Ma traveler pousse des cris
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aidez moi ou je vais faire un crime
j'ai fais un reset de la carte.
vérifie si le port FW est bien tout seul et prioritaire sur son IRQ.
Sinon évite d'utiliser les autres périphériques qui utilisent ce même IRQ (moi c'était un port usb).
La réponse de MOTU à L'époque (il y a 6 mois) :
Citation :
When using our interfaces under Windows, you need to make sure that it is using a compatible Firewire card. Our Firewire interfaces are only 100% compatible when connected to a Firewire card that uses either a Texas Instrument or Lucent chip set.
NEC, VIA, or simply OHCI compliant are not 100% compatible. You can check: Start menu> control Panel> system>hardware>device manager> IEEE 1394 host controller.
1. Factory reset: push In the page knob once. Scroll the setup knob all the way to the right and push in the value knob once. Next, push in the value knob again. The sample rate will flash indicating the reset has taken place.
2. Launch the MOTU Firewire Console and reset the optical i/o. Open the tab for the 828 and then look at the optical i/o. If they are set to none, switch them to ADAT. If the are already set to ADAT, switch them to None and then back to ADAT.
if you go on unicornnation there's a topic called All motu firewire users using xp sp 2 or something... first it says the sp 2 1394 driver is flawed and it reduces bandwidth from 400 Mbps to 100 Mbps.... so there is a little applet to reinstall the sp 1 driver on the microsoft site and also there is another link to just get the driver and do it yourself.... it also says that DEP must be shut off by going into the c:\boot.ini file and changing the last line from "/NoExecuteBlahblah" to "/Execute"... this has made a WORLD difference...... no more pops squeaks that aren't a result of pushing the computer too hard (this was happening before and i know what not to do to avoid it...)
where i found this in unicornation:
and the microslop applet:
Check to see if you have a shared IRQ number with the onboard Sound card and FW card. Disable the onboard sound card within the BIOS. IRQ settings or Power management can be the cause of high pitch output and stuttering.
Try physically removing the your audigy sound blaster card.
Disable Wireless Internet networking.
Make sure the graphics card and FW card run on their own IRQ (disable unused USB2 nodes).
Battery Polling:
Some PC machines will have an issue where the FW bus has been interrupted. This is usually due to the ACPI. On windows you can't fix this ACPI, but in many cases work around it. On some laptops this is due to Battery polling. Try disabling the battery driver in device manager. This will fix the high pitch output ( only an issue in SP2), but leaves you with your PC that switches off when the battery runs out rather than gracefully shutting down.
voilà, c'est tout ce que je sais !
va voir sur le forum de la Ultralite car traveller/ultralite c'est kifkif au niveau fonctionnement !
s'il y a un problème d'IRQ (dans la pluaprt des cas même s'il y a un partage ça ne crée pas de conflit) le pc a plutot tendance à planter purement et simplement, ça ne fait pas d'interferrences.
perso je l'avais mais sur la sortie de la carte interne.
si tu passes par l'alim de la motu je ne vois pas comment resoudre le problème et d'où ça peut venir !
riggs 62
Je les récupère sur tous les instruments sauf les sorties symétriques et spdif, mais même l'adat les prends dans la tronche.....
Si quelqu'un a un onduleur à ma conseiller.....
Lorsque j'utilise par exemple pour du live des séquences de mon cubase en utilisant ma traveler comme interface de sortie, je chope tous les parasites du monde. Et je n'ai plus un souffle dès que je débranche mon alim et que je tourne sur la batterie. Existe-t-il des alims blindées?
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