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Soutenons Olivier, le créateur de ce soft génial !!!!
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A tous ceux qui ont un Palm et qui ne connaisent pas Bhajis Loops allez faire un tour par là et lachez les 26,99€ vous en aurez largement pour votre argent.
Et si vous n'avez pas de Palm et que vous êtes en quête du séquenceur, sampleur, table de mix, multi-effet de voyage c'est une solution a envisager sérieusement.
“A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.”
Bon mois faut que je prépare des samples
Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
Citation : Hi!
I am on my way learning Mac OS X programming. Here is my first project (it is still probably full of bugs)...
Download MidiBt
This application can be used to receive MIDI data through a Bluetooth connection, and to create a virtual MIDI-in device to route this data to any music software. What's the use? Well... Your Palm has bluetooth too, so you can use it as a MIDI controller with a custom client application (hacked in a few hours on a borrowed laptop ;) )
How to use it...
1/ Make sure that Bt is enabled on your Mac and that you are "discoverable".
2/ Launch MidiBt.
3/ Click on "Start server".
4/ Launch the MidiBtTinyController app on your Palm and tap on "connect".
5/ Select your Mac in the list.
6/ Once the connection is established you can use your Palm as a MIDI controller.
There are 4 kind of controllers :
- 4 XY Pads (which can be set to individual channels / controllers settings).
- 1 4x4 buttons matrix (useful to trigger drum sounds or loops).
- [In 320x480 mode] 1 1x6 buttons matrix
- [In 320x480 mode] 5 knobs.
Modern music software should be able to "learn" from all these controllers, so there is no need for a lot of configuration...
If doing the same thing on a PC is easy (and I doubt it is...), and if you find it usable Bhajis Loops will be MIDIfied using this approach.
Bon, nous ce qu'il nous faudrait c'est l'inverse, mais bon déjà c'est pas mal
Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
Citation : Hi,
I already experimented with this virtual char translation approach for other purposes than MIDI input (indeed, for synchronization and signaling between the audio playback engine and the rest of the program) and I had to face this problem : when a menu is displayed, any special keyDown event will close it. If the message is sent many times per second, menus will flicker and will become unusable. It was a very bad approach - fortunately, I could do what I wanted by using polling...
Actually, MIDI input is not a problem by itself, since I can poll the serial input directly in the form loop and have callback for each of them (each form would install its own callback - for example, the instrument editor would install a callback in which controllers are used to modify the values of buttons).
The real problems is for an accurate MIDI output sync'ed with the audio !
Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
Citation : Hi,
Once the general MIDI instrument kits (GMdrums and GMinstruments) are installed in memory, GM instruments are automatically loaded when you import a MIDI file. I guess that is what you need
On peut donc importer des fichiers MIDI ! C'est déjà ça... Par contre faut installer un truc supplémentaire pour pouvoir transferer des fichiers MIDI sur les Palms :
Citation : Hi,
The problem is that by default, some devices handle the MIDI format while some others does not.
I have programmed a little utility that let you register any file extension for any directory name:
Just launch it and tap on the "register" button to solve your MIDI files problem. If there are other file types you also need to install on your SD card, you can also register them for different directories.
Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
Citation : The BPM indicator. The tempo in Beats Per Minute (BPM) is selected here. You can tap on the number to hide / show a larger slider as well as a Tap button implementing a "tap tempo" feature: just tap a simple beat on this button to quickly adjust the tempo.
Et puis regarde là aussi, en particulier la section Warp :
Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
C'est pas de ça que je te causes, tu me vois jouer de la gratte et en même temps attrapper le tylet pour tapper le tempo ?
Depuis que t'as un slip rouge, on ne te comprend plus
Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
J'en déduis que si certains PALM suportent une souris USB ça doit être encore plus facile de bricoler un pédalier Bespeco
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