Tool power ;-) Leurs albums, leur son
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Apparemment ils ont un projet de faire un film surréaliste. Je crois que j'ai strictement rien compris à ce qui est dit, mais il semblerait qu'il s'agisse de faire "à la TOOL", c'est à dire, ni un dvd live avec 15 cameras braquées sur la scène, ni un truc pourrites comme on en voit pour beaucoup de groupes. Plutôt quelque chose dans l'esprit de Salival, du Tool quoi...
Quelques tofs de concert récent :
Petit mais costaud ?
Et en plus il chante (presque) juste en même temps
zip, pit et pat les pingouins
Citation : Next TOOL Album Might Arrive 'Sooner Than Later' - June 28, 2007
Launch Radio Networks reports: TOOL released its latest album, "10,000 Days", in the spring of 2006, five years after its previous effort, "Lateralus". The group intends to stay on tour until at least the end of 2007 before taking a break, but bassist Justin Chancellor told Launch that he doesn't think fans will have to wait another half decade for the next TOOL record. "Honestly, I don't know," he said. "We're in the second year of this tour already and it won't be long before people have said it's five years already. If we finish touring by, say, next January or February, once we've taken a little time off, it's almost unavoidable that it's gonna be a little while. I mean, honestly, I think everyone's getting a bit older, and I have a feeling we'll want to get on with it sooner than later this time."
TOOL is currently on a North American tour that bring the band to Cincinnati on Friday night (June 29). The trek ends on July 18, after which the group will head to Europe in August and September.
"10,000 Days" has sold 1.5 million copies since its release in May of 2006.
Billboard recently reported that TOOL is mulling the idea of making a band movie. Guitarist Adam Jones said, "We all have ideas about it. If I had my way, it would be a narrative story in a surreal fashion with as much money and special effects as we could throw at it...It's just talk right now."
(putain si le teasing commence 4 ans en avance, on va pas s'en sortir...)
est-ce que quelqu'un est capable de me dire quelle est la percussion qu'on entend à la fin de disposition et au début de reflection sur lateralus, celle qui a un son grave et dont la tonalité augmente à la façon d'un talking drum africain (sauf que le talking drum est beaucoup plus aigu because le faible diamètre du fût)...j'me dis que c'est plutot une percu du moyen orient voire indienne car on l'entend deans ces styles de musique mais après quelques recherches sur le net, je suis resté bredouille. Alors si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer, j'en serais ravi....
Cold silence has... a tendencie to... atrophy any... sense of compassion...
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