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Roland Mc 707 - Update 1.80

  • 63 réponses
  • 13 participants
  • 5 264 vues
Sujet de la discussion Roland Mc 707 - Update 1.80
[ Ver.1.80 ] SEP 2022

Manuel update :
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Additional Functions

Import Function Added for MC and MV Production Packs Distributed Via Roland Cloud
Clip Save Function Added
Undo/Redo Functions Added
MFX Types Added
Function Added to Record Messages from External MIDI Devices to MOTION
Function for Successively Assigning Sliced Samples Added to the Sampling Function
Multi-track Mode Added to PAD NOTE
Functions Added to Preview Playback of WAV Files
Shortcut Types Added
Bug Fixes
The following bug was fixed.
Arpeggio playback from external MIDI is now possible.
Other minor bugs.

[ Dernière édition du message le 14/09/2022 à 08:47:03 ]

La Mc 101 et versalab sont mis a jours aussi :clin:

Sujet sur le Forum :,update-1-8.html

[ Dernière édition du message le 14/09/2022 à 08:50:05 ]

Unit:E a publié sur Facebook la liste exhaustive des nouveautés/corrections de la 1.8 :

-Add undo and redo functions.
-Added the ability to import MC/MV Production Packs
-Added multitrack mode to PAD NOTE
-The volume of the preview playback of WAV files can now be adjusted.
-The preview playback sound of WAV files can now be monitored on the CUE bus.
-Arpeggios can now be played back from external MIDI.
-Clip program change now supports LSB/MSB.
-Fixed playback delay during MIDI sync.
-Fixed a problem where notes with the 128th step set to Note Off would not be imported when SMF import was performed.
-Fixed a problem with total effect on the preview playback sound of WAV files.
-Fixed a problem in which Pan and Level were not reflected when clips were imported from other project files.
-In the MOTION tab of the STEP EDIT screen, the MOTION data at the beginning of a step is now displayed (or OFF if there is no MOTION data at the beginning).
-Fixed a problem in which MFX would not apply correctly when clips from multiple tracks set to the same MIDI channel were switched at the same time when Program Change was received.
-Fixed a problem in which the FX PRM knob and FX DEPTH knob would not respond properly if turned continuously.
-Scene numbers now blink when the next scene is reserved in a scene chain.
-Fixed a problem in which the SCATTER effect caused by pad operation would not turn ON at certain timing or would turn OFF after a shorter duration than that set by Pad Quantize.
-Fixed a problem in which the SCATTER effect was not applied when the [scatter] button was pressed.
-Fixed a problem in which MIDI Start was output at the start of Count-In, but it is now output at the end of Count-In.
-Fixed a problem in which the [START/STOP] button did not work during pre-counting by Count-In.
-When SAW, ARC, or SQR is selected in MOTION DESIGNER, the beginning of the step is now repeatedly reproduced with the intended value.
-Fixed a problem in which selecting a clip during clip chain playback would not switch to the correct tone.
-Fixed a problem in which no sound would be heard on the Drum track if the SOUND FILE screen was entered in the Drum track and then exited.
-If a parameter is not assigned to the FILTER, MOD, FX, FX PRM, or FX DEPTH knob, ""No Assign"" will now be displayed when the knob is operated.
-External PITCH BEND, HOLD, BREATH CONTROLLER, MOD, VOLUME, and more now recorded into motion recording.

c'est bien cas avance un peu, il manque plus que l'arp soit individuel d'une piste a l'autre, dans l'état l'arp n'est pas utilisable en live

- on aimerait toujours plus de piste midi
- streaming audio depuis SD
- song mode mais on n'y croit plus

[ Dernière édition du message le 14/09/2022 à 09:45:54 ]

Effectivement ca avance un peu pour la 707 par contre c'est une grosse update pour la 101/verselab ...
On peux enfin sauver c'est presets :mrg:

Citation de Fast303 :
Effectivement ca avance un peu pour la 707 par contre c'est une grosse update pour la 101/verselab ...
On peux enfin sauver c'est presets :mrg:

preset de quoi ? Je ne penses pas que ce soit possible de sauver un preset sur la mc-707, on peu en importer, mais pas exporter
Je n'ai pas encore installer l'update mais :
Clip Save Function Added , Tu sauve le clip (donc preset + notes )
Arpeggio et pitchbend via clavier externe, enfin!:facepalm:

Je suis en train de tester , tu peux bien sauver les presets (wav perso inclus, top pour les drumkits) :bravo:
ok merci