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Ableton Live 10 Suite
Ableton Live 10 Suite

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Ableton appartenant à la série Live 10

Prix public : 599 € TTC

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Ableton Live 10 Suite
Les rumeurs couraient bon train depuis plusieurs semaines, Ableton confirme donc aujourd’hui l’arrivée de Live 10 début 2018.

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Citation de juji :
ce qui a l'aire d'etre confirmé sur leur site
Introduced Pen Tablet Mode to Live's Preferences. Pen Tablet Mode allows use of graphic tablets to meaningfully control Live’s UI. It replaces the "AbsoluteMouseMode" option.

J'ignore si le mode "pen tablet" gère le multitouch. Si ça n'est pas le cas, ça n'est qu'un pis-aller.
Mais dans tous les cas, il ne suffit pas de rendre un logiciel compatible avec le tactile pour en faire un logiciel tactile. Les interfaces doivent être adaptées. Je ne me vois pas trop aller cliquer sur les petits boutons de Live avec mes gros doigts.

Citation de jambesexy :
J’ai le sentiment que la plupart des utilisateurs de Live sont plutôt équipés lancer dans le tactile ne profitera qu’aux gens équipés PC, voire seulement ceux équipés d’une tablette/surface, me trompe-je?

Je n'ai aucune idée des part Mac/PC chez les utilisateurs de Live, mais effectivement, j'en vois principalement sous Mac. Mais ce que je vois n'a aucune valeur statistique.
Sur PC, il n'y a pas - et de loin - que les Surface qui soient tactiles. Les ordis portables tactiles et les hybrides se répandent comme des petits pains.

[ Dernière édition du message le 14/11/2017 à 15:20:33 ]

Y'a cette application qui le fait déjà non ?


Quand même pas mal de chose qui me plait dans cette version 10, notamment de pouvoir grouper des groupe depuis le temps que j'attends cela...:mdr:
Sinon pourquoi pas investir dans un Push2 aussi pour la scène ? Dommage qu'il ne fasse pas carte son aussi:((, cela m'aurait peut être plus incité à franchir encore un cap supplémentaire avec Ableton live, mais je lorgne aussi sur les dernières nouveautés à boucle dans le hardware...

[ Dernière édition du message le 14/11/2017 à 17:00:30 ]

Citation de pico :
Y'a cette application qui le fait déjà non ?

Avec un appareil supplémentaire. :-D
et encore, il ne faut pas avoir besoin d'aller dans les sous menus.
Une bien belle MAJ de la Beta vient de sortir avec une update du firmware de Push 2. (peut-être le 1 aussi)

[ Dernière édition du message le 20/11/2017 à 12:45:10 ]

tu peux nous en dire plus ? J'hésite à télécharger la beta. Je me demandais ce qu'il en était point de vue de sa stabilité, bugs, ...
Pour l'instant j'ai eu aucun bug. Ca marche nickel. Bon faut dire que je le pousse pas non plus à bout. J'ai pas des projets énormes.

Sinon voila la Release Note :

Citation :
New features and improvements:
While dragging MIDI Clips, notes are drawn in the range of the target track. This allows to see the content of the clips in the context of the target track.
It is now possible to extend a selection from an automation lane to the content lane of the same track.
Introduced a "micro-snapping" behavior: clips, loop markers and warp markers snap to a grid line even if the grid is off, if the distance to that grid line does not exceed 1 pixel.
It is now possible to add Factory Packs content to Collections.
Capture can now change the Set tempo, if a preferable interpretation is found.
When overdubbing a loop in the Session View, Capture will choose the loop iteration with a significant amount of new material in it.
It is only possible to export video if "Encode PCM" is enabled in the Export Audio/Video dialog.
Improved the appearance of the Solo button icons.
"Show Preset Name" defaults to "On" for all devices. Previously, this was only the case for some devices like Instrument / Effect Racks and sample-based instruments, while most of the others defaulted to "Off", so that only the device name was shown.
Added minor improvements to the title bar of the multi-clip editor:
- Reduced the height of the title bar by 1 pixel.
- Centered the clip title vertically in the title bar.
Updated Ableton Sans Font: enabled use of additional diacritical marks, and correctly positioned them at the height of lower case characters.
Changed the fill color of expand/collapse arrows in the File Manager, and everywhere else they appear.
Increased the opacity of the Clip content in automation mode.
A few more transport bar controls are now hoverable: time signature, arrangement position, loop punch in, loop length.
It is now possible to control Transport play / stop via Link.
SysEx messages are now passed through a MIDI track's device chain.
Live support exchanging Sysex messages with Max.
Follow is now paused while breakpoints are created.
Improved the way filter curves appear on Push, by drawing an opaque background.
Live no longer forces macOS to use the discrete graphics card in Multi-GPU machines such as MacBook Pros. This reduces energy use and heat, and improves battery life.
The Wavetable Matrix headers are now clickable, allowing to jump to the respective modulation source panel.

