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Two Notes Audio Engineering Torpedo VB-101
Two Notes Audio Engineering Torpedo VB-101

Simulateur de HP pour ampli guitare de la marque Two Notes Audio Engineering appartenant à la série Torpedo

Prix public : 1 599 € TTC

Sujet Samples ENGL SE 6L6 + Torpedo VB-101

  • 30 réponses
  • 5 participants
  • 5 296 vues
Sujet de la discussion Samples ENGL SE 6L6 + Torpedo VB-101
Désolé d'avance pour l'anglais mais je vais poster ce truc sur d'autres sites non-francophones et j'ai la flemme de traduire donc...

Schecter Hellraiser C1-FR (bridge : EMG 81)
-> ENGL SE 6L6 (chan. 3, hi gain mode, modern mode, noise gate on)
-> Two Notes Torpedo VB-101 :
-cab : Marshall 4x12 V30 Slash Signature
-mic : Neumann U87 (Condenser mic)
-miking : on-axis, closest miking possible (no distance between the grille & the mic, kinda touching it)
-post fx : low cut @ 80hz or so, exciter (slight boost) around 3Khz
-> M Audio Fast Track Pro
-> Cubase (only panning, no EQ, no effects except for the lead track that has a delay) :

Just 2 guitars tracks, hard-panned each, same guitar but slight EQ changes on the SE between the 2.

Just plain guitars for now... i'll try those in a mix later...

By the way my playing totally sucked ass big time, don't mind the sloppiness... I hope some of you guys will recognize the songs i jammed with.


sujet updaté avec des nouveaux samples ici :

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A

[ Dernière édition du message le 09/12/2009 à 15:41:44 ]

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Quick guitar riff cover of SEVERE TORTURE's Serenity Torn Asunder :

Keep in mind the clip is sloppily played, and also slower/tuned lower then the original song.

See the link above for more details on the signal chain.

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A

I just recorded a RAG MEN cover using my ENGL SE 6L6 + Torpedo VB-101.

Clips (one with the full mix, one with guitars only) and detailed signal chain info can be found here :

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A

Recorded some test guitars real quick with the last 36 Crazyfists'Bloodwork backing track i posted yesterday (direct link and info :

For the "crunchy/twangy" guitar sound on the intro and verse i just rolled back my EMG81 volume pot halfway.
For the clean sound in the middle i rolled back the EMG81 tone pot halfway (for a softer/rounder/smoother sound) and used the Clean Channel (channel 1) on my amp, along with some reverb.

Don't mind the playing, it is totally sloppy, i just wanted to do a tone test :

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A

Made some changes to the mix i posted yesterday (direct link : :

* raised the overall volume (it was way too quiet)
* raised the bass volume a tad, and boosted it a tad more at 105Hz
* dropped the rythm guitars a bit
* compressed the clean guitar in the middle, added some flanger to it, and dropped its volume also

Also i remiked the rythm guitars through other cab/mic/miking setups :

- Mesa Boogie Rectifier Standard 4x12 (closed back) with V30's / Royer 121 (ribbon) :
- ENGL Pro 4x12 with Celestion V30 speakers / BeyerDynamic M160N (ribbon) :
- VHT deliverance 2x12 with Eminence P50E speakers / Royer 121 (ribbon) :

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A

Made some changes to the mix i posted on 2010-03-23 (direct link : :

* brought the kick up a tad
* lowered the snare volume
* balanced the mix levels out

I think it sounds better (drums and overall mix are more balanced volume-wise) but still needs some improvement (further drums (incl. toms) EQ-ing, and also bass EQ-ing (maybe a tad less pick noise treble/presence should be wise), you tell me : (with ENGL Pro 4x12 with Celestion V30 speakers / BeyerDynamic M160N (ribbon))

Also remiked through my go-to cab/mic/miking/post-EQ setups : (with ENGL Pro 4x12 with Celestion V30 speakers / Shure SM57 (dynamic))

Sounds more dynamic/percussive/punchy/edgy and mix-ready/balanced than the BeyerDynamic M160N IMO, but i am not a huge fan of the kinda fizzy character and tone, especially for ringing open chords. (with ENGL Pro 4x12 with Celestion V30 speakers / Blue Dragonfly (condenser))

This is my fav mic so far, not as good for guitar tones mix-readiness as the SM57, but still good and i like the character and tone better (sounds more like my tone, and i love the growl).

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A


Suffocation/All Out War/Pyrexia guitar medley (ENGL SE 6L6, Torpedo VB-101)  :

Since i always jam playing those riffs from Suffocation/All Out War/Pyrexia, i decided to record a guitar tone test medley, and try some different Lead Channel & voicing combinations.

Lead 1 is the tightest and driest lead channel.
Lead 2 is more saturated, spongy and smooth. It's also a bit bassier, and the contour active switch emphasizes that.

My current tone is made using lead 1 channel since i wanna get a dry tight kind of tone, but i wanted to show that you can also get a fat spongy saturated smooth kind of tone also, using lead 2 channel.

Sorry for the sloppy playing (i was kinda high on cold fever while playing :) )

-Lead 1 channel, mid edge voicing on, Blue Dragonfly condenser mic sim :


-Lead 1 channel, mid edge voicing on, SM57 mic sim :


-Lead 2 channel, contour active voicing on, Blue Dragonfly condenser mic sim :


-Lead 2 channel, contour active voicing on, SM57 mic sim :


You guys tell me what you think.


Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A

[ Dernière édition du message le 18/09/2010 à 03:47:45 ]


Petit instru mélodico-cucu enregistré à Noël dernier avec ma SE 6L6 dans le Torpedo (Superior 2 pour la batterie, Trilian pour la basse) :

Attention gros pains à la guitare, et titre toujours en cours d'écriture.

Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez.

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A


Petit extrait fait à Noël avec le Torpedo, repris d'une compo de mon ancien groupe, Bloodwrapped (brutal/crossover/slam death metal). Attention pleins de pains à la guitare c'est une véritable boulangerie, il faut que je bosse ça

Son et descriptif exhaustif dans le lien ci-dessous :

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A


Here is a quick snippet i recorded for a new project that is very NYHC-influenced.

Guitars are sloppy as fuck.

Drums are Superior 2, Bass is Trilian VSTi.

Let me know what you think so far.

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A

quick and sloppy hardcore snippet recorded with my Engl SE plugged into the Torpedo VB-101 (Engl 4x12 V30 cab, Blue Dragonfly condenser mic, post-EQ, slight exciter) :

Ch. : Cascade Fathead II ou Aphex 210, MXR Analog Chorus, BeyerDynamic M88, Shure Beta91A