Nouveaux drivers esi!disponibles!
- 64 réponses
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de dieux vivement ce soir ke je les test!!!!
Par contre, chez moi, ils ont foutu une merde noire, et en voulant les virer pour remettre la rustine spécial SX2/Nuendo2, ca m'a bloqué la bécane.
J'ai tout essayé, plus moyen de la débloquer.
Alors, méfiance.**DX7-FR
Qui sera la cobaye?
Célio Mattos
gora herria
y a bien des courageux ici
Citation : y a bien des courageux ici
Bah oui, moi, j'lai dis plus haut. ;)Chez moi ca à pas marché, mais alors PÔ du tout .
J'ai du restaurer mon système à une date antérieur, car tout se bloquait.
Ceci dit, avec la restauration d'XP (pour les XP users oeuf de course), y'a pas à être frileu... Si ca marche pas, on r'vient en arrière et c'est marre.
N4empèche que le forum STAudio ne comporte pour l'instant que de bonnes impressions et aucune plainte, ce qui est plutôt bon signe. J'ai pas eu d'chance épicétout.
Mais j'vais pas m'laisser abatre pour autant, je vais retenter le coups et on verra kikél'plus fort de l'homme ou d'la machine ;op
Pour vous éviter de chercher:
Citation : New ESI driver available for download in Q&A forum
We have now uploaded a public beta version of the new ESI driver for the DSP24 series of hardware to our website. In the next days we will update our website with information about driver installation and more details about this release.
However, because of the strong demand on this forum, the driver for Windows 2000 and XP is available for download already now for our Q&A users:
In order to install it, please uninstall the old driver first via External Links / Output Mixer (goto Help -> Uninstall Driver, click on Uninstall driver). After the reboot, point the hardware detection to the path in which you have unzipped the driver files. Make sure to select manual driver installation for advanced users in the hardware detection wizard.
Note that this new driver installs 2 devices while the previous DSP24 drivers did install only one. This means that hardware detection will run twice for the two devices.
If you are unsure about this procedure installing the driver, please wait a couple of days until we provide detailed installation instructions. This driver is only released now due to the popular demand of the users on the forum.
We have tested and compared the performance of the driver with the old DSP24 driver and with drivers of other Envy24 based cards from other manufacturers. Our test results show that when using ASIO, the latency and CPU load (= general performance) is on the highest possible level, unreached by other vendors to this extend. During that test we also noticed that one of the other vendors using the Envy24 chip is displaying wrong information about the latency in ms (e.g. 1.5ms when it is in reality 5ms) under Cubase SX 2.x and Nuendo 2.x in their latest driver. We ensure you that the new ESI E-WDM driver for the DSP24 card shows the correct latency and provides great performance with buffer sizes down to 64 or even 48 on fast systems.
Known issues:
- the driver does not support multiple DSP24 cards in one system at the moment (will be added later)
- the driver does not support the Int. Audio section (AC-97 codec) of the DSP24 card
- other ESI drivers must be removed totally before installing this driver (e.g. if you tested the Audioterminal 010 driver or if you received an earlier ESI pre-beta version)
Please note that believe that a final release can be made in this year or early next year - this also depends on the feedback that we receive from you.
If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions, please use this Q&A forum.
Best regards,
Vala, donc, on devrait surement avoir une explication en bonne et due forme sur le site d'ici deux jours.**DX7-FR
j'ai nstallé les news driver
pas de plantage de XP
En effet on peu descendre desormais les Buffer jusqu' 48
Mais faut pas rêver du coup ça craque dur.
ça m'a l'air de tourner ,c'est pas pire qu'avnt en tt cas
je n'ai pas encore essayer de faire tourner un gros projet.
j'vais m'y atteler quand j'aurai plus de temps.
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