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Don't buy stuff from Cedric Floch !

  • 441 réponses
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Sujet de la discussion Don't buy stuff from Cedric Floch !

I bought the MS-20 from the guy aka devilshop over another annonce in the internet for 600 Euros.

However my money arrived 2 weeks ago and have not heard from him and the guy doesn't respind to the emails.

He stated his Name was Cédric Floch..

However there is no Cedric Floch in Montelimar as I found out.. I now called tha banc and the will find out to whom belongs the IBAN Code I transferred the money to.

I will drive over to France and kick his ass! For sure

Be ware of this guy

I will keep you posted
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+1 à soulpedro
SAND X...Soutenez le projet culturel de Kao Konnection..consolexlr/ sur ebay=ESCROC.

Citation : Celà dit, n'accablons ceux qui se sont fait arnaquer, mais traquons et éliminons les gros enfoirés qui se servent de nos forums et de nos passions pour nous voler...

Pas de pitié pour la vermine

Bin, d'où la volée de bois vert...Pourquoi se gêner avec ces fumiers?
M'est avis qu'une bonne mise au point n'ayant rien de virtuel le pousserait à la reconversion.
J'ai tellement rêvé de cet instant après m'être fait enfler de 400 euros pour un synthé jamais reçu, que je rendrais volontiers ce service à un copain d'ici :boire:


L'artiste entrouvre une fenêtre sur le réel; le "réaliste pragmatique" s'éclaire donc avec une vessie.

A mon humble avis, internet est en partie la cause de tant d'arnaque !
Argent vite gagné et hop !
J'ai dénoncé un gars qui vendait un AKS à 1500eur sur ebay, disparue en 1j1/2 :)
Ebay a fait du bon boulot !
J'ai même dû contacter les acheteurs qui étaient sur l'annonce pour leur dire que c’était bidon.
Je pense qu'un profil 0 note n'est pas un signe de mauvais vendeur ni les gars qui vendent du matos à prix cassés... Faut juste ce bouger et aller chercher le matos (tout dépend de la somme). Voila !

Que les cons partent très loin sur une planète hostile...

Un max de renseignements = un max de sûreté.
Il y a deux ans, je pense, je repère un Promars sur AF, pour 300 boules...
Trop belle affaire, je contacte le gars, lui demande des photos, et tout ce qu'il m'envoie c'est des photos catalogue... je commence à me méfier serieusement, et lui demandes des photos spécifiques de la machine en vente, avec numero de serie, et lui dis qu'après reception de celles-ci, je saute dans ma caisse venir le prendre, etc...
Jamais plus eu de nouvelles... :??:
Devilshop est revenu sur AF sous les pseudo: nicedreams, lostke, neurozix en pensant bêtement ne pas se faire repérer. Perdu. comptes bannis et pa effacées.

Tamen pax et amor, oscula.

Mais vous ne pouvez pas bannir son ip ?
I have contacted La gendarmerie nationale in Paris...I asked for thir fax number to send a letter and my money transfer details....but they gave me the WRONG number. I can't speak French very well...but guys there IS a department in France that delas with criminals like this...If you guys try this link and find out a phone number to call...the address of the police department site

I am on holiday from the 14 March until the 1st of April...where do you think I am going to go? I am going to be in Montelimar. And I will go to the bank and I WILL find Cedric Floch. A bank cannot have an IBAN on a false name...there is a Cedric Floch...and we have to find him...
My best greetings to Cedric Floch! :mrg:
But I'm not sure the bank will give you the name.
In my opinion, they will only give it to the police, on the decision of a judge...

If you need a french translation before to send your letter to the gendarmerie, I propose to help you. :boire:


L'artiste entrouvre une fenêtre sur le réel; le "réaliste pragmatique" s'éclaire donc avec une vessie.


quelques infos :

l'Office Central de Lutte contre la Criminalité liée aux Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication.

101 rue des Trois Fontanot
92 000 Nanterre
Tél. : 01 49 27 49 27

J'ai pas trop le temps d'appeler car je bosse aujourd'hui, si j'ai le temps je le ferais sinon si qq'un a le temps qu'il n'hésite pas. En appelant ce numéro, ils peuvent nous dire à qui nous addresser ... at this phone number, they can inform us about people to contact, we'll try to call them for you, our english friends :clin:
I called the bank and one lady she told me this 'secret'- there is a Mr Laroux who is dealing with Mr Floch's account, some sort of personal banker. I have wrote him this letter and sent it by facsimile but he never replied. Below is the letter and the details:

Patrick Laroux, Agence Meynot, 6 Blvd Meynot, 26200 Montelimar, France

Monsieur Laroux, 25/02/2008

My name is Dan Leuca, I live in London, United Kingdom. I have bought an guitar effect pedal from a gentleman called Cedric Floch who has got a bank account with you, and registered I guess, at this branch. I have seen this pedal advertised on a ‘petit announcement’ on this site After I contacted Mr Floch, he sent me the bank details and on 7th of February 2008 I have paid 630 € via International Bank Transfer from my Barclays account. After Contacting Mr Floch several times via email and telephone (nobody answered) I realised that he did not actually have the intention to send me anything. I was shocked. On the audiofanzine forum another guy is speaking how Cedric Floch took 500 € from him as well and never sent him anything. By now everything is clear. Mr Floch is a ruthless thief. These are Mr Floch’s (given) details:

No personal info in the forums. We understand your problem, but giving this kind of info in public is not legal. Don't put yourself in trouble for that guy, it's not worth it.

Please, contact Mr Floch and ask him to return my money. Or block his account and ask him to come to the bank and ask him to provide a proof of shipping these items to the buyers. I have included the receipt from my bank showing the transfer and what I have paid for. I can also send me all Mr Floch’s emails that he sent to me, to prove that he deceived me and he stole my money. Please note that Mr Floch has got about 20 items advertised for sale on that site again and more money are going to come into his account via bank transfer. Therefore, you CAN freeze his account and help us to recover our money. Je vous remercie beaucoup,

Dan Leuca