Apogee Ensemble vs RME Fireface
- 268 réponses
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Horloge ?
Preamp ?
Qu'elles differences de son objectives ?
Qui a pu faire des comparaisons, des tests... et non pas rapporter que tel magazine dit que...
Ce post est un peu nul en l'état. Alors je relance les questions posées sur la comparaison entre l'Apogee Ensemble et la RME Fireface.
On ne trouve d'ailleurs pas beaucoup de retour de la part des utilisateurs de la carte son d'Apogee.
merci donc à ceux qui savent de faire partager leurs expériences
Citation : Incredible Interface!
by Michael LaPoff from Tucson, AZ, May 2007
Buying this interface is the most significant improvement I have made to my studio in years. It sounds incredible. I'm hearing my music as I never have before. Logic Pro is my main DAW but I sometimes use Pro Tools L. The integration with Logic is fantastic and it works in standalone mode with everything else. At this price point this is far and away the best audio interface I have ever heard or used. If you use Logic this is a no brainer, get it. Ensemble far exceeded my expectations!
I was lost, Now I have found
by Isaac from Brooklyn/Bay Ridge, April 2007
Music Background: Producer, Classical Guitarist, Keyboard Player, and Singer/Vocal Coach
I recently purchased the Apogee Ensemble,and I'm more satisfied than I ever imagined. The thought behind the idea of this integration was pure genius. The Apogee, Avalon 737, and a Neumann TLM 103 is just pure magic.
Thank you Apogee
holy cow: Simply the best
by odu lepas from germany, March 2007
Music Background: jazz, electronica
So far I had used 2x Metric Halo 2882 and 2x ULN2 .I was very satisfied with their audiophile results. The MH drivers were nearly unbeatable in terms of stability and performance. Now I took the time and tested the Ensemble over tha last weekend. It blew me away. The concept of the device with its 2 encoders and the nativ integration with Apple OSX is fantastatic. It´s build like a tank and its still a beauty and the Sound ?? wow... just amazing, prestine, transparent, crisp, neutral. There is no doubt about that THIS ensemble is the best Firewire Interface the world ever had to offer.
Thanks to Apple for sponsoring Apogee in building such an incredible interface.
Ensemble... closer to commercial.
by All Or Nothin Entertainment from Illinois, August 2006
Music Background: Recording Engineer
We purchased the Ensemble, after having both the Metric Halo ULN and Fireface 800 interfaces.
While those 2 were already high quality, we felt after one test, the Ensemble blew those 2 away.
We connected an Apogee Big Ben word clock, and finished the set-up with a set of JBL LSR4328 monitors, and could not have been more pleased with the outcome.
This is as close to commercial quality, as we have come, being non-mastered.
Not only does the Ensemble offer nice pre's, but the converters are top notch as well.
Our combo made for one of the best set-up's we've had in house for awhile.
I highly reccommend anyone looking to get that much closer to commercial sound, to buy this interface, as well as the Big Ben word clock.
P.S. Soon we'll add the SSL Duende, for the ultimate combo.
The best For Logic
by Ruben John Pulido from Los Angeles, CA, August 2006
Music Background: Music Producer/ Record Label owner
If you own Logic Pro! and your on a G5 or on one of the new MacBook Pro's Then this is the only audio interface you will ever need. The intergration is perfect. you never have to leave Logic for for any set up at all. It's all right in front of you. All the controls. And the encoders on the Endemlbe it self work as well if you prefer to use the knobs. Currently the drivers only support certin sample rates and can't take advatantage of the units full capabilities. But as soon as Apogee release's the new one's it will be on fire.
J'avais déja fait des recherches et trouvé quelques forums sur le sujet mais pas des tonnes.
Je voulais surtout avoir l'avis de quelqu'un l'ayant réellement testé dans son studio ou home studio avant d'investir.
J'ai demandé à mon magasin favori qui est à fond RME et qui donc m'a dit que RME serait aussi bien sinon mieux.
Je suis allé à un autre magasin qui est à fond Apogee et qui donc m'a dit que RME c'était bien mais Apogee c'est mieux...
Possedant déja une RME 400, je penses que je vais prendre L'apogee en plus comme ca je me ferai mon test à moi, tant pis pour la banque.
Pour qq'un qui cherche une carte son haut de gamme pour une utilisation home studio, il est clair que la Fireface 800 et l'Apogee Ensemble font partis des produits attirants, mais je pense pour des raisons différentes...
Je viens de quitter Protools et ma digi002R pour un mac pro sous logic 8 et je cherche une nouvelle carte pour enregistrer mes machines ( Musique Electronique )
J'hesitais a prendre une console genre tascam FW1884 mais j'ai finalement decidé de me passer des controles pour me payer une carte son de standing superieur...
J'hesite mtn entre ces 2 cartes, voila MON avis :
Les + de la RME : Prix ( comparé à l'ensemble ) et surtout les nombreux feedbacks excellents
Les - de la RME : Pas d'insert
Les + de l'Apogee : Savoir faire Apogee, Integration Logic, Design,
Les - de l'Apogee : Pas d'ES midi ( Hallucinant )
Voila j'hesite entre une carte son reconnue comme excellente et a propos de laquelles les retours sont vraiment positifs, et un nouveau produit d'une grande marque parfaitement adapté a ma future utilisation mais qui est peut etre encore un peu jeune...
De plus les drivers sont d'une stabilité exemplaire : 0 plantage en + de 2 ans.
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