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Sujet Surface De Controle (faites votre choix !)

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Sujet de la discussion Surface De Controle (faites votre choix !)
Ah ? bah tant mieux, comme je voyais que ça s'essouflait un peu ces jours ci j'avais peur que...
Et à quel surface pense tu en particulier?
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Pourquoi pas alors un récapitulatif avec points faibles / points forts de chaque par les utilisateurs ?
Pourquoi pas encorefaut il trouver un ou plusieurs utilisateur de chaque :bravo: ...

Alors kando a quoi tu pensais quand tu disais qu'elles y etais pas toutes?
Pour résumer (En Anglais):

CM Labs MotorMate, $1,499.99

MotorMate is CM’s next generation control surface, 8-100mm touch-sensitive motorized faders, full sized transport switches, 8 character timecode display, precision balanced jog/shuttle wheel, Navigator and “Zoom Stick” controls, clipboard (cut, copy, paste and delete). Autolocate controls and window select switches, built-in monitor section with on/off/level control for A/B monitors and headphones and expandable with MotorMix. Using MotorMate in combination with our SixtyFour Router, you may mix and monitor in 5.1 surround sound.

Digidesign Control|24, $7,995

With its ergonomic control surface, 16 Focusrite Class A mic pres, touch-sensitive motorized faders, surround capabilities, comprehensive controls, monitoring capabilities, Ethernet connection, and compatibility with both Pro Tools TDM and LE systems (except Digi 002), Control|24 is an alternative control surface for those who don’t need the additional features or extensibility of ProControl.

Digidesign ProControl, $11,995

With hands-on control of mixing, editing, and DSP-processing functionality, plus a comprehensive monitoring section, ProControl serves as the command center of your Pro Tools-based studio. In addition to extensive manual and visual controls, benefits include the smooth DigiFaders and the speed and throughput of Ethernet connectivity. ProControl’s flexible, modular design also enables you to painlessly integrate additional Fader Packs (to expand your system in 8-channel increments up to 48 channels total) and/or an Edit Pack (for tactile surround mixing and more) as your needs require.

Digidesign Edit Pack for ProControl, $7,495

Edit Pack’s dedicated edit switches, touch-sensitive DigiPanner joysticks, and high-resolution output meters complete your mixer setup. By providing access to all of the surround mixing features and Machine Control capabilities in Pro Tools, Edit Pack boosts productivity in both music and post production work. You can also access many audio and MIDI editing functions directly from its surface. Edit Pack includes 70 dedicated switches for invoking Pro Tools commands, a color-coded QWERTY keyboard, and an ergonomic trackball.

Digidesign Fader Pack for ProControl, $6,495

Each Fader Pack includes eight DigiFaders and all the features of the Main Unit fader section, including the standard channel strip functions and stereo meters, as well as automation, key shortcut, and select/assign/edit controls, giving you access to common Pro Tools functions from any part of your ProControl. You can expand your ProControl system by connecting a Fader Pack (up to five units/48 channels) to your ProControl Main Unit via Ethernet.

Emagic Logic Control, $1,299

Logic Control is the expandable hardware remote control specifically for use with Logic Platinum 5 and up. The control surface gives Logic users tactile control over hundreds of MIDI and audio functions, including the new automation system in Logic 5. Logic Control features motorized touch-sensitive faders and is automatically recognized by the sequencer. For users who need access to more than eight channels at a time, Emagic offers the Control XT expansion module ($1,099), which provides eight additional faders.

Event Electronics EZbus, $749

EZbus is a combination USB computer audio recording interface, software control surface, and stand-alone digital mixer. It’s equipped with 24-bit/96kHz mic, instrument, and line inputs, eight 24-bit/96kHz line outputs (including headphone out), ADAT optical I/O, S/PDIF I/O, dual MIDI ports, and word clock. Four-band EQ and compressor/gate/expander is standard on each audio channel. Other features include four sends per channel (independently configurable pre-/post-fader), four returns, 32 scene memories, 32 programmable control surface configurations, built-in transport controls for operating a variety of digital audio workstations, and preset control configurations (profiles) for major DAWs and virtual instruments. Mix librarian and profile editor included (Mac and PC).

