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Tascam DM-24
Tascam DM-24

Console numérique de la marque Tascam appartenant à la série DM

Sujet DM24 arretée !

  • 118 réponses
  • 25 participants
  • 6 768 vues
Sujet de la discussion DM24 arretée !

Bon, au risque de redonner l'info :

Le bruit courait depuis un moment et là, je peux vous le confirmer et l'assurer de source très sure (un revendeur que je connais très très bien depuis 10 ans venant d'appeler un representant de Tascam France aujourd'hui): la DM24 ne se fabrique plus.

En fait, les quelques derniers modèles restant chez Tascam France (une 10aine) ont été distribué dernièrement chez les revendeurs français à des prix "sacrifiés" par Tascam. Ce qui explique donc la grosse baisse de prix depuis le début de l'année. Il a confirmé également qu'un nouveau modele (une sorte d'evolution de la DM24) sortirait d'ici 4/5 mois.

Donc, ceux qui veulent absolument acquérir une DM24 neuve doivent se presser !
Moi qui suis justement en train d'hésiter depuis 6 mois, attendant de voir ce que donnerait l'extension FW (devant arriver d'ici 1 ou 2 mois) sur la DM24, je me pose encore plus de questions maintenant ! En effet, est-ce que çà vraiment se faire et le faire ? :8O: !

Vos avis...
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Citation : Je me trompe peut-etre (car je ne connaissais le couplage de gain analogique sur la DM24), mais ne confonds tu pas avec le couplage de gain'digital" (Digital Trim), applicable sur la plupart des modules (EQ, Assign, Fader level...)

Non je ne confond pas, pour preuve le post de NoNoiseMan qui, visiblement, à lu de PDF également :clin:

J'envoie le PDF à ceux qui l'ont demandé ...
Ma question etait plus une ultime verif qu'un veritable doute...

Vu pour le post de Nonoiseman, je veux bien le PDF :mdr:
TASCAM DM-24 Microphone Preamplifier Design Philosophy

When the DM-24 was being created, its designers recognized that one of the biggest criticisms of earlier
digital consoles was their lack of headroom when dealing with loud input signals, such as live drums. This
lack of headroom would result in distortion as a result of clipping the mic preamp, with the signal level rising
above the 0dBfs ceiling.

TASCAM's design philosophy on the DM-24’s mic preamps was to overcome this issue by providing
preamps that could handle very high input levels without clipping, and without incorporating a pad which
would color the sound. We’re proud to say that the customized preamps in the DM-24 achieved that goal.
However, in doing so, some DM-24 owners have had difficulty at the opposite end of the input level scale:
that of very low-level signals. It is important to note that the problem is not with the amount of gain of the
preamp itself, but with the taper of the trim pot that controls the preamp, which was weighted to
accommodate higher-level signals.

For most people who record rock and pop music, the internal mic pres on the DM-24 have been highly
praised. Also, with the availability of inexpensive, high-quality outboard mic pre’s, TASCAM felt that DM-24
owners who regularly dealt with extremely low-level signals (i.e., distance-miked acoustic instruments and
the like) would turn to their external preamplification solution of choice. Additionally, when combined with the
additional 10dB of gain available at the DM-24’s input fader and yet another 10dB of gain available at its bus
fader, both in the digital domain, these extremely low-noise (-128dB) mic preamps perform quite well.

The graph shown below illustrates the actual response curve of a DM-24 mic pre. The vertical numbers
represent dB of gain, while the horizontal numbers represent the amount of trim pot turn to achieve that
gain. At approximately 95% turn, the pre’s achieve about 55dB of gain.
Most input signals will require between 20dB and 40dB of gain, a range within the 65% to 85% turn of the
trim pot. If more gain is required, raising the input fader to +10 provides an additional 10dB.

[note : le graphe est manquant ]

In cases that that require more gain for quiet instruments or distant mic recording, TASCAM customers have
reported to us that they rarely record with more then a few mics at a time in these situations. When this is
the case, another solution is available: simply plug your mic into an XLR input and take a standard 1/4”
unbalanced cable from the insert of your input to the LINE input of the next available input. This gives you
the combined boost of two mic pres with no added noise, making the gain much easier to control while
offering plenty of gain for these situations. This input is then assigned to a channel and used normally. This
may seem like a strange thing to do, but it works perfectly and is easier than buying an outboard mic pre.

We’ve polled dozens of DM-24 owners in regard to the mic preamps, and the grand majority of them have
reported that they find the DM-24 mic pres great-sounding and are happy with their performance compared
to those on other affordable digital consoles. However, for those of you that do work mostly with very lowlevel
signals and would like to change the taper on your DM-24’s microphone preamplifiers (and not turn to
an external preamp solution), an option is now available. For a charge of US$200, TASCAM will upgrade
your DM-24 input modules to those found in our premier audio production console/recorder/editor, the
US$8999 SX-1 Digital Production Environment. The only difference you will find is that the gain is more
evenly distributed throughout the turn of the trim pot. This upgrade does not “boost” the gain of the mic pre
or change any specifications regarding noise or other audio performance. It simply improves the trim pots
curve for a more even response.

If you wish to have TASCAM upgrade the mic preamps in your DM-24, this operation must be performed at
TASCAM’s in-house service facility. While you will pay for shipping costs to TASCAM, we will pay return
freight costs. To initiate this process, U.S. customers please call 323-726-0303 and ask to be connected to
TASCAM’s service department. Customers in Canada please call 905-890-8008, Extension 119. For
customers outside of North America, please contact your local TASCAM distributor.
Bon j'ai posté le paté.
Ceux qui le veulent en PDF, avec le graphe n'ont qu' à m'envoyer leur email.
Thanx Alesissss :clin:
Je l'ai eu a 1350€ tout compris.
Merci a tous pour le tuyau(Altomusic).
Nan t'as pas encore reçu la facture de la douane... :mrg:
Bon... arrêtez un peu avec cette facture de la douane. Les frais sont réclamés directement par UPS (80E... merci altomusic de déclarer une valeur de 300€) et on leur paie cash à la livraison. J'ai d'ailleurs reçu une facture après une facture de la douane indiquant PAID en grand dessus. Donc y'a pas d'autres frais que ceux annoncés par Altomusic. De plus, UPS vous donne un p'tit coup d'fil avant de passer livrer la bête afin d'être sûr que vous aurez bien la somme en liquide. Et voilà.... pas de mauvaise surprise donc ! :bravo:

Citation : merci altomusic de déclarer une valeur de 300€

c'est pas très légal ca...

enfin j'dis ca... chui pas expert en droit du commerce international !!! :tourne:
Je suis aussi trés satisfait de leur du prix declaré à la douane :bravo:

Dans un monde réellement renversé, le vrai est un moment du faux. G.Debord.