Tool power ;-) Leurs albums, leur son
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Que du bohneur!! merci de me rappeler que j'avais se cédé!!!
Citation : 02 Mar 06
In order to save me the pain of individually responding to the hundreds of emails I’ve received in the past week about these so-called leaked track listings and other message board rumors (like Cheech, I’ve a lot of shit to do today), I’ve decided to post my reply to one that this typical of the others with hopes that it will curtail the amount of querist clones flooding my inbox: With regards to your question pertaining to “leaked track listings”, perhaps the band members should thank those individuals responsible for such pettifoggery (as someone’s grandfather once called it), saving them the time and energy of fabricating their own spurious album title and track listings (not to mention the expense of actually recording a decoy ‘Toolish’ album – which would be delightfully paradoxical and astoundingly foolish) just to thwart the best intentions of potential bootleggers. I’m afraid the guys have really thrown you a curve this time, as there are currently no song titles with decidedly ethereal names like “Aldaraian”, “Mandalic”, “Hyparxis”, etc. The new release is NOT Lateralus II, and the track listings reflect an altogether different mood. In the Kerrang ? interview (excerpts of which have been posted on the internet), Danny is quoted as saying “This is our blues record. We’re singing the blues.” (NOTE: you might recall that in the January newsletter, Obelisong, the spirit evoked during a Ouija Board Working, when asked what the name of the vocalist in the band was, replied BLUES BIALO, meaning blues voice.) Keeping this in mind, the actual track listings are far more – how should I put it – down to earth than “Laiad Kayenth”, “Paramnesia”, “Luminesce Kaon” and other ‘painted sepulchers, and any would-be ‘Cagliostros’ out there might want to factor this in (as opposed to using Lateralus as a template) when concocting any future bogus titles to disseminate on the web (for whatever reason).
To answer your question about “Teleincision”, I honestly don’t know where that came from, but I think it has been finally put to rest as just another blind alley. As for the (first) new single being called “Visceral”, although NOT correct, at least I think I know where that one came from. I believe, but I’m not absolutely certain, that this originated during the last (Crowleymas) chat party. Prior to the actual chat, Graves had Maynard and Danny type in a word in order to test the individual screen colors for their individual names, and the word (randomly?) chosen was “visceral.”
Finally, about the “Aldaraia” document that has been circulating on the internet as of late: It is obviously a hoax, and, in my opinion, not a particularly good one. Even a cursory glance at the contents reveals several tell-tale signs that it’s a complete fraud (not including the questionable date formatting). For instance, why would the band’s P.O. Box address be blacked out? It would appear that the perpetrators of the hoax were attempting to make the letter appear more authentic by adding this little touch, but, as it was completely unnecessary to do so, it only betrays it being a genuine 'document.' Also, I don’t think anyone in the band would add an ‘n’ to the ‘Enochian’ word “Aldaraia!”
By the way, the idea of Danny giving a total stranger a card (complete with “Tool graphics”) containing track listings or other relevant information really made me laugh. Even if such a card existed, it would almost certainly be FOUND on a hotel lobby floor or on the backseat of a taxi rather than handed out. That's the way these things are done, isn't it? I hope this was helpful.
Si quelqu'un est capable de résumer courtement ce qu'il raconte concrêtement, je prends...
Citation : "03 Mar 06
The artwork for the upcoming Tool album is going to the separators/printers today, therefore it will eventually be leaked out that the name of the album is (drum roll.......) ' 10,000 days '
... so there it is. "
Citation : [03/06/06] - Album Name Confirmed
Well so much for all the conspiracy theories. A reliable source confirms that the title is "10,000 Days." There it is! (Those of you complaining that it "doesn't sound like a Tool title" might want to refer back to other mathematically-themed names such as "Forty-Six & 2", "4 Degrees", "Parabola", etc.) It is sounding more and more like the album will be out at the start of May.
Billy Bégonia
Eh ouais, c'est Isis en première partie au Luxembourg (en france, j'en sais rien)
Oui, je sais, j'connais rien à rien!!
est-ce que quelqu'un est capable de me dire quelle est la percussion qu'on entend à la fin de disposition et au début de reflection sur lateralus, celle qui a un son grave et dont la tonalité augmente à la façon d'un talking drum africain (sauf que le talking drum est beaucoup plus aigu because le faible diamètre du fût)...j'me dis que c'est plutot une percu du moyen orient voire indienne car on l'entend deans ces styles de musique mais après quelques recherches sur le net, je suis resté bredouille. Alors si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer, j'en serais ravi....
Cold silence has... a tendencie to... atrophy any... sense of compassion...
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