IBK 10Control, $450

The 10Control offers ten programmable knobs and ten programmable pushbuttons, whose functions can be named and indicated in the dual LCD readouts. You can use this MIDI knob box to control and edit synthesizers (hardware or software), virtual mixers, and effects. Setups for Native Instruments Reaktor, Emagic Logic, and Creamware Pulsar are included.

JL Cooper CS-32 Minidesk, $499.95

The CS-32 Minidesk is a miniature control surface for fast access to the most commonly used functions in most audio programs. The CS-32’s teeny size does not reduce its capabilities as a powerful controller with 32 dedicated faders/channel strips for real-time control of volume levels, mute, solo, track arming and more. The “Mini” has tactile transport buttons, cursor keys and weighted jog/scrub wheel. Six rotary knobs give you hands-on, automation control of panning and plug-ins.

KORG microcontroller, $375

microcontroller offers 37 mini-keys with eight velocity curves and octave shifting. Assignable controls include sixteen illuminated, touch-sensitive pads, a five-way joystick, and eight pairs of sliders and rotary encoders, each with a color-changing LCD - 35 controllers in all. Controller functions can be memorized as one of twelve “scenes,” and twelve preset scenes support popular sequencing software. Driver/Librarian software (included on CD_ROM) keeps, saves, and loads scenes, and provides numerous templates for popular DAW, virtual instrument and sequencing software titles. USB or MIDI; USB, battery or A/C power.

M-Audio Evolution UC-33e, $329.95

The UC-33 is an easy-to-use remote USB controller for any computer music system or MIDI setup. Featuring 33 memory locations, it allows instant and simultaneous control of up to 47 different parameters. Use the UC-33 with a conventional MIDI setup for live performances, or as a remote control for your existing studio rack. 30 presets allow immediate control of the most popular virtual instruments and host applications like Reason, Live, Logic, Cubase SX, Native Instrument's B4 and more.

Mackie Control Universal, $1,299

Mackie Control Universal gives you real-time control over your music in ways your keyboard and mouse never will, with 100mm optical touch faders, a full sized backlit LCD, V-Pots for fast tweaking of effects and plug-ins, and shortcut navigation and editing for all major software including Digidesign Pro Tools, MOTU Digital Performer, Emagic Logic, Steinberg Nuendo/Cubase, and more.

Mackie Control Universal Extender, $1,099

A channel extension add-on option for Mackie Control. Mackie Control Extender has all the channel strip features of the Mackie Control, without the master section. Multiple Extenders can be used with a single Mackie Control to emulate a large-scale control surface with as many faders and pots as desired.

Mackie HUI, $2,999

The original Human User Interface by Mackie supports ProTools and many other DAWs. Like its little brother, Baby HUI, HUI rids you of the frustrating use of the mouse for fader and knob movements by providing a full, hands-on interface with real touch-sensitive motorized faders and real knobs and buttons.

Radikal Technologies SAC-2K ($1,849), SAC-8X ($1,299)

The SAC-2K isn’t specific to any one digital audio workstation — you can use it with a variety of software. It features nine touch-sensitive motorized faders, 12 rotary encoders with 31-step LED displays, one locator display and three 2x40 symbol displays, nine track select buttons, eight mute/solo switches, and ten buttons for selection of mixer parameters. The SAC-2K communicates via USB or MIDI, and can be expanded with additional eight-channel SAC-8X.

Steinberg Houston, $1,499

The Houston control surface features nine touch-sensitive motorized faders, endless rotary knobs with LED position indicators, illuminated display, and connection via USB and MIDI. Houston controls all parameters of the VST mixer, plus all VST effects and instruments, gives you quick access to all mixer views and up to 99 locator points, and lets you call up screensets directly without the use of a mouse.