Various bugfixes for time selection in Detail View for MIDI clips.
Fixed a bug which prevented nudging Arrangement clips correctly, under certain conditions. Additionally, undoing the deletion of a clip could prevent the time selection from being restored.
Live could crash when copying a frozen Clip from Arrangement to Session. Additionally, it is now possible to drag frozen Clips from Arrangement to Session View.
Live could crash when extending the Arrangement Loop to very large time values.
The Clip content of the content lane and the main automation lane would jump (visually) by a small amount when toggling the automation mode.
Various improvements for editing Warp markers in audio Clips.
Adjusting multiple Clip Gain settings at the same time would take an unusually high amount of time.
The Automation Mode "A" shortcut key toggle was not mentioned in the respective menu entry.
A wrong grid quantization was applied when creating breakpoints in proximity of a breakpoint segment while the grid was set to "Off".
Various improvements for adding and editing automation breakpoints.
Automation lanes for mixer parameters would display wrong parameters after duplicating a MIDI track.
Improved the position and size of the content lane drag image, which previously did not exactly match the position and size of the Clip content outside of automation mode.
Controlling the Automation toggle via MIDI or Key mapping would sort no effect.
Resizing a track with option (alt) + mouse wheel would not work when the mouse was hovering on scrollable automation lane, e.g. for Glue Compressor's Release parameter.
Automation lanes would not be deselected after folding a track and creating a selection in a different track.
When selecting the automation lane in a nested track, the Group track automation lane would erroneously retain the selection, if this previously existed.
It is now possible to drag an automation lane time selection to the content lane of any track. Previously, this was restricted to the same track.
Using CMD+F (OSX) or Ctrl+F(WIN) would not move the focus back into the search field under certain circumstances.
Folders listed under Collection labels could exclusively be sorted by Name.
Preview in the Browser would not be triggered when navigating via pageup or pagedown keys.
A one-bar loop over 96 bpm would erroneously preview unquantized in the browser.
The browser color labels would not update correctly in some situations.
When displaying the second browser column, this appeared empty until its label was clicked once.
When overdubbing in Session mode, only one loop iteration is created before the new captured material.
When exporting PCM and MP3, if the user has an existing MP3 with the same name, Live would not ask to confirm before overwriting the older file.
Increased the preloaded sample file regions for warped samples in Simpler, in order to prevent sporadic dropouts.
Undo history would be compromised in cases where the Max installation could not be found, or Max could not be started. Furthermore, Live would endlessly attempt to load referenced patches, when Max was not available.
When a non-contiguous selection exists in Arrangement, no selection color is visible in the gaps between two non-selected tracks anymore.
Adjusted the width of the Clip preview in Session View while performing a drag and drop action.
Improved how the color for the Expand / Collapse MIDI editor button adapts to the current Theme.
Fixed a bug which could cause the text in the Help View to be truncated by the scroll bar.
The values of small parameter dials would change color upon selection, if dark Themes were in use.
The group track icon would clash with the track name in Session view, if the track was resized to the smallest possible width.
The Track title text in Session view would change its color automatically when resized to the shortest width in mid dark Theme.
On Windows, users with Turkish and other keyboards with non-Central/Western European diacritic characters can now enter these characters into Live via the keyboard.
Correct the visible border size in the Clip Detail view while recording audio.
The color of the CPU meter text now changes when above 100%, instead than above 50%.
Adjusted the color for text in the preferences panel, so that it looks correct in all the Themes.
The size and position of the 2nd window would not be remembered on Windows when closing and opening it again.
On Windows, Live's windows and dialogs would occasionally flash briefly when appearing on screen.
On Windows, if the movie window is dragged from a HiDPI to a LoDPI screen or vice versa, it now retains its size.
The number in the Track Activator was wrong for tracks above number 99.
Corrected the text color for the minimised Track Header.
The color of a Default Track set in Live 9 now correctly translates in Live 10.
UI interactions could become laggy when scrolling / zooming under certain conditions.
When multi-clip editing, it was erroneously possible to select and edit notes in a frozen background Clip.
In rare cases, the Follow switch would not be activated when the Arrangement insert marker was set exactly to the start of the Arrangement loop.
Follow would not be paused when adjusting fade handles.
After a user interaction that had paused Follow, it was necessary to click the Follow button twice in order to re-enable it.
Live could crash when using Cmd+Option+drag (OSX) or Ctrl+Alt+drag (WIN) to scroll Arrangement, if Arrangement was completely zoomed out.
Follow would be erroneously re-enabled when loading a new song.
Live would crash when dragging an arrangement MIDI clip on a group track, return track or the master track.
Under certain circumstances, Live would crash when moving a track within a nested group.
In some cases, pasted clips would end up in the wrong target track, if the copied selection was across nested groups.
The text in the Reverb decay time field would not fit in some cases.
Improved the readability for buttons in Simpler LCD, when the Dark Theme is in use.
The name of the undo action when importing MIDI and audio files was wrong. Additionally, it is now possible to import MIDI and audio files also when the selection is on an automation lane.
Under certain circumstances, the Wavetable Filter Drive toggle would sort no effect anymore. Additionally, Wavetable 'Glide' would not work as expected.
Live could crash when hot swapping a Wavetable device, if this was inside an Instrument Rack.

Changes for Push:
Added a filter visualization for Auto Filter and for Operator's Filter bank on Push 2.
On Push 2's display, "On" and "Off" values now appear in title case instead of uppercase.
On Push 2, the state of a track (e.g., current Layout in use) can now be saved when saving a default track.
Improved the chord selection for Push 1 and 2's new Melodic Sequencer + 32 Notes layout.

Push bugfixes:
It was not possible to add a track with Push, if the currently selected track was frozen.
Occasionally, it was not possible to leave "Note Settings" or "Step automation" modes on Push 2.
It was not possible to delete a device from a track containing an Instrument / Drum Rack, if one of the rack's chains was selected from the inline chains in Session view.
Under certain conditions, it was difficult to adjust Simpler start/end markers when zoomed-in completely on Push 2.
It was not possible to reset Wavetable modulation amounts from Push.
On Push 2, the audio Clip mode the "zoom overview" occasionally did not include the entire region, and the playhead would fail to appear when an audio Clip contained a section without any sample content.
The sequencer or loop selector pads would erroneously send mono-aftertouch (or poly pressure) messages.

Il faut surtout noté qu'il y a maintenant sur live 10 un système de backup automatique, donc même si la beta plante (c'a m'est arrivé 2 3 fois mais pas plus qu'avec la beta 9) tu pourras retrouvé ton projet avant le plantage.
Merci !