AF contre la drogue ?
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Un mec est venu interrompre ma ballade pour me faire signer une pétition "Contre la drogue".
En dehors du fait que je vois pas bien l'utilité d'une telle pétition, j'étais pas sûr d'être de son avis.
Il y a drogue et drogue, pas vrai ?
Putain, 22 ans que je traine sur AF : tout ce temps où j'aurais pu faire de la musique ! :-( :-)
Citation : Et mes érections sont dures et tenaces.
Alerte étui pénien ! :cheveux_qui_se_dressent:
Gwenaël Landunvez
Citation : quelques vaches et quelques oies
Tain comme je t'envie, ça fait quelques mois que j'habite en banlieux parisienne (et encore pour quelques mois), et mais comme c'est MERDIQUE BORDEL!!!! Je rêve de petits chemins entre les champs, de silence et du bruit de la mer, des zoizeaux (ici y en a même pas faut pas déconner!) ah bordel la nature meuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
Citation : Ban on Mushrooms as per Monday 09-06-2008
On the 29th of April this year the ministers of the Dutch government agreed on the ban on mushrooms by issuing an “AMvB (Algemene Maatregel van Bestuur)” This means that the Law nor the drug act will be changed but only that 186 types of psilocin containing mushrooms will be added on the B list that accompanies the Dutch drug act (opiumwet).
However, to bring the mushrooms under the reach of the drug act, it has to pass the House of commons (tweede kamer) and the House of Lords (Eerste Kamer) in an ultimate attempt to change the minds of the members of the House of Commons we wrote a letter to all chairmen of the dutch political parties in which we explained that the way this “AMvB” came about was on the basis of false arguments given by the minister of Health. (he keeps telling the House of Commons and the Media that the French girl who jumped of a bridge in Amsterdam, early 2007, was under the influence of mushrooms. Fortunately, this has never been proven by toxicological reports what so ever.) Thanks to our efforts, the letter we wrote, was used by those political parties to formulate a questionnaire addressed to the minister of Health, which he will has to answer to pass his “AMvB”. In our opinion he can not possibly answer these questions in an adequate way, nor will he be able to answer it in a short tim!
e. There for we think that we will maintain till the end of summer at least. IF the “AMvB” passes, there is still nothing to worry about, because there are still some discrepancies in the explanation. :-)
Until than: “I Shall Prevail” (slogan on the Dutch national weapon)
We will keep you informed……
PS. Today we heard that the AMvB will not be handled till Septemper 2008!
Gwenaël Landunvez
Citation : PS. Today we heard that the AMvB will not be handled till Septemper 2008!
Traduction : On a tout l'été pour faire du stock
Gwenaël Landunvez
Gwenaël Landunvez
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