TASCAM US-224, $375

This USB control surface/audio interface is the smaller brother to TASCAM’s Mac/PC-compatible US-428. But unlike the 428, the US-224 is powered only from USB, which makes it an ideal candidate for portable recording setups. The unit’s control surface gives you access to four channels at a time, and handles transport functions for sequencers and DAWs. The US-224 supports two ins and outs of 16- or 24-bit audio simultaneously at 44.1 or 48kHz, has two balanced XLR and two unbalanced line/mic/hi-Z ins (as well as S/PDIF digital I/O).

TASCAM US-122, $269

The super-portable portable US-122 is a Mac/Windows compatible (ASIO, WDM, GSIF and Apple Core Audio/OS X) USB audio/MIDI interface with two XLR-based, phantom-powered mic inputs with analog inserts. Bundled software includes TASCAM’s GigaStudio 24 and a version of Steinberg’s Cubasis.

TASCAM US-428, $499

A 24-bit front end, two XLR inputs, two balanced 1/4" TRS inputs, two unbalanced 1/4" inputs (switchable to Hi-Z), and S/PDIF I/O. Four channels of audio in and two out simultaneously via USB. Tactile controls for the most-used functions in your DAW applications. Transport, mute/solo and locate keys, unlimited banks of eight faders, an EQ module that supports control of up to four bands of fully parametric EQ, plus four aux sends and a panpot. 32 channels of MIDI I/O. Use one to lock your MTC-capable tape tracks to your computer.

TASCAM FW-1884, $1,599

The FW-1884 is a professional DAW control surface and audio/MIDI interface that uses the FireWire high-speed data transfer protocol. Interfacing to computers as well as control of DAW parameters via eight 100mm motorized touch-sensitive channel faders, one master fader, and controls for pan, solo, mute and select functions on each channel. Tactile control for four bands of parametric EQ, a jog/shuttle wheel and a variety of shortcut keys for various software applications. Co-designed by TASCAM and Frontier Design Group.

TASCAM US-2400, $1,999

Features 25 touch-sensitive moving channel faders and a touch-sensitive motorized
master fader, each with 10-bit resolution. Each channel has dedicated select, solo and mute controls. Twenty-four rotary encoders are selectable to control pan or up to 8 aux sends. Employ all 24 encoders as one large channel strip for four-band EQ, aux and pan control. LEDs can display current settings or double as channel meters during recording and playback. Solid-feeling transport buttons, a shuttle wheel and a joystick.

Yamaha 01X $1699

Copyright : Music Gear
Ce topic pourrais être très intéressant si la majorité des produits présentés ne valait pas aussi chère... vous avez pas des trucs plus réaliste a présenter ? :8O:
Roycool>tu peux mettre un lien sur chaque surface pour atteindre la photo?

en tout ca vbien joué! :bravo2:

Citation : Pourquoi pas alors un récapitulatif avec points faibles / points forts de chaque par les utilisateurs ?

N'hesite pas ...! ;)

Citation : Et à quel surface pense tu en particulier?

Tarif :,idproduit,19108.html :clin:

Clavier 88 touches (Toucher Marteaux) + Aftertouch + PitchBend + Modulation.
Entrées/Sorties MIDI : 1 OUT.
Caractéristiques :
88 touches lestées Hammer Action
Pitch Bend
9 curseurs
24 potars
17 boutons assignables
4 zones
10 mémoires
écran LCD
prises pédales expression et vol.
prise pour alim. externe
éditeur Enigma inclus.

Tarif :,idproduit,38720.html

Tarif :

Et ont as jamais parler de celle ci: ( pourtant elle en vaut la peine )

Tarif : Va plutot falloir regarder du coté de l'occas ! :noidea: ( mais cavaut le coup! )

Citation : Ce topic pourrais être très intéressant si la majorité des produits présentés ne valait pas aussi chère... vous avez pas des trucs plus réaliste a présenter ?

Y'en a a tous les prix ! ;)
Sur le korg microkontoller, ya des faders, ca peut etre utilisé comme sur une table de mixage ou pas vraiment??
Oui cela peut etre une des fonctionnalité ! ;)