

Waldorf Support

Waldorf Music GmbH HRB: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 20433
Neustrasse 12 USt-ID: DE250453192
D-53498 Waldorf Geschäftsführer: Stefan Stenzel, Kurt Wangard