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Sujet Une pétition lancée pour une mise à jour de l'OS

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Sujet de la discussion Une pétition lancée pour une mise à jour de l'OS

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L anglais technique m induis en erreur parfois ...cette version fait elle fonctionner le roll correctement en mode 16 levels en enregistrement ?

[ Dernière édition du message le 28/06/2016 à 11:33:22 ]

Citation :
cette version fait elle fonctionner le roll correctement en mode 16 levels en enregistrement ?

On dirait, la page,586.0.html répertorie une vingtaine de corrections de bugs dont :

16. Fixed bug: Arp not working correctly in 16 levels mode :8)

Vraiment appréciable aussi le

15. Fixed bug: Several problems related to the arp causing randomly triggered pads and other inconsistent behavior

Hâte de tester tout ça...

« Le plus souvent, on ne veut savoir que pour en parler », Blaise Pascal.

Citation :
16. Fixed bug: Arp not working correctly in 16 levels mode :8)

Si c est ca , je l attendais celle la !!
Hâte aussi de tester tout ca

Si quelqu'un peut me traduire pour le début de la phrase ou plutôt le mot (Hung) mais j'ai l'impression que cela ressemble à un Bug souvent rencotré, chez moi . Certain sons ne voulant jamais s'arrêter !

"17.Fixed bug:Hung notes when sounds triggered via MIDI in some cases "

    ou plutôt que cela corresponde à celui du dessous mais quel bordel lorsque cela survenait !

22.Fixed bug: If beat is stopped while an ADSR sound was playing could cause hung notes



[ Dernière édition du message le 28/06/2016 à 15:20:30 ]

Bloqué , notes bloquées

[ Dernière édition du message le 28/06/2016 à 15:36:10 ]


Citation de : life vest

Bloqué , notes bloquées

 Merci car avec le traducteur, je ne m'en sortais pas . C'est donc cela, comme un probléme de Note Off mais ça se produisait que sur certaines sonorités ayant  du sustain d'où les recommandations dans l'Addendum de la version 1.5 de cette update .

Nouvelle beta disponible !

Citation :
Main OS
1 . Fixed bug:In the 16 Sounds / Pads screen, the sounds displayed when the Load Sounds soft knob was turned were not alphabetized.
2 . Fixed bug:If a pad containing an ADSR sound was held during record for more than the maximum 255 ticks (about 2 1/2 bars), the recorded duration on playback was much shorter and unpredictable. Now such recorded long durations will always be the maximum 255 ticks long.
3 . Fixed bug:If the Arpeggiator and 16 Tunings were on while using an ADSR sound during record, the recorded notes should have durations equal to the Quantize setting, but they were twice as long.
4 . Fixed bug:If the Arpeggiator and 16 Tunings were on while using an ADSR sound, holding multiple tuning pads would result in all but the lowest-pitch pad play with durations shorter than the Quantize value.
5 . Fixed bug:As of the beta release of, in the 16 Sounds / Pads screen, the Sound Folder (soft knob 3) and Sound Type (shift soft knob 3) are independent of each other. However, there were a case in which changing the Sound Folder would still change the Sound Type.
6 . Fixed bug:In Playlists, the maximum 99 steps could be exceeded.
7 . Fixed bug:If 16 Sounds was selected and a Note FX slider's pressure output was used to modulate a single sound, increasing pressure past halfway would switch to a negative modulation level due to a math error.
8 . Fixed bug:If 16 Sounds was selected and a finger was moved on a Note FX slider while the Playback button was off, the slider would affect the playback of recorded notes, which should only occur if Playback was on.
9 . As of the beta release of, the default Save folder in the Save Project screen now defaults to the last loaded project folder, but not the last saved project folder. Now it defaults to the last loaded or last saved project folder.
10 . Fixed bug:In the 16 Tunings / Pads screen, if Roll was on then Soft Knob 2 (Octave) was not displayed.
11 . Fixed bug:If 16 Beats was selected and Beat FX1 slider’s pressure was assigned to BW All Osc Freq (to vary a beat’s overall pitch), light pressure would switch to a high pitch, then as pressure increased would increase the pitch then switch to a low pitch and increase from there to the original pitch. This problem is partly solved. Now a light pressure still switches to a high pitch but increasing the pressure continues increase the pitch.
Quelques correctifs via une nouvelle version !

Citation :
Main OS
1. Fixed Bug: when transitioning from one beat to a shorter beat, notes entered on the first step of the shorter beat do not play
2. Fixed Bug: Accented Click does not always play on first beat of bar. This is now greatly improved but there are still some cases where the louder click may not play at the start of a bar.
Ah ba voilà , j'ai l'impression que c'est moi qui délirais mais non ! Ca bouffait bien le début de certains de les Beats !
M'en vai la charger aujourd'hui

Sinon cette version est plutôt stable .
Ya quand même le fait que ce rame un peu quand tu scroll les sons , ca c'est relou mais ca être corrigé bientôt .
En tout cas quelle machine. !!