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Sujet Vous aimé le post rock .

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Sujet de la discussion Vous aimé le post rock .

Citation : Sinon j'aime aussi Bastard , je les ais vu en concert : la claque!! D'ailleurs j'adorais aussi Deity Guns dont 2 membres ont rejoint Bastard.

:aime: :aime:

Citation : Et il y avait Condense

:aime: :aime: :aime:
-> la scène hardcore lyonnaise !!!!!! qui a maintenant ses descendants pour ceux que ça intéresse

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Citation : Je cite Hood tiens, dès le matin.

moi j'écoute Hood plutôt dès le matin, en faisant ma prière en buvant mon café… :bravo: :aime: :aime:
Mais au fait c'est quoi le post rock ?

Post-rock was the dominant form of experimental rock during the '90s, a loose movement that drew from greatly varied influences and nearly always combined standard rock instrumentation with electronics. Post-rock brought together a host of mostly experimental genres — Kraut-rock, ambient, prog-rock, space rock, math rock, tape music, minimalist classical, British IDM, jazz (both avant-garde and cool), and dub reggae, to name the most prevalent — with results that were largely based in rock, but didn't rock per se. Post-rock was hypnotic and often droning (especially the guitar-oriented bands), and the brighter-sounding groups were still cool and cerebral — overall, the antithesis of rock's visceral power. In fact, post-rock was something of a reaction against rock, particularly the mainstream's co-opting of alternative rock; much post-rock was united by a sense that rock & roll had lost its capacity for real rebellion, that it would never break away from tired formulas or empty, macho posturing. Thus, post-rock rejected (or subverted) any elements it associated with rock tradition. It was far more concerned with pure sound and texture than melodic hooks or song structure; it was also usually instrumental, and if it did employ vocals, they were often incidental to the overall effect. The musical foundation for post-rock crystallized in 1991, with the release of two very different landmarks: Talk Talk's Laughing Stock and Slint's Spiderland. Laughing Stock was the culmination of Talk Talk's move away from synth-pop toward a moody, delicate fusion of ambient, jazz, and minimalist chamber music; Spiderland, meanwhile, was full of deliberate, bass-driven grooves, mumbled poetry, oblique structures, and extreme volume shifts. While those two albums would influence many future post-rock bands, the term itself didn't appear until critic Simon Reynolds coined it as a way to describe the Talk Talk-inspired ambient experiments of Bark Psychosis. The term was later applied to everything from unclassifiable iconoclasts (Gastr del Sol, Cul de Sac, Main) to more tuneful indie-rock experimenters like Stereolab, Laika, and the Sea and Cake (not to mention a raft of Slint imitators). Post-rock came into its own as a recognizable trend with the Chicago band Tortoise's second album, 1996's Millions Now Living Will Never Die, perhaps the farthest-reaching fusion of post-rock's myriad touchstones. Suddenly there was a way for critics to classify artists as diverse as Labradford, Trans Am, Ui, Flying Saucer Attack, Mogwai, Jim O'Rourke, and their predecessors (though most hated the label). Post-rock quickly became an accepted, challenging cousin of indie rock, centered around the Thrill Jockey, Kranky, Drag City, and Too Pure labels. Ironically, by the end of the decade, post-rock had itself acquired a reputation for sameness; some found the style's dispassionate intellectuality boring, while others felt that its formerly radical fusions had become predictable, partly because many artists were offering only slight variations on their original ideas. However, even as the backlash set in, a newer wave of bands (the Dirty Three, Rachel's, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Sigur Rós) gained wider recognition for their distinctive sounds, suggesting that the style wasn't exhausted after all.

Trouvé sur, qui l'avait déjà recopié sur
Assez postrock, matamore, comme site, d'ailleurs...

Et en francais ca donne quoi?? :???:
Slint ont inventé ce style... Ce groupe etait absolument monstrueux !! :aime: :bravo:

En UN album ils ont créé un style et la legende qui va avec (leur premier je le compte pas, il a vraiment pas la meme gueule meme s'il est tres bien aussi).

Sinon dans la nébuleuse CHicago, dans un style un peu plus "primitif", il y avait les mythiques JESUS LIZARD, au son enorme (le desistement d'Albini aura signé leur fin, il faisait en quelque sorte partie du groupe tellement son gros son a rendu parfaits les 5 premiers albums de Jesus Lizard).

Et ce chanteur, David Yow, quelle présence !!! :8O:

Ce groupe est mythique, je pondrai surement un thread coup de coeur sur eux... :aime:

Citation : il y avait les mythiques JESUS LIZARD

c'était post-rock ça ? J'avais entendu un truc qui sonnait plutôt rock fiévreux-malade-urbain. Sinon il y avait Tortoise à Chicago. Celà me rappelle que Mc Intyre joue de la batterie sur le sublime album de Smog, Dongs Of Sevotion. Les débuts du "post-rock" ça reste pour moi : Laurie Anderson et son Big SCience et Robert Wyatt (tiens je vais moi aussi faire un trède rien que pour lui).
Le post rock ça ne veut rien dire :mdr: !
godspeed ç'en est… hood aussi… mogwaï aussi… chauveau aussi (!)… et pourtant ça ne ressemble pas ! et talk talk alors ? tu fous un disque de tortoise et un de talk talk, c'est pas le jour et la nuit, mais presque !
après tout on s'en fout, tant que c'est bon… on se croirait en plein emu contre akaï ! non mon emo-core ça sonne plus chaud que ton post-rock ! oui mais mon post-rock il est plus intense que ton math-rock ! et le mien na il est plus rapide (ouais mais c'est du trash…) :mdr:
C'est clair ca veut rien dire Post Rock en fait :D:

Stavro > tu y es, c'est ca Jesus Lizard ! :clin:

J'en ai parlé parceque c'est un (enfin c'etait) des piliers de l'ecurie Touch And Go. Et aussi de la nebuleuse Quarter Sticks / Kranky / Thrill Jockey.

Je vous invite d'ailleurs a ouir ce fameux groupe de free jazz ou figure le gratteux de Jesus, Denison Kimball. Le groupe se nomme Denison Kimball Trio, ou DK3.

C'est de la pure bombe ! :aime:
Y'a un album particulier à écouter pour DK3 ? Ca se trouve facilement ?
Laughing Stock de Talk Talk :aime: ...tiens, vous devriez écouter le dernier album de Bed, puisqu'on parle d'Ici d'Ailleurs dans le coin...
Je sors du concert de Mono donné au BT59 à Bègles près de Bordeaux, ça a été une tuerie !! :aime: :aime:
Je conseille à tout le monde d'aller les voir si vous êtes en quêtes d'émotion et de "branlée" instrumentale !