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Ableton Live 5
Ableton Live 5

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Ableton appartenant à la série Live 5

Live 6!

  • 60 réponses
  • 13 participants
  • 2 131 vues
Sujet de la discussion Live 6!
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J'ai aussi lu quelque chose sur les variations de tempo dans un clip mais j'arrive pas a trouver ou....

Citation : J'ai aussi lu quelque chose sur les variations de tempo dans un clip mais j'arrive pas a trouver ou....

sur le forum ableton ? Ca m'intéresse :)
Ok, alors pour ma part j'écouterai l'adage "wait and see" et j'attendrai patiemment la sortie de 6 pour voir de quoi il en retourne avec cette nouvelle fonctionnalité! a plus
- rendering séparé des pistes
- assignations multiples
- raccourci-clavier pour afficher-masquer le browser
- mixer redimensionnable verticalement....

Je me fous totalement de la vidéo, mais apparemment, pas mal de frustrations vont tomber avec Live 6

Citation : - raccourci-clavier pour afficher-masquer le browser

C'est incroyable qu'il fait fallu attendre la 6 pour disposer de ca...

:nawak: :nawak: :nawak:

Citation : C'est incroyable qu'il fait fallu attendre la 6 pour disposer de ca...

La critique est aisée, mais l'art est difficile... (Philippe Destouches) :lol:
Je voudrais la possibilité de faire des macros dans live et de pouvoir assigner les raccourcis claviers à n'importe quelle touche de mon clavier ordi.

Y a ca dans la version 6 ?

Citation : La critique est aisée

Tu peux aller faire un tour sur les forums de Live, et puis tu nous rapportes la réponse... C'est incroyable qu'un type comme toi n'y ait pas déjà pensé, vivement vstmusic version 2

Citation : vivement vstmusic version 2

tu déconnes ou quoi! Je suis déjà à la v.13.04 !

a la v.2, tout ce qu'on m'avait programmé à dire , c'était :

- Comment on fait pour lire un sample dans live 5 ?

- Qu'est ce que ca veut dire "débloquer" live ? Il est cassé, faut le réparer ? Faut donner une petite tape sur le coté droit de l'ordinateur ?

Newsletter toute fraiche de chez Ableton :

Ableton Newsletter
(German version below. Für deutsche Version siehe unten.)


1. Announcing Live 6
2. Announcing Sampler
3. Ableton Live Rocks with SONiVOX


1. Announcing Live 6

Ableton is proud to announce Live 6. Like no other Ableton release,
Live 6 has opened itself to new creative communities--offering
Quicktime video support, a professional multisample library, and
customizable racks of instruments and effects. Live 6 also satisfies
frequent user requests by delivering multicore support, enhanced
project management tools, and improved MIDI control.

Quicktime Video Support:
Live now enters the world of post-production. Drag and drop movies
directly into Live's Arrangement View, and monitor the result on a
video window or second screen. Then, align music to visuals, and
process the movie's audio signal within Live. It has never been easier
to improvise, compose and warp music to picture.

Essential Instrument Collection:
The Essential Instrument Collection provides Live 6 users with a
comprehensive library of multisampled instruments. The included
instruments cover the entire musical spectrum, from orchestral strings
and brasses to classic guitars and electric keyboards, to instruments
like the harp and the glockenspiel. Load and play the collection in
Live's Simpler, or in Sampler--Ableton's new optional multisample

Instrument and Effect Racks:
Racks offer a new level of depth to Live without sacrificing
accessibility. Use Racks to create, save and control customized
groupings of multiple instruments, effects and plug-ins. Then
distribute your creations online. Use the Rack's included knobs to
adjust any number of parameters with a single knob or fader. Live 6
comes with many preconfigured Racks with both instruments and common
processing tools like guitar and bass distortion, drum processing, and

Multicore and Multiprocessor support:
Distribute the computational workload from instruments and effects to
other processors or cores to speed up system performance.

Deep Freeze:
Expand editing functionality with frozen tracks (temporary rendered
files created to free system resources). Cut, copy, paste, duplicate
and consolidate clips without having to re-freeze. Automate mixer and
clip envelopes, record frozen Session View clips into the Arrangement,
and drag frozen MIDI clips into audio tracks, all without missing a

New and Improved Devices add to Live's palette of creative tools.
- EQ Eight has replaced EQ Four, with improvements that turn it into
both a sound-shaping and a mastering tool.
- Dynamic Tube adds analog richness with the warm distortion of a
tube amplifier. Like many of Live's effects, it can be used for subtle
coloration or drastic sonic manipulation.
- Saturator has been improved with the addition of a true analog
saturation curve, a user-definable waveshaper, and an optional second
output saturator stage.
- Note Length allows users to automate and "play" incoming MIDI
notes. This MIDI effect can generate new notes when incoming notes are
released, emulating the release behavior of instruments like the piano
or the harpsichord.
- Operator has been augmented with a set of 24 dB filter modes, as
well as new FM algorithms, giving users more sonic possibilities than

Project Management Tools:
Conveniently organize collections of Live Sets, Live Clips, presets,
samples, and movie files. Self-contain a project and pack it with
lossless compression for archiving or transfer using Project Folders.
Search for missing files and purge the disk of unused files with ease.

