Annonces Oscillot
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Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Max for Cats
- Modèle : Oscillot
- Catégorie : Synthés Modulaires Virtuels
- Fiche créée le : 30/01/2015
fully modular system for Ableton Live
- more than 100 modules – including oscillators, processors, filters, mixers, modulators, amplifiers, shapers, sequencers, utilities and more
- connect any output of any module to an input of any other module with a patchcord
- In the Editor window you’ll see all the modules used in this particular preset and the connections between them
- ‘Info’ button and clicking on any of the modules will bring up a detailed description of that module’s function, features and the types of signals it can send and receive.
- up to six voices of polyphony
- choose between straight or curved patchcords or even hide them completely when they are in the way
- zoom in and out in the Editor window, add annotations and labels, and of course, save your patches.
- Max for Live device
- Max/MSP enthusiasts can make and modify their own modules – an SDK is available
- Max for Cats are also planning further modules
- OSCiLLOT can interact with your hardware – provided you have a DC coupled audio interface.