après ce qui différencie vraiment elektron..c'est leur façon d'aborder la création musical....
un coté fun et live tout en permétant de faire de bonne chose...
Une question conne peut etre mais y a t'il une possibilité de pouvoir basculer des sorties CV en sorties AUX ?
Je ne pense pas car il me semble que la conception de sorties audio diffère de celle de sorties CV ; les premières ne permettent pas au signal d'avoir de composante continue.
Update: One major cause for concern is the absence of MIDI output from the step sequencer. Thanks to commenters for pointing this out.
Does the Analog Four have dedicated MIDI sequencer tracks?
No. Instead it features a dedicated CV/Gate track, controlling the two dual CV/Gate outputs.
What you can do with MIDI output is not output MIDI messages, but only MIDI sync. So, if you’re sequencing the step sequencer only with CV hardware, or you have another piece of gear with a sequencer in it and only need sync, this isn’t an issue. If, on the other hand, you were considering the Analog Four as the hub of some digital gear – yes, it’s an issue. Here’s hoping this is something that gets addressed in a firmware update.