Tool power ;-) Leurs albums, leur son
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Surtout que je connais bien mal ce dernier album...
Noisey Houtan
The only way to do it is to do it. (Merce Cunningham)
Noisey Houtan
The only way to do it is to do it. (Merce Cunningham)
Citation : Jones owns and uses a vintage Marshall head, which is a non-master volume bass amplifier from 1976, Mesa Boogie dual rectifier (original, 2 channel version) and a Diezel VH4 amplifier.
On Undertow and the Opiate EP the Marshall bass amplifier was used, as the mesa boogie dual rectifier and the Diezel were not around in 1993 or before.
On Ænima the Marshall amplifier was used for high frequencies (treble). The Diezel VH4 was used to contribute the bass and mid range frequencies. The two amps were mixed accordingly to level out the frequencies.
Lateralus may have been recorded with the Diezel amp, along with the Marshall bass amp. Adam has made references to a Sunn head and may have also used his Mesa Boogie rectifier in the studio. By the time of the main Lateralus tour, the only Mesa Boogie equipment in sight was the two Mesa Rectifier Standard cabinets.
In an interview in Guitar World Magazine, Adam discusses some of the amps used on the recordings for 10,000 Days. Rivera Amps also claims on its web page that Adam is using a Rivera Knucklehead Rev Mick Thompson model on the recording.
Noisey Houtan
Parce que comme beaucoup ici je cherche à jouer avec un son qui me plait et le leur s'en rapproche beaucoup, donc quand à faire je vais plutôt essayer le même matériel qu'eux.
The only way to do it is to do it. (Merce Cunningham)
Noisey Houtan
The only way to do it is to do it. (Merce Cunningham)
est-ce que quelqu'un est capable de me dire quelle est la percussion qu'on entend à la fin de disposition et au début de reflection sur lateralus, celle qui a un son grave et dont la tonalité augmente à la façon d'un talking drum africain (sauf que le talking drum est beaucoup plus aigu because le faible diamètre du fût)...j'me dis que c'est plutot une percu du moyen orient voire indienne car on l'entend deans ces styles de musique mais après quelques recherches sur le net, je suis resté bredouille. Alors si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer, j'en serais ravi....
Cold silence has... a tendencie to... atrophy any... sense of compassion...
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