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Don't buy stuff from Cedric Floch !

  • 441 réponses
  • 102 participants
  • 40 588 vues
Sujet de la discussion Don't buy stuff from Cedric Floch !

I bought the MS-20 from the guy aka devilshop over another annonce in the internet for 600 Euros.

However my money arrived 2 weeks ago and have not heard from him and the guy doesn't respind to the emails.

He stated his Name was Cédric Floch..

However there is no Cedric Floch in Montelimar as I found out.. I now called tha banc and the will find out to whom belongs the IBAN Code I transferred the money to.

I will drive over to France and kick his ass! For sure

Be ware of this guy

I will keep you posted
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Unfortunately I think, only Police could resolve this problem.
But for this you need to show to them enough formal proofs for they
consider your request.
The proof you paid him, of course you have, but you need to proof to
the police this money was for the guitar, and this, could be more
difficult to proof.
Then if police decides to handle your problem they could ask to the bank
informations about where he lives, and maybe his real name (according
to the bank account), I even doubt it's his real name, Cedric Floch
here seems to be a gitarist in a group, but I think it can't be him,
cheating people with his real name. The thief maybe used this name to
hide his real one.

je tombe sur ce post au moment de conclure un deal avec un certain Cédric Floch. Dont je possède du coup l'adresse et le n° de portable.

Pour ceux qui seraient intéressés, me contacter.



i just see this post at the moment to concrete a deal with a guy named "Cedric Floch". If someone is interested by it's address or phone number, please Contact me.

HOHOOOO.... ça va peter !!!!!!! :furieux:


L'artiste entrouvre une fenêtre sur le réel; le "réaliste pragmatique" s'éclaire donc avec une vessie.


I'm in contact with Cedric Floch
I also have his adress of in montelimar



Je suis rentré en contact avec cedric floch,
j'ai aussi son adresse à Montelimar
Hé bandini, comme on est voisins, et que Montélimar n'est pas loin d'ici, on pourrait aller ensemble frapper (chez) ce monsieur? :langue:


L'artiste entrouvre une fenêtre sur le réel; le "réaliste pragmatique" s'éclaire donc avec une vessie.

Revenu hier sous le nom de greattoyz. Il s'accroche le p'tit. :furieux:

Tamen pax et amor, oscula.

Orygen >>>> Dans l'absolu oui mais en pratique boaf :oops:
Alors cette rencontre ???? ya eu du sport ???
SAND X...Soutenez le projet culturel de Kao Konnection..consolexlr/ sur ebay=ESCROC.
Hi everyone, really glad I spotted this thread. :8O: Been in negotiation with Mr Floch on an EDP Wasp AND a Gibson bass - he had loads of photos etc, but something didn't feel quite right, so did a Google search, and here I am... Very, very relieved. By the way, his ad was on 'Viva street', both as Attic shop and Neurosix. Emailed Viva street to let them know, but hey, it is 'Buyer beware' I suppose...very glad I was. Oli/ London