Sujet de la discussionPosté le 09/02/2019 à 16:31:39Le Pub des Instruments Électroniques
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[ Dernière édition du message le 10/02/2019 à 18:51:41 ]
Trop bien des musiciens Expérimentaux Japonais comme je les adore
Citation :
Open Reel Ensemble is a group where they perform by manipulating reel-to-reel tape recorders. The music was performed by placing their hands directly on the reels and tapes. The ensemble was constructed by using the sounds and voices recorded onto the tape right on the spot. Their intriguing tone and composition won high acclaim and the ensemble landed the musical director of ISSEY MIYAKE’s shows at the Paris Fashion Week four seasons in a row. Their live performances enjoy critical acclaim as well; as for overseas, they have performed at Sonar (in Barcelona, Spain) and Ars Electronica (in Linz, Austria) to name a few.
The group has released CD/DVD and has also published a few books. While exploring many projects including “Open Reel Orchestra”, a spin-off project of twenty musicians and twenty reel-to-reel tape recorders, holding workshops and exhibitions, the trio continues to expand their live performance/exhibition to various countries.
La deuxième vidéo est mieux que la première, plus trippante avec de jolies mélodies. La première vidéo est amusante mais ça fait un peu sketch comique.