For more information about Live 6, take the interactive tour at:

Live 6 Pricing and Availability
Live 6 is scheduled for release in September 2006. It will be
available for USD 599 (549 EUR) (MSRP) from dealers worldwide and from
the Ableton webshop. Users who do not need the Essential Instrument
Collection and Live 6 box can purchase a downloadable (serial number
only) version for USD 499 (469 EUR) from the Ableton webshop.

Users who first unlocked their Live 5 after July 14th will receive a
free downloadable (serial number only) upgrade to Live 6 as soon as
it's available. This offer expires October 31st. (Optionally, these
customers can obtain a boxed version of Live 6 including the Essential
Instrument Collection for 119 USD/99 EUR.)

For upgrade pricing details, please visit:


2. Announcing Sampler

Today, Ableton proudly presents Sampler, an advanced sound-design and
sound-sculpting instrument available as an upgrade within Ableton
Live 6. In addition to providing perfect host integration, Sampler
offers fresh sound-design possibilities through its unique processing
and modulation options. When combined within Ableton's Instrument and
Effect Racks in Live 6, multiple Samplers provide unprecedented depth
of control, automation and sonic possibilities.

In the Zone
Each instance of Sampler can host any number of sample zones. Key and
velocity ranges as well as crossfades can be defined using a graphical
editor. Numerous playback and looping options can also be set up for
each zone. Sampler helps with mapping and also helps find appropriate
loop points.

Most importantly, Sampler integrates perfectly with Live. Its GUI will
be instantly familiar to users accustomed to Live's look and feel. Its
short loading times and efficient handling of large-volume libraries
provide the sensation of a light-weight yet powerful engine.

As with any Ableton instrument, users can modulate Sampler's controls
with clip envelopes, stack Samplers, attach effects and save projects
including all samples used by Sampler to send to a colleague for

Format Friendly
Sampler avoids RAM shortages and loading-wait times by employing
Live's disk preloading technology. Sampler also gracefully imports
common sample formats, including AKAI S1000, S3000, GigaStudio, EXS,
SoundFont and (non-encrypted) Kontakt. Sampler can also access and
edit Ableton's own Essential Instrument Collection shipping with each
boxed version of Live 6.

Unique Processing and Modulation
- Modulation. A dedicated oscillator can modulate samples by frequency
or amplitude, enabling selective harmonic or disharmonic enrichment of
the original timbres.
- Morphing. Every voice is processed with a "morphable" multimode
filter and polyphonic saturation stage. Each aspect of the original
sample, including sample start and loop position as well as loop
length, can be polyphonically modulated.
- And More Modulation. Three LFOs, five multimode envelopes and
various MIDI inputs serve as modulation sources.
- The ability to modulate not only post processing but also the sample
playback characteristics extends the instrument's functionality in the
direction of wavetable and granular synthesis.

To learn more about Sampler, take the interactive tour at:

Sampler Pricing and Availability
Sampler will be available for 199 USD/169 Euro to Live 6 users via the
Ableton webshop in September 2006.

Live 6 and Sampler Beta Test
Beta testing for Live 6 and Sampler will begin in late July 2006. This
is a great opportunity for users to get a firsthand look at what
Live 6 and Sampler have to offer.


3. Ableton Live Rocks with SONiVOX

Ableton announces a technology licensing partnership with leading
soundware provider SONiVOX (formerly Sonic Implants). Ableton will
incorporate a selection of premium SONiVOX instruments into Live 6,
adding a comprehensive instrument collection to Live 6.

Dedicated to sound quality, playability and efficiency of workflow,
SONiVOX is the virtual instrument provider of choice for leading
composers, musicians and producers worldwide. SONiVOX instruments will
be seamlessly integrated into Live 6, substantially extending the
ability of Live users to do what they do best--make the most of each
phase of the music-making process. An initial set of multisampled
instruments will ship free with Live 6 with additional Expansion Sound
Sets to be released in the near future.

More exciting news coming soon.

Claudia Weidner/Dave Hill Jr.