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Du nouveau chez arturia ?

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Sujet de la discussion Du nouveau chez arturia ?
Yes Roland l'a "compris " Arturia l'a fait
Bar analo a 500e sorties séparées et consorts

> Seventeen pure analog drum sounds
. Kick 1, kick 2, snare, clap, hihat 1, hi hat 2, conga hi, conga lo, tom hi, tom lo, maracas, rimshot, clave, tambourine, cymbal, reverse cymbal, zap.
> Wide-range of controls allowing for many new and
unique sounds.
.Two different flavors of kick drums
. Our unique analog Reverse Cymbal
> 64 patterns with up to 64 steps each
> Separate accent per drum
> Step Repeat for creating looping glitch effects
> Song mode for chaining patterns
> Pattern effects:
. Swing & randomness that can be global or per instrument
. Pattern Looper for beat repeat functions
> Steiner Parker output filter with bypass (high pass & low pass)
> Multiple sync options (Internal, USB, MIDI, Clock)
. Four different clock format
> Twelve individual audio outputs
> Headphone output with both 3.5mm and ¼” jacks
> Create polyrhythms
. Each drum track can be of separate length


Arturia DrumBrute paves on the control panel all the parameters related to the real-time management of the available analog sounds:
Kick 1. Level, Pitch, Decay, Impact, Sweep. It has a separate output audio.
Kick 2. Level, Pitch, Decay. It has a separate output.
Snare. Level, Snap Level, Decay Snap, Snap Tone, Tone Drum. It has a separate output.
Clap. Level, Tone, Decay. It has a separate output.
Rim / Claves. Level, Tone Rim, timbre Type selector. The two share the same sounds Rim output.
Closed Hat. Level, Pitch, Decay. He shares the output with the Open Hat sound.
Open Hat. Level, Pitch Decay. He shares the output with Closed Hat sound.
Hi Tom / Conga Hi. Level, Pitch, timbre Type selector. The two sounds sharing the same output Hi Tom.
Tom Lo / Lo Conga. Level, Pitch, timbre Type selector. The two share the same sounds Tom output Lo.
Cymbal / Reverse Cymbal. Level, Tone, Decay, tone Type selector. The two share the same sounds Cymbal output.
Maracas / Tamb. Level, Tamb Decay, tone Type selector. The two sounds sharing the same output Maracas / Tamb.
Zap. Level, Pitch, Decay. It has a separate output.
Ça ça donne envie !
Ça c'est bien autre chose que cette bouse de TR-09 !!

Vive les BPM !

Basé sur le séquenceur BeatstepPro apparemment et polyrythmique siouplé !!!
"Triggering Polyrhythm way, every programming line / instrument can have the length / number of steps it considers necessary; in this way, 16 starboard checkout steps can be overlapped to 7 steps of maracas and step 11 of the tom ..."

Mute group et Solo group !
"The seventeen analog content in DrumBrute sounds are quickly adjustable, during the performance, for example, with the Mute and Solo behaviors; you can create allocation groups to open and close quickly more than one instrument at a time. Jeff Mills could start to feel hot ..."

Ca va faire mal !!!! :rocket:

[ Dernière édition du message le 07/10/2016 à 07:43:43 ]

Ils vont le faire :bave:


Passage en mode Multi

Citation de bolton :
Ça c'est bien autre chose que cette bouse de TR-09 !!

+ 10000 puissance 10000

Elle semble fantastique cette Bar. Merci Arturia :aime:

[ Dernière édition du message le 07/10/2016 à 08:20:01